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Sony: Vita May Have To Rely On Remote Play And Indie Titles

This may not be the best plan, but it's probably the only route left to take.

We didn't hear much about the PlayStation Vita during Sony's E3 press conference last week. Many are starting to wonder if the handheld will survive because without AAA exclusive software, it will be difficult.

However, it seems Sony has passed on the prospect of securing AAA exclusives for the Vita, and are instead focusing on indie games and connectivity with the PlayStation 4. As Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida said in a new Polygon interview :

"When we launched the Vita with Uncharted, it was amazing; PS3-like quality in your palm, but as time moved on, you are seeing PS4 quality and people's expectations for the graphic fidelity has gone up."

Yes, as the new consoles raised the bar in terms of graphical expectations, now the Vita doesn't look quite as impressive as it once did. Therefore, Yoshida and Co. are thanking their lucky stars that the indie revolution has occurred:

"It's very fortunate that the indie boom happened and they are providing lots of great content to Vita. I think [indies are] actually the biggest star to help provide great content to Vita going forward."

When asked if this meant that Sony would make fewer first-party Vita titles, Yoshida agreed that this was correct. Now, I still say this is seriously bad news for the Vita but who knows? Perhaps Remote Play will get better with time (and more titles will support it), and the Vita really is a great little machine. Just too bad it never got enough support.

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10 years ago

……………….and that folks, is a wrap!

Seriously though as a person that owns three PSPs and put thousands of hours into them playing some awesome original content as well as ports I've never felt the need to own a Vita. I hate the expensive proprietary storage and the lack of original content.

Sadly the 3DS has been my go to sweetheart.

10 years ago

Well, time to get an Nvidia shield. Hello better performing features than the Vita's.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

Yes, provided you always have blazing fast internet connections and a top end gaming PC.

10 years ago

Check and check.

10 years ago

On one podcast I was listening they said that there was a ton of Vita titles there at E3. Even more than 3ds. I don't understand why everybody so down on the Vita and indie gaming. The games are there. Yes many of the them are indie titles. But lots of those titles strike a perfect balance of potable play.

10 years ago

Like we've stated before. Paying $200 for a portable device to which you pretty much have to buy games for in the form of download, and the only way to store them is on an expensive proprietary media storage is downright ridiculous.

10 years ago

"Yes many of the them are indie titles."

Replace many with most. I'm not going to spend a ton of money so I can play games my phone/tablet can run just fine.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Colin Mortiarty once said "the 3DS is outselling the PSVITA by like 10:1. Clearly people don't give a sh*t about graphics".

10 years ago

Nope they give a sh*t about content and support.

10 years ago

And price! I don't think many fancy paying 200 + mem card prices, so around 300, and that's without a game… ouch.

10 years ago

Apparently they care about shovelware.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago


PlayStation Plus is a hell of a service. 70% of my games are for Plus. I'm talking about triple A games here.

10 years ago

Wow that's like being put on indefinite leave with words like that. What a shame.

I don't think that the Vita's graphics were ever the problem though.

10 years ago

They weren't.

It's ridiculous that they're blaming the PS4 for the Vita's downfall. As if the problem begun in 2013, and not a year earlier. In fact, in late December 2012 it had already been declared as a flop in the West. And it never recovered.

Meanwhile, devices with less spectacular graphics, like mobiles phones and the 3DS, have been doing good business. The 3DS alone was the top selling hardware of 2013 in the US and the UK. Despite having PS2-era graphics.

And all this makes me believe that Sony had no clue as to how to deal with Vita. At one point it was going to be a PS4 peripheral. But not it's being sold as a indie dumping ground. A system that will get ZERO support from Sony's 1st/2nd party devs.


Last edited by Bonampak on 6/20/2014 10:02:24 PM

10 years ago

Well, if the Vita wasn't dead, I'm sure it is now.

