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Tell Sony One Thing They Can Do To Save The PlayStation Vita

Michael Pachter says "it's over" for Sony's new portable.

So, if you could sit down with a group of Sony executives and you could mention just one thing they could do to save the Vita, what would it be?

This is assuming that only one thing could save the Vita, which probably isn't realistic. But this is just for the sake of argument and discussion: What would top your priority list? Would Sony have to drop the price? Would they have to focus on software? Do you think pushing integration and connectivity with the PlayStation 4 is the way to go? Perhaps the Vita could ride that tidal wave of hype for the PS4 to higher sales. That seems unlikely at this point but who knows?

It's important to note that the PSP had a pretty slow start, too. However, that system had its own identity; it excelled in the realm of RPGs, for example, and there were quite a few exclusive AAA titles. The Vita has very few; most of them came out within the first few months of its lifespan, and third-party support appears to have dwindled to nothing. Sony's first-party teams produce amazing stuff but without third-party assistance, the platform has no hope. And yet, we keep hearing from Sony that such support exists…it's just kinda hard to find from a gamer's perspective.

Or, maybe you'd sit there and just shrug your shoulders and go- "Yep, it's done. Nothing you can do now."

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10 years ago

The ps4 is going to change that, hopefully. That and a price cut

10 years ago

I think the Vita's price became a problem only because Nintendo dramatically cut their 3DS price. I mean there were cheers around the unveiling event as soon as the Vita's price were announced. Unfortunately the excitement died quickly after Nintendo made their move and immediately made Sony's device seem overprice, even though many cheered for it not too long ago. Although, many of Nintendo's chairs had to take a paycut, I honestly think it was a brilliant move, and necessary at that. Imagine what it'd be like if the 3DS and Vita competed at $250?

10 years ago

If the Vita wants to compete with the DS it has to target a younger audience, and thats not the goal at all for Sony. Sony wants the "hardcore gamer". For the Vita to survive by itself, regardless off the competition, it would need a price cut and A LOT of publicity, thats a no brainer. The PS4 could work as a wildcard for the Vita, i hope it does.

To Be Decided
To Be Decided
10 years ago

Price Cut. I have been buying PS Vita games thanks to PS+ sales but that price needs to go down as well as the memory cards price that so many people keep mentioning.

10 years ago

Just keep pushing software. That and a price cut….on both hardware and memory cards.

10 years ago

The memory cards are ridiculous! I can't justify an extra $100 for a 32gb and my 8 has been full for a long time. I don't even have enough space for the ps+ and cross buy games I want.

Because of this I havn't bough a psv game in months

10 years ago

Cut the price.

10 years ago

Sony has responded to the Vita's growth in the past. They've supported it's existence by pointing to the success it's had for PSN content.
Similar to the PS2, I don't think Sony is going to just stop supporting Vita. It's drawing in profit it would seem so it would make no sense to just pull the plug and end it's support.
So 'saving' it is only in the context of improving it's condition but not to continue the life of it as it seems obvious it isn't going away anytime soon.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/13/2013 10:31:35 PM

10 years ago

I figure they always knew and meant for Vita to be a slow simmer. In fact it almost seems tailor made to just sort of hang around until the PS4 arrives for connectivity.

10 years ago

I bought it fully knowing it wasn't going to be a primary platform, rather an extension of the PS family of gaming. It's doing exactly that. The notion that this thing is supposed to somehow be something a lot more than that I don't think was ever in the cards for it either. The PSP already suggested that. Yah, sure, it'd be great for more developers to support it with newer content. But that doesn't mean this game device that doubles as a tech gadget doesn't have value. It may be Sony isn't slashing it's price in order to NOT take a loss on it. Perhaps with a more efficient and steamlined Vita revision they'll be able to lower the cost and reinvigorate it's appeal to a broader audience.

Anyway, this is Pachter. The same guy who declared it DOA. He was always shunning it from the start so for him to speak out a year or two later doesn't mean much. Also, whether people have noticed or not, it seems many video game businesses are struggling in this climate. I think it goes further that what the Vita or Sony is doing. The PSP was also a slug with semi-worthwhile games, and nearly every one of them played well worse than their PS2 counter part, as the single analog stick sucked etc.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/13/2013 10:49:51 PM

10 years ago

I'd say $150 price cut, but everyones gonna say price cut, so I'll say: Final Fantasy Type-0.

10 years ago

Console gaming and handheld gaming are not the same. Some games are just not meant to be on a handheld. Stop trying to jam fps games on it, you idiots.

10 years ago

What an ignorant statement. You do know the ratio of FPS to other genres on the Vita is very low right? There are two terrible shooters on the Vita and Mercenaries looks amazing. Also a port of Duke Nukem 3D doesn't hurt either. 😀

10 years ago

Seems like it should be great for FPS to me, you got your two sticks and on-the-go gaming is meant for brief explosions of twitchy gaming.

