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Killzone: Mercenary Open Beta Kicks Off In Late August

One door closes, another opens.

Sony has announced that registration for the closed beta for Killzone: Mercenary is now closed. But that doesn't mean you can't get in on the fun.

And that's because a new open multiplayer beta is set for late August, so you can take advantage of that one if you missed out the first time. I'll be taking a peek at the action during the next few days and you'll see a hands-on preview. But I'm sure you want to do more than just read about it, right? I mean, we're talking about arguably the most anticipated title in the PlayStation Vita's short history thus far. We'll get nine missions (each reported to be an hour in length) in the campaign and an 8-player multiplayer mode, which includes six maps and three game types.

Killzone: Mercenary is set to launch on September 17. Sadly, that's the same day as Grand Theft Auto V

Related Game(s): Killzone: Mercenary

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Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

if Sony do a vita/PS4 bundle for 500/550 bucks then i would get this game with it.
Can't afford one on its own 🙁

10 years ago

Bugger be costin too much

10 years ago

The release date is actually September 10th, this was reported a while ago. It is also re-iterated on a post today from the PS Blog regarding the open beta.

10 years ago

I somehow never liked Killzone despite its popularity, but I might give it a try someday as there not many choices now on vita…

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
10 years ago

Sign me up for the Beta. My Vita has been sitting idle for too long, it needs a game like this and I love the Killzone games.

10 years ago

i'd get in on the action but i got no vita. sad face oh well i'll just have to get it later when i finally get a vita.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

why do they bother calling these things betas?
if a games still in beta 3 weeks before launch theres something SERIOUSLY wrong!
can we please call them what they actually are, demos!?

10 years ago

Initial impressions. The game look great, and I am not always coming in last place.

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