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Bossa Studios: Vita In Line For A “Premature Death”

Many are worried that in this new world of open platforms and virtual socializing, closed platforms like the PlayStation Vita could be in trouble.

After all, despite the fact that Sony's new portable is super advanced from a video game perspective, playing games on our cell phones is a big deal now. …and the Vita isn't a phone. It can interact with the PlayStation 3 but overall, guys like Bossa Studios head man Henrique Olifiers say it's just behind the times.

In fact, in speaking with VideoGamer , Olifiers says the Vita could "suffer a horrible premature death."

"We'll keep on the lookout to see what the next gen will bring, but if they want more focus on tech specs rather than usability and accessibility, I don't think it will be for us. I hate the fact you cannot play a game on the PS3 against the same game on the 360 or PC. Walled gardens in a world where people are freely connected all the time is just a dumb idea that limits what is achievable."

He added that "proprietary stuff is madness," and the industry should be moving more towards "open platforms, interoperability, bringing everyone together." He also warns that if the big console manufacturers aren't willing to embrace this brave new world, they could all be in very big trouble. That definitely includes the Vita, which launches this month in Japan and on February 22 in North America.

Well, we certainly understand his sentiment, but we get the feeling that all these makers of little social titles don't quite get the following fact: gamers don't view those as games. They really don't. It's something to fiddle with on the train, but when at home, gamers will not be tooling around on their phones when Uncharted 4 is sitting in their PS4. Or whatever.

As for the Vita, that's different because it's a portable device. We've got no prediction on that.

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12 years ago


12 years ago

Indeed sir. Boo hiss!!

12 years ago

I'd even go with *EW* or *Puke in his mouth!*

This guy is a joke. He certainly has an Iphone and ranks with the top angry birds players. Playing games on phone is crap to real gamers or nothing more than a small time killer. When the Vita launches there will be no way in hell I ever play a game on my smartphone again. He's talking about connectivity… How about a real platform that will actually let you continue some of your real home games on the go? It will also pretty much feature all social networks and you can even skipe. Even 3G options…

Only diff: Its not a *polyvalent phone* its a *polyvalent gaming machine* and what it does best are games and is aimed at people looking for similar to real home gaming experiences in the palm of their hands.

I seriously hope that guy rots in the depths of hell! lol

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 12/16/2011 5:07:28 PM

12 years ago

So, the head of some dinky game studio, that only makes facebook games and who therefore has absolutely *no* vested interest in playing down something like Vita thinks that Vita is doomed?

OK, well, in between asking Who the heck is this guy, and what has he ever done that entitles him to opine on the Vita, and just before wondering why the gaming world is paying more than a nanosecond's worth of attention to him, I have to wonder how the hell does he come to that conclusion? Mobile gaming is bigger than ever.

Oh well, just one more flash game script kiddy throwing their toys out of the pram again?

12 years ago

Unfortunetly, this Bossa Studio is the one that Fumito Ueda(Ico,SOTC, & last Guardian hopefully)just left Sony for.

And in a interview a few days ago, he stated that he now wanted to make the 1st FaceBook game masterpiece in history.

So sorry there, Ueda, but I don't do FB, so I'll never be buying another one of your games after TLG.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/15/2011 11:27:37 PM

12 years ago

Damn that's the company he went to?! Masterpiece on facebook you say?!

Climb the social giant and hit it at its weak point: Mark Zuckerberg. Your life bar is determined by how many friends you have. Your grip meter depends on how many friend requests you've sent to participate in the game. Kill the 10 most famous people on Facebook to reach the final boss, Mark Zuckerberg:
1)Nicole Richie
2)Paris Hilton
3)Hilary Duff
4)Andrea Corr
5)Shayne Wards
6)Dominic Purcell
7)Amy Winehouse (oops)
8)Jeremy Clarkson
9)Piers Morgan
10)Murray Newlands

Surprise ending! After killing Mark Zuckerberg and the ten most famous people on facebook you are now the most famous! Now everyone wants to kill you!

12 years ago

@ZenChichiri: What's Andrea Corr doing on that list? She's nothing like most people on it.

12 years ago

Beats me. She is just one of the most famous people on facebook according to a site I checked out.

12 years ago

Oi oi oi you can destroy everyone on that list if you want to, but leave Clarkson alone. He's a cool dude.