10 years ago

Just put more games on it, and good quality games too.

10 years ago

As a Sony fan and someone looking to work in the industry, if I was sitting in the boardroom with the other managers and Sony folks, I would point to what made other games incredibly successful. A few things stand out.

1. Marketing

The Vita has little to no marketing. Sony need to create commercials that cater to a specific audience. One of the Vita's strongest assets is the ability to play console games on a handheld, like PS1 classics, PSP games like GTA Stories and God of War, then there's the huge wave of Indie games incoming, most of which aren't available on any other portable platforms! (Unless you count laptops and Steam)
Another advertisement could focus on the strong fighting game lineup on the Vita. With Mortal Kombat, Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3, Dead or Alive 5 Plus, the Vita is primed to be a fighting game lover's portable of choice.
One advertisement could focus on the Vita's ability to download or stream music and movies. Video Unlimited and Music Unlimited are fantastic services and are clearly the future of accessing cheap and limitless amounts of content. The Vita can do this on the go, and all services are connected to the PS3 and PS4 as well, which means only paying once for the same service both at home and while traveling. Sony MUST point out the savings by having the one service for all devices!!
Purchase and user satisfaction for the Vita is huge, Sony need to advertise this as well, show people using it, show people enjoying it!

2. More exclusive games

The Vita is not expensive for what it can do, but Sony needs to focus on more games to create a stronger argument for creating demand for a Vita. While Indie ports and PS3 game ports are nice, the Vita needs exclusive content that is ONLY available on Vita!! The 3DS has Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, Pokemon and Donkey Kong, along with other incredible games like Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing, with Super Smash Bros and Sonic Lost Worlds coming to it later! The Vita needs to create new or bring fan favourite franchises to the Vita and create exclusive games for the powerful portable. Uncharted Golden Abyss, Assassins Creed III Liberation and Killzone Mercenary is a step in the right direction, but we need more than just that! God of War, Gran Turismo, GTA, Red Dead, Bioshock, more kids franchises like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Crash Bandicoot, a Spyro exclusive adventure, more kids franchises! Handhelds are mostly popular kids and teens, but while Nintendo owns the kids handheld demographic, Sony could focus on teens first, kids second. But we can all agree, more big name titles are necessary, and we need to know they're coming. Tearaway and Killzone just aren't enough!

3. Price drop on Memory Cards

I think the Vita is perfectly priced, but memory cards? Yeah, there's a problem. At least a 30% reduction in price on the memory cards, and bundle a 4GB card for free with each Vita, to get people started. Sony is great at advertising bundles and deals to fans and people ALREADY subscribed to their sites and services, but Sony need to expand this beyond the fans and to the public, create public awareness, flood the market with positive Vita buzz!! The best place to start is reducing memory card prices, or including a small one for free with every Vita.

Any feedback on these ideas would be appreciated. Here's hoping Vita has a strong future, and that no one takes Pachter's words too seriously. I think he was just after some attention with this prediction of the Vita being dead, and… Well, it worked. Everyone's talking about Pachter and the Vita now.

Metal Head
Metal Head
10 years ago

With every Vita include a 100gb card for $199. They are gonna loose money on the cards but, more content will be bought from playstation store. Having Level 5 or Atlus releasing rpgs exclusively for Vita will be greatly appreciated.

10 years ago

Nothing…smartphones have basically taken the market as far as mobile gaming. Hardcore gamers generally stick to consoles/PC.

10 years ago

Have you ever played for example SF on a smartphone/tablet? Touchscreen only controls? No thanks, I'll stick to Vita.

Last edited by JackieBoy on 8/14/2013 1:25:31 AM

10 years ago

Of course not, I play that type of game on consoles or PC. As do a majority of gamers…Mobile gaming isn't for hardcore gaming and the market is showing this.

10 years ago

It's obvious that you have your smartphone still in your head. Now imagine this: exclusives like GoW,MGS,GTA,GT are released on handheld.
Oh, you would sing differently then.

10 years ago

Nah, cuz then I'm just upset that I'm not going to be playing an entry. I'd rather Uncharted Golden Abyss was just on PS3.

10 years ago

JackieBoy, GTA is released for smartphones too now (3 + VC). Other games and franchises will shortly follow, it's just a matter of time.
LV is right – there really is nothing Sony can do about a changing market.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/14/2013 10:31:54 AM

10 years ago

VITA needs to become a Smartphone. It is only a flip of the switch away.

Or Vita2 will be what the Vita should have been in the first place. Slim it down as much as possible and bring on the games. Sonys XZ phones are becoming gigantic. Imagine A Vita Phone with that waterproofing technology. Hmmm…. gaming in the tub anyone.. Lol..

10 years ago

I like that idea, Vita/phone.

