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Levine “Trying To Make A Match” For Bioshock Infinite Vita

We haven't heard about Bioshock Infinite for the PlayStation Vita in quite some time. What has happened to it?

That's the question a gamer asked of Irrational Games boss Ted Levine on Twitter, and he responded as follows (via DualShockers ):

"I talked to both Sony and 2K about it yesterday. Trying to make a match."

Okay, so while the publishing side of the process hadn't been nailed down yet, it's obvious that Irrational still intends to produce the critically acclaimed title for Sony's new portable. No, it hasn't evaporated into vaporware. Levine also confirmed that Infinite will be ported to Mac OS X at some point this summer. We say, the more people who get to play that unbelievable game, the better.

We're not sure how it would turn out on the Vita, though. It seems like one of those titles that absolutely must be experienced on a big screen. Then again, maybe it'll be just the game that helps the Vita rise in popularity.

Related Game(s): Bioshock Infinite

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11 years ago

Is Bioshock 1 necessary to have played to play Bioshock Infinite?

11 years ago

I have the same question. I have the first one, but can't bring myself to play it for some reason.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I don't think it's necessary, but I'm sure you'll appreciate the whole experience (and especially the ending) a lot more if you've played the first.

11 years ago

So that means there is some sort of relation between the first one and Infinite?

11 years ago

There is no relation, but there is more of an appreciation. You can play Bioshock Infinite without ever having played the previous two games and still end up loving the experience all the same. It's just that there is more of a I suppose "fan" service reaction if you've played the 1st Bioshock.

11 years ago

It's a new universe, new characters, new story, it's an all new adventure. You really do not need to have played the earlier games, that is the only right answer to that question.

However, there are many of the same mechanics, content, style etc that you will appreciate seeing again if you played (and loved) the earlier Bioshocks. There's also some fun references hidden that you will miss if you didn't play the earlier games. But it is not in any way, shape or form a necessity.

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/13/2013 4:48:11 PM

11 years ago

You can deffo play one without the other, but Bioshock 1 is well, well worth playing – @ Sithis, it's only 15-or so hours,and a blast at that, get into it :).

11 years ago

Bioshock Infinite on PS3 comes with Bioshock 1 so no excuses 🙂

11 years ago

I disagree about there being no relation. The main story shares only aesthetic similarities with it's predecessor, but the ending makes it pretty clear that the two are related in the greater scheme of things.

11 years ago

@Jalex. There is no relation. I won't delve into spoilers, but there is absolutely no relation to Bioshock 1. Unless you mean the gameplay in which case I will agree that they are the same. Other than that how the game unfolds and what is being told in the story has no relation to Bioshock 1 at all. To those of you who haven't play Bioshock 1 please do play it. The game is a fantastic game, you will have a better "appreciation" for Infinites finale if you do. 🙂

11 years ago


Okay, I'm just going to go ahead and say,

I know the main stories aren't directly related, but I do think that both games are tied to each other in that they both present essentially the same 'type' of story. Most of the things Booker does in 'Infinite' mirrors Jack's journey in the first game. And the ending basically implies that there are lots of other people experiencing similar journeys in other universes. I don't think any player can fully appreciate all that if they haven't played the first 'BioShock' to experience exactly what one of these other journeys is, to notice what resembles 'Infinite' and what doesn't. My opinion, anyway.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

If KZ:M doesn't spike interest in the Vita than this will.
He's bringing the franchise to the Mac OS. Kind of reminds me of Kojima's approach to gaming in the sense that he's trying to broadcast the experience to as many people as possible. Or just make more money? Not really sure sometimes.

11 years ago

I don't think folks who have Mac comps should not be allowed to play this game. So if he's trying to port if over to MAC then I say go for it. Besides it's had it's time to make money on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Vita and Mac are just two other platforms.

11 years ago

What's wrong with bringing a game to more platforms? I don't get such sentiments. It's only good, isn't it?

The Unreal engine is already on Mac, so why not use it? I'm hoping this might even mean it's coming to Linux too – that'd be awesome.

11 years ago

I'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing is happening! =P

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
11 years ago

That's because you don't work for the Government.

11 years ago

The government sees you throwing money at the screen.
It's OK, they'll tax it later.

11 years ago

Id rather have an original bioshock for the vita… not a port.

11 years ago

But what exactly does "Trying To Make A Match" really mean? That they try to find a developer for it?

11 years ago

I saw someone on Youtube manage to get Infinite on Vita with Remote Play hacks.
Same with Battlefied 3. Powerful little device.

11 years ago

Which proves remotes play for PS3 games is possible but for some reason Sony is holding out on us.

11 years ago

Isn't remote play just a streamed video image? Ergo, you could just as well have remoted the game from a mobile, if so? (except for the lack of controller of course).

11 years ago

They announced it a long time ago and they are still just talking huh? Yeah that's vaporware, never happening.

11 years ago

hope its not infinite, a all new bioshock title set in a completely different universe with completely different characters.
one of the beautiful things about bioshock, each game is so different from the other, yet so familiar.

11 years ago

This is kind of off topic but i can't believe that the guy who voices Booker Dewitt is the same guy who voices Joel in Last of Us. Guess the guys name is troy baker and he's becoming a new Nolan North.

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