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Tarsier Games Reveals New IP, Hunger

If they helped with LittleBigPlanet Vita , we're on board.

Swedish developer Tarsier Games has announced a new IP called Hunger , which is described as a "third-person 3D action/adventure game with stealth and exploration elements."

We don't have a date or any intended platforms, but this studio inked a first-party deal with Sony back in 2010, and the press release says Tarsier is "working closely with Sony Computer Entertainment," so…

The story follows a nine-year-old girl named Six (yes, we can see how that might be confusing), who is stolen away from her home and forced to work in The Maw. It's a bizarre underwater resort that caters to the powerful elite and when Six sports a chance to escape, she takes it. Take a close look at the pic; it's more disturbing than I initially thought, as it shows a very small person with a toothbrush standing atop what appears to be a morbidly obese individual.

It sounds like a potentially great game and we can't wait to hear more about it. Will it be a much-needed AAA title for the Vita…?

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10 years ago

Not as interested if it's an indie-like title.

A big and massive game like LBP, however, this could be kinda crazy and neat!

10 years ago

Hmm… the concept is awesome. If the game itself is any good I will definitely reconsider purchasing a Vita.
That's what it needs, Sony. GAMES!!

10 years ago

That is beyond morbid obesity. It kind of reminds me of Spirited Away whereas the character worked in a bathing house for spirits. It also reminds me of the future humans in Wall-E. Hopefully we get more details at E3.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Sounds like my kind of game. Still interested in the City of Metronome game that these guys announced back in 2005. Do want to know more about this, though.

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