12 years ago

Agreed, Jezzah is cool, and funny.

12 years ago

He's also a bit of a prick.
/devils advocate
(common where are you BoomBeam!?)

12 years ago

@Ludicrous: Haha! This advocate is fully booked with cases already. Your turn! 😉

12 years ago


it's not Fumito Ueda, it's the excutive producer of TLG, Yoshifusa Hayama, that went to Bossa.

12 years ago

Bossa Studios? Never heard of them. Does this guys opinion even matter? People don't seem to understand that the Vita is there to cater to the hardcore. People like me who don't play stupid ass iPhone or Android games. There to simple and are a complete waste of money imo. But I can honestly see myself investing in Vita software if the games are there.

12 years ago

I've yet to play a smartphone game that doesn't play like a smartphone game – if you know what I mean. Handheld consoles these devices are not, that is why Vita and even the 3DS are necessary.

12 years ago

Completely agree. If I'm playing on the go I wanna play something that is actually worth my time.

12 years ago

Give me Assassin's Creed on Vita over the iPhone version any day.

The world needs gaming devices like Vita. Sure, iPhone is good for time wasting little fun games, but Vita is high quality stuff, and offers complete control over games. I can't even play GTA Chinatown Wars on my iPhone, the controls are terrible!!!

12 years ago

I just checked them out & according to LinkedIn…..

Bossa Studios is a new Games company Shoreditch, London UK.

Led by four veterans from the games, entertainment and mobile industries.

Their very 1st game, was just released Facebook last month.

(Saint's note: I don't do FaceBook, so I can't make comment on the game itself"

Also, Henrique_Olifiers who is the loud-mouth that's running Bossa Studio, along with his big mouth, is a Brazilian web-based games designer with 30 games.
A lot more on his history right here….

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/15/2011 11:59:43 PM

12 years ago

in that case go download infinity blade 2, modern combat 3 and GTA3 for IOS.
take away the touch pad controls and i could swear i was playing them on a new portable!

12 years ago

Plus, if you pick up some of those attachable thumbsticks, it feels rather much like a PSP.

12 years ago

This developer obviously is a moron does it even know that almost all the biggest publishers and developers west and east are developing for the vita. Not trying to jump the gun but the vita has the potential to be the best gaming lineup since the ps2 days. Open Platforms…..they lost thier minds.

Then there will be no competitions, no inovation and stale. We need the heated battles between Sony, Microsoft, and nintendo so they can deliver differet experiences. Same experience is a no no. With this mentality they should just close shop and go to developer hell.

Last edited by Metallisnake on 12/15/2011 9:50:44 PM

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

This guy has obviously never heard of the Nintendo DS. That machine's ridiculous success is enough to defeat his argument, so I won't say anything else about it 😛

12 years ago

I got four words for Bossa studios "I don't think so"

12 years ago

…yes…I don't think anyone has heard of him or the studio name.

Now…the real question here is if he's ever heard of handheld gaming in Japan? Because…trust me…you bring up the idea of "gaming with a smartphone" there, they can't help but laugh while they're spending 50+ hours a week on Monster Hunter with all their friends there.

Handheld gaming still has a long future ahead of it. And trust me some people want a device that IS NOT A COMPLETE MULTIMEDIA DEVICE. For a phone…I just want a phone that can take pictures, make calls, and browse the web. As for music and videos…I want a completely separate device…probably the Sony Walkman Z that will come out in a bit. And then for GAMING…A PS VITA OR A 3DS.

12 years ago

Why should we care what he says? Never heard of him,didnt know that studio existed or why we should even pay attention. He is only spouting off for some media attention at his no name studio.

12 years ago

I'm guessing he's a phone platform developer.

Get Sony to give him one for free, and what's the bet he'll change his tune about the Vita.

Also, now that Vita has touch controls, porting iPhone and Android games should be incredibly easy. Here's hoping only the best games reach Vita, there is so much shovelware on iPhone and Android, it's rediculous!!

12 years ago

The only thing worth mentioning about this guy's nonsensical blabber is the open platform deal.