Hopefully Sony will learn, and either not release another handheld, or not make it so damn expensive to own. Support it, and make damn sure u got some sweet AAA games coming down the pipeline often, and ffs… the memory prices…

10 years ago

yah, that's a bull crap excuse. the 3DS has crappier graphics compared to every console from the past decade and that doesn't stop it from selling.
I'm disappointed that Sony themselves has abandoned the platform with quality support. They really needed to say, "hey, yah, the market wasn't quite right for this but let's try and take care of the base we have already and show them that we stand by our product for more than two years." Instead, the Vita has been dropped like a dead weight and my confidence in Sony has dropped a notch or two. Trying to pass the handheld off as being a useful peripherial to the PS4 isn't acceptable.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 6/20/2014 1:11:00 AM

10 years ago

Well as long as Sony is happy I am too I suppose.

I may love my Vita, but as I get older, I tend to dislike handheld devices more and more.

The Doom
The Doom
10 years ago

Is it just me or has Sony become more and more like Microsoft? They're been very arrogant with their business choices as of late. I know people were pissed off over how MS tried to screw everyone over last year, but at least they changed? Where's my mp3 support? Where are more Vita games? Why the hell is Remote Play expected to sell systems? A lot of promises were made and very few are kept (if at all). It's like they're not even listening to the fans.

10 years ago

This is not arrogance. This is pure rational sense. They can't keep throwing money into that pit.

10 years ago

mp3 support? Then what have I been streaming into my vita when I listen to music?

10 years ago

Gotta agree with Beamboom here. Sony can't keep throwing money down a pit. People cry for AAA Vita titles. They spent big developing games like Killzone Mercenary for the Vita, yet how many of those cry babies actually BOUGHT Killzone? 420k globally according to VGchartz. That's out of a 8.3 million Vita install base.

Last edited by Dukemz_UK on 6/20/2014 7:06:16 PM

10 years ago

That headline says a lot about the consoles and why I am still content with my PSP and feel no need for a Vita. Like the PSP, it lacks a strong line up of unique titles, games which aren't part of a previous franchise. most of my PSP games are ports/remakes/rereleases.

FF; Type-0 HD on the Vita would have been enticing… But they're putting it on the PS4 now…. Still baffles me…

10 years ago

Interestingly I've suggested to make it a PS4 accessory a long time already. Not that I think it will help much with the sales, but it might at the very least prolong it's life span – to the extent one can say it is alive today.

10 years ago

this is just embarrassing, i mean come on the sales of this thing are going to be so pathetic its going to make the frigging 3DO look like the wii!
$ony need to get their heads out of their a$$!
just because people are starting to see ps4 games does not mean they are expecting the vita to product that!
hell people are still impressed by golden abyss, churn out games like that and people will be more than happy!
im really getting sick of them putting everything in the too hard basket.
father ken would be turning in his grave!

10 years ago

I wonder how it is selling, particularly the Borderlands 2 bundle. I've wanted one for a month now, but can't find any of the Walmarts, Targets or Best Buy's in San Antonio. Even Amazon is out. Anybody else have that problem?

10 years ago

…(sigh!) this just depresses me, as I feel that the hardware is amazing.

Almost any game I play on it is amazing as well.

But, Sony is just really abandoning it. I mean what do they mean by saying it's something for the PS4 or Indie software? It's a gimmick?

There have been awesome games on it like Gravity Rush, Persona 4, Killzone, Tearaway and so on…just PUSH OUT more software with the 1st party studios. 3rd party aint gonna develop for it since the user base isnt there. Which is why it's up to Sony to make awesome games for it to get the user base up there.

Well if they're gonna let it die off…then just give me my Gravity Rush 2 at least.

And next time don't even name it "VITA" if you guys already have a plan for death to begin with.

10 years ago

I'd rather they focus their studios on the PS4.

10 years ago

It ain't for everyone, but I'm still loving my Vita, and if it's just got Indies on it going forward, I'll personally be plenty happy with that as well (tbh, I prefer the indie titles on the Vita, and preferred the indie-style titles on PSP beforehand).

It's worth noting that the service the Vita provides is top-notch, and has a niche fanbase very happy. Clearly not a lot of them hang around here though ;).

Note: I think more top-notch first party games would be great for it, but for me, personally, if Sony have to choose, I'd rather they be putting the effort into PS4 right now.

10 years ago

It's so nice that Sony ended up doing what they said they weren't going to do and actually handled it worse than they did the PSP.

Last edited by PHOENIXZERO on 6/22/2014 4:56:36 PM