10 years ago

Price cut will only go so far, honestly the bigger problem is lack of games that people want, and I don't really know if there is anything sony can do about this.

10 years ago

I think they need to expand the platform by making it accept all types of applications like ANDROIOD and IOS, plus creating another smaller, cheaper version, and marketing the the VITA as smart gaming.

10 years ago

easy, keep your promise on remote play with ps4 for all titles. period. you do this, people would be foolish not to get ps vita. oh one more item, please allow two different ps vitas to remote; i have two and want both to access…

10 years ago


Get that on the VITA – and it'll be a savior and make Japan blow up. It really will save it…no exaggeration.

The U.S is a different story…

10 years ago

Portable 3rd and P3rdHD pissed me off… I wanted a US release.

10 years ago

i think a price adjustment needs to be made it'll still get one for tearway and unchartered and killzone but i'd like a few more exclusives i mean ridge racer is gud but yea there aren't enough games i've got tons of psp ,ps3 and ps2 games but this is not as many vita games that i'd get.

memory cards prices are too expesive aswell.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Cross-buy, Cross-play, and increased interactivity between consoles, along with a UMD ripping device…

10 years ago

New GoW, MGS, FF, GTA, GT paired with price cut and the sales will skyrocket.

Last edited by JackieBoy on 8/14/2013 1:26:10 AM

10 years ago

YES! Metal Gear. How could I forget. And not a port either. A Metal Gear that can only be played on. VITA!!

Last edited by FatherSun on 8/14/2013 5:04:39 PM

10 years ago

I wouldn't necessary say price cut on the hardware, but definitely on the memory cards. If they're going to have a price cut on the Vita globally, they should have a redesign so it's more refreshing. Adding in a mini HDMI port may entice some gamers as well.

Other than that, this thing has no marketing. The general rule imo, is that if your parents aren't aware of it, then your marketing is short. Unfortunately Sony isn't exactly Microsoft when it comes to budget, so they may not be able to help themselves here. They barely even show up on Best Buy ads among many others.

I think the Vita's best chance is to ride the PS4's success. If they can really prove and show how well they pair up, especially if you can actually take console gaming on the go, it'll draw at least PS4 owners to get the Vita, which is big if the PS4 is successful.

Although, smartphones and tablets may be irrelevant, they are mobile devices and I'm willing to bet that the rise of these gadgets is affecting Vita's appeal as oppose to the original PSP when it launched in which those devices were basically nonexistent. Money can only be spent on so many items per household and people nowadays love apps. Nintendo is simply an exception because of their franchises and solid history. Sony doesn't have that luxury unfortunately.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

One thing? Nah. Couldn't work.
A PS4/Vita bundle at a reasonable price, a price cut on the standalone device, more games (particularly exclusives) and marketing. Basically, reboot the whole damn idea.

10 years ago

Redesign the whole machine and profile it as a niche product designed with the gaming geeks in mind – the mainstream don't want a dedicated gaming machine any more.

But as a "cool gadget" that is open enough to have fun with, follows standards (memory card slot, I am looking at you) and works as some sort of a cool accessory to the PS4, and the market might – MIGHT – catch interest in the wake of the tremendously successful PS4 (who follows standards throughout).

But I do of course realize that I now in effect say "scrap it all and start all over".

10 years ago

Turn it into a multimedia device…

10 years ago

one thing wont be enough, they need a combination of things for it to even have the slightest of chances!
unique games for a start, enough of this hey this game released 7 months ago on ps3 and it was quite popular lets re release it!
people dont go spend 400+ bucks on a device so they can play games the device they already have can play!

then they need to improve the OS and its functionality.
its just ridiculous you cannot connect the vita to the TV, i mean come on!
its ridiculous you cannot pause a game, open up another app, close that app, and go back to your game.
f*ck, smartphones have been able to do that for YEARS!
hell, the f*cking PSP GO could do that!

last but not least, it desperately needs a price cut.
and not only for the system itself, but throw in a 16GB memory card you tight a$$e$!
games as well are far too expensive, i mean allot of the times vita games are the same price as ps3 games!
i can buy a brand new ferrari for 500K, or a 20 year old rust ford for 500K.
hmmmmmm, hardest decision ive ever had to make in my entire life!

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
10 years ago

The time has past for AAA games being a need for people on the go. It's a great device for the real gamer but it will never sell tons. I myself am happy with, for instance, Jetpack Joyride for my commute on the train. Then Skyrim, mass Effect etc for the big screen at home. Sad to say there is no "need" for this platform. I'm not saying don't make it anymore but it will never be a blockbuster device. It's ova.