I would very much like to play with and against 360 and PC gamers… if I remember correctly, I played FFXI on my PS2 while there were PC and 360 gamers… you had more chance to find people to party without restriction (provided you had the current expansion and sadly, that happened to me… :[ )

12 years ago

Problem is, the "open platform deal" is essensially all he talks about. And I agree with you, it's not nonsense. 😉

12 years ago

You also have Unreal III on the PS3 where you were able to play with PC gamers. That is the only thing in the comments that I believe needs to happen. Exclusives and single player games are what can sell a system but Multi-Player games I really feel should be able to play with Mutliple-Platforms as well. It would stop a lot of the fanboys arguments if those games were built like that. I know Sony and MS have their beefs with each other but this would be a step forward for gamers in general.

As far as Bossa Studios is concerned, all I thought while reading this was who the heck are you and why in the world would you make comments like this. After reading some of the comments above I see Ueda went there and I think that will be a huge mistake for him in the long run. Facebook games to me are not games they are annoying marketing tools. "Help me with my Farm", "Here is a gift", "So and So reached level 50 in Mafia Wars" I don't think they could come up with a more annoying way to play a "game" if they can even be called that. STOP asking for my help I don't like you, lol.

12 years ago

Well, I understand the guy's point of view but he is wrong.
Sure, we have iOS and Android getting more and more video games support but that isn't going to shake handheld gaming.
This guy doesn't even understand the passion we VIDEO GAMERS have for video games.

And one question, what the heck is Bossa Studio?

12 years ago

Last time I checked, people preferred to play big name games like Assassin's Creed, Resident Evil, Dead Space, Grand Theft Auto and others with buttons, not touch or gesture controls.

iPhone is great for little fun games like Angry Birds, Plants Vs Zombies and Cut the Rope, but the big production games will be best played on a Vita, not a phone.

12 years ago

Have you played DMC4 on the iPhone?
From watching the footage, I'm already shaking my head.

12 years ago

I'm still gettin a Vita! he ain't the bossa of me.

12 years ago

Ba doom tish!

12 years ago

Dance that is awesome! I had to read it twice before it clicked in my head. And that is so sad being that I have played the drums for over 20 years. I really wish I could have given you 10 thumbs up for that one.

12 years ago

Hey bossaman Olifiers,

My Vita was already paid off almost 3 months ago, so how's about you get back to me in a year's time & see just where your idiotic statement stands by then.

Just be forewarned that by that time I'll not only be laughing behind your back, I'll be the telling you to "F*CK OFF", and right up in your face!

12 years ago

Clearly he didn't see the mile long queue of people in Tokyo lining up just to PREORDER the Vita!!

12 years ago

I'm sorry, but this man's logic is foolish.

By his logic, iPhone games should be fully compatible with Windows 7 and Android phones when it comes to multiplayer, and all handheld devices should be phones with games on them.

He completely misses the millions of hardcore gamers worldwide looking for a mini-PS3 in their bags that they can take with them.

Not only that, but the Vita has more cross-compatibility with being able to play against PS3 owners than other platforms, like PS3 and PC cross compatibility on Steam with Portal 2, or 360 and PC cross compatiblity with Shadowrun.

Soooo… the Vita will die because it has better specs than an iPhone, 2 analog sticks, both physical and digital media, better games for hardcore players, casual and popular games like Angry Birds, AND has social networking features like an iPhone but without the ability to make phone calls.

Let me guess… this Olifiers guy develops casual games for iPhone and Android. No wonder I've never heard of Bossa. 😛

12 years ago

I'm afraid that this guy might be right in much of what he says. I've always been a bit worried about the Vita. Not its technical capabilities as a PSP successor, but its place in today's market.

Of course there are hardcore Playstation gamers who find this device to be *perfect* for them. It will always be like that. And many of them are of course found on Playstation fan sites.
The entire question is: Is this group large enough for Sony to make money on Vita? Cause if not, this product will be a failure for Sony, no matter how good those who bought it thought it was. It really is that simple.

The rest of the computing world has *finally* started to talk together, creating products based on established standards and interoperation. Vita on the other hand is inaccessible on practically every level: Closed hardware running a closed OS using closed tools in a closed network.
I do of course understand Sonys business logic behind this, but it is just SO last decade.

