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Vita Turns Two, Anniversary Sale Features Some Great Titles

Believe it or not, the PlayStation Vita is celebrating it's two-year anniversary.

To commemorate the occasion, Sony is having a new Vita sale, which officially begins today (Tuesday). As revealed over at the PlayStation Blog , this sale only runs through March 3, so take advantage while you can!

PlayStation Plus subscribers can nab a bunch of sweet games for up to 75 percent off, and everyone else will enjoy 50 percent savings. Great titles like Hotline Miami , Flower , Escape Plan , Killzone: Mercenary , Castlestorm and Valhalla Knights 3 are included. In addition, there's a Back to 2013 sale that features greats from last year; Dragon's Crown , Guacamelee! , Spelunky and Injustice: Gods Among Us are on the list. Many of the Vita games support Cross Buy, while PS3 owners get discounts on Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch , Terraria , Rayman Legends and more.

Sales are always good. Now, if only the Vita can get some elite AAA exclusive software…

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10 years ago

Man I knew I should have got Mercenary when it was $5, now it's still too much with this sale. But I might be forced to go in for Ragnarok Odyssey. Anybody recommend?

10 years ago

I bought Ragnarok Odyssey new for $40 because I was starving for a good Vita game and it seemed promising. Sadly, I didn't think it was very good. No doubt, it's fun for a little while, and the story isn't half bad. But it gets painfully repetitive pretty fast, and the character types are so awfully imbalanced that only half of them are worth trying to use. I can almost guarantee you'll find yourself using the Cleric most of the time unless the mission requires you to use something else.

The worst part for me, and it may be just me, is that I found the difficulty scale to be all over the place. Once you get into the meat of the game it goes from mind numbingly simple to hulk smashingly difficult from one mission to the next. I found that very frustrating.

If you can get it for super cheap, it's probably worth a try. Maybe I just suck at it, but I can't recommend based on my experience with the game. Hell, if you lived near by World I'd give it to you. I'll never go back to it.

10 years ago

World, there's a video of it on the PS Blog if that helps.

Can't remember which, but it's either on the main page or just go back 1 page.

10 years ago

Thanks, probably save my money then.

10 years ago

Sony tricked us into buying the Vita. They had Uncharted for release and nothing else afterwards.

10 years ago

Lies…all lies. Unless you just forgot to put /s

10 years ago

Didn't know they force you into buying it. Weird, I got mine with not one broken finger. Still enjoy it minus the finger.

10 years ago

anybody who enjoys rpgs and hasn't tried it should definitely look into ni no kuni. Not sure what they're going to be asking during the sale, but you can pick up from amazon for less than $20 on disc and it's more than worth it.

As for the vita games, I'm undecided on this sale. I have plenty of free digital content for my vita, would love to actually see a good deal on a disc.

10 years ago

6 on psn sale. Definitely worth it for that price. I bough mine from amazon as well.

10 years ago

killzone and castle story i might look into while they are cheap.

happy gaming =)

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
10 years ago

So my sons b'day is coming up and he's been asking for the VIta. My mom asked me what he'd like for his b'day yesterday so I tell her to go get the Vita. My mom is 71 y.o. but a young at heart type and went to our local Game Stop (Syosset, NY). I'm a busy man and normally I'd pick it up for her to give him. So this was going to save me some time. Last night I get a text from her saying the guy in Game Stop said they aren't making the PS Vita anymore and besides the Nintendo 3DS is much better anyway, maybe you'd like to buy that? This kind of stuff angers me to no end. They see an older lady come in and try n push something else on her. I'm going down there saturday and see about this.

Is there a grain of truth to the "Not making it anymore" as in maybe Game Stop just won't be carrying it anymore?

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