10 years ago

Pachter's had a chip on his shoulder regarding Sony for as long as we all can remember. It's no surprise that he wasn't as ruthlessly vocal about the Xbox One's poor showing at E3 as he always has been about Playstation related devices. But enough about Pachter. He knows his field as well as any professional I'm sure and is probably smarter and less biased than Microsoft pays him (under the table) to sound. what Sony needs to do to inject life into the Vita the way PSP was revitalized in its second wind is 1) Price cut. This one needs no explanation. 2) Fully optimize it to work like a dream with the PS4. Make it remote play compatible with at least 95% of the PS4 game library and optimize it for Gaikai Mobile or whatever. 3) MORE triple A exclusives for the hardcore gamer. At a lower price.

10 years ago

Lower the price of memory cards, Sony.

Seriously, it's disgusting. A 4GB memory card is $24.99. 4GB!!! What the hell?! The memory cards are ridiculously over-priced.

I've seen plenty of other people say the same.

10 years ago

Release a youtube video of them being loaded into cannons and fired at Xbox Ones.

10 years ago

Haha – it's comments like these that are the reason I so want to team up with you in a mmorpg and just go out there and do stuff.
I think it would be hilarious. 😀

10 years ago

Heres 2. Lower the damn prices of the memory cards. More RPGs. I feel like 2 would make it more worthwhile since its what made the psp worth buying.

10 years ago

a price cut certainly wouldn't hurt. Vita needs to be $199. But if it has to stay at $250 then please, for the love of glob, include at least an 8GB or 16GB card in the bundle.

The memory cards MUST come down in price. Seriously. It's actually more expensive to go digital with the Vita because the ridiculously overpriced memory cards do NOT offset the marginal discounts on games.

I have a 4Gb card that came with my Early Bird edition and I haven't been able to stomach the idea of buying a bigger card since, they're just so overpriced that I can't do it.

And of course, more exclusive games. A Gravity Rush sequel would be kickass! That's one of my favourite games of the last few years.

Dare I say it, a new Valkyria Chronicles game would do wonders for the Vita.

10 years ago

Put android on it and rerelase it in a PSP go looking form. I wanted the xperia play to have PSP internals but it was just a phone for emulators instead. Basically it'll save the memory card problem by having internal memory and it'll play all the popular phone games, which are starting to get controller support anyway.

So a vita smartphone, and that exact device without phone radios for 200, and the phone for 1-200 on contract. Sony already makes good phones too, been keeping my eye on one for my next upgrade.

I also would be happy with a 500 vita ps4 bundle.

10 years ago

Okay, a price cut would be a great start for the vita. The vita needs more exclusive AAA games. I didn't buy my vita to play Flying Hamster or Super Frog. Nor did i buy a vita to have it loaded with retro throwbacks and bad graphics indie games. Sony needs to rally their first party and offer to pay some of the development cost of promising third party games. Keeping quality control high. The PS VITA needs games, now…not empty promises!!!

10 years ago

One thing won't likely do it, but the FIRST thing they need to do is cut the price on memory cards. Seriously.

Price cut on the unit itself would also help, but the memory cards definitely need to come down.

The threat of a price cut and/or hardware refresh is the only thing preventing me from picking up one right now. I'll get Dragon's Crown and Persona 4 Golden right off the bat, FFX HD later on, and Disgaea 4 later still (got it for PS3, barely played it) and that will keep me busy for a long, long time. Make it happen SOny!

Also, FF Type 0 please? It WILL sell, Square, and you don't have to worry about it bring pirated like on PSP! C'mon, throw us western folk a bone here!

I'd also like some port of Dissidia Duodecim (doubt we'd get a new game, nor do I think one is necessary, though a Dissidia RPG might be fantastic) and allow me to transfer my save across so I don't have to redo everything from scratch, thanks. Since it came out, Dissidia has never left my PSP's memory card.

10 years ago

1.GAMES!!! Big names like God of War! Grand Theft Auto! Gran Turismo! New AAA IP! Etc… Tease these games to death to make the market hungry for them. Release steadily every few months to maintain any newly created momentum.

2. Marketing! People won't buy what they do not know exists. As stated above.. Tease games to the point of salivation. Display ALL of the Vitas capabilities. I always thought it was not wise to focus mostly on games. People expect their devices to handle many different tasks. Music, Movies, Games, Internet and productivity in the palm of your hand. Productivity can be added via apps or even Google integration.

3. Price cut. Currently the price is OK but to spike sales a cut is needed. Lower the price while implementing the above would produce positive results. Cut the price of the Vita and the memory cards as well.

PS4 integration will help but will not be enough. Hopefully Gaikai will allow the PlayStation library to be accessible on the Vita. That will also be a great addition.

PS.. I wish for a SEN UNLIMITED service. All content produced by Sony on one account. Music and Video Unlimited. GAMES UNLIMITED! ALL ACCESS! One service. Of course accessible on ANY Sony device. Especially the VITA.

Last edited by FatherSun on 8/14/2013 5:00:46 PM

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