Will I get me a Vita? I probably will, out of my pure fascination for Sony products in general. I am one of those mentioned Sony/Playstation fans. But it will not be without a sour taste in my mouth, thinking about what Vita *could* have been. And it will definitely not be a first day purchase.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/16/2011 8:20:49 AM

12 years ago

in a idealistic world yea but sadly we dont live in a idealistic world!
M$, sony and ninty would never allow cross play and there not going anywhere any time soon!
i wish we could play cross platform, even better have cross platform saves that way you can start playing a game on say your ps3 then go somewhere else and continue on your PC.
thats whats stopping me from getting skyrim on the PC.
spent 20 hours in skyrim on my ps3, no way in hell im starting all over again!
well, that and its so buggy i dont want to waste my money, time, and risk damaging my PC!

12 years ago

i hate it when games have facebook features.
apparently its all the rave with kids. but im sorry, i have some prof colleagues on facebook. i dont really care for them to know my achievements in games.

i have my facebook features disabled for PS3. and i even had steam check to see who of friends had their facebook and games linked. didnt find anyone.

12 years ago

I think there's still a need for handheld gaming devices, I mean proper gaming devices. Smartphones are only phones and that's what they do best. I don't enjoy gaming on them, unless I'm sitting on the train, really bored! And even then, I play games such as Bejewelled because those 'hardcore' heavier games just don't play well enough. Vita will be a real gaming device, entertaining, visually appealing and extremely playable compared to phones. I know it will find a warm spot in my heart when I'm out and about. It won't die that easily.

12 years ago

Ditto for the Bejewelled sentiment.

12 years ago

Another Bejeweled addict here,
Bejeweled 3 FTW, LOL

12 years ago

He has a serious point. There are major problems with the handling of the Vita as an out of gate product. What could have been the most exciting launch of console, not even a handheld console, for me has been completely tarnished by various factors.

It will NOT be cheap for the base console alone, take into account how things are priced in Australia, and as I wanted the 3g model it wouldnt even work locally if I imported.

Instead of a much needed fix for someone like me who already has a large digital library of games across multiple psn accounts it will not have multiple activations. Unless ofcourse wait for it, I choose to buy 2 brand new cards, which leads into my next point.

The new format system itself. Proprietary with no added incentives whatsoever. I am not getting anymore space to play with than I do currently with my PSP with a memory stick duo at 32gig. I was expecting more space, for a new console which will need more space for games with a greater definition. It is a joke, yes there is new security on it but that helps sony and hinders me. It will be cracked anyway so there really is no added incentive for anyone when you get down to it.

So for me to work effectively with a Vita and my current library I will need pay a huge sum to have the console itself and2 cards, which I don't even want to carry around an extra card. That's the whole point of buying digital. To have a truly portable system. Even if I intended to I'm not paying over $800 which I would on the vita on arrival, that would even be before even being able to think about games.

From day one, to probably not even buying so I can parallel his thoughts, proprietary is madness. Perhaps not thinking quite the same he is but it is. The PS3 got it all right. Linux, usb, the harddrive. Even the PS3 is tarnished with other OS taken away now. If you create an open environment it nurtures rather than hinders growth and also doesn't limit options. So it's great from a development point of view and a hardware spec point of view.

12 years ago

They where saying same thing about PSP……and now 70 millions unit sold….whatever, I'm buying VITA no matter what…..

12 years ago

I think the fact that you can play a game like Portal co-operatively between PC and PS3 indicates the barrier likely lies with 360, in regards to not playing cross-platform. Also, titles like FFXIV indicate that. FFXI shows it can be done across all 3.

As for the Vita, whether or not it's massive here, it will be big in Japan, you can count on that.

I also think people like me would game on a Vita over a phone anyday.

I play on my PSP already.

12 years ago

I think everyone agrees with the proprietary stuff, but one thing people might disagree with me on is looking forward to a vita phone. I am assuming main handheld gaming will go that direction eventually. Sony Ericsson Xperia Play was honestly just testing the waters. Vita was here to push main handhelds specs to the max.

12 years ago

Xperia Play was indeed testing waters, you are correct. Just like the other early Xperia phones were for Sony to test Android. They learned a lot from those early models and are now releasing one awesome Xperia Arc model after another.

12 years ago

Now that's flamebait. Don't let this studio get more popular then it deserves. Social video gaming is an anachrony. You want social gaming? Go out and play your favorite sports game or whatever with your favorite people. If you compare your old social games with these jokes of social video games you have a good meal vs chewing air.

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