Okay, so it holds the same launch date as Grand Theft Auto V . That just means you can pick up an one amazing game for your PlayStation 3, and one amazing game for your Vita on September 17. Win win!
Of course, we're just assuming that Killzone: Mercenary will be an elite portable title. It certainly seems like it has a ton of promise, and the acclaimed franchise is an important one for Sony. One could argue it's critical for the Vita.
Here's a new trailer to keep your excitement high. Four months may feel like a long time, but it'll go quickly enough. And when launch day arrives, you might just bring home one of the most impressive handheld games ever . This new trailer shows off some stunning visuals, high-impact gameplay, and fantastic-looking environments. This could be precisely what the Vita needs, and maybe Mercenary will be the lead-in to a great autumn for the new portable. Here's hoping!
Related Game(s): Killzone: Mercenary
From this trailer everything looks AMAZING, like seriiously everything looks UNBELIEVABLE. The only thing I'm not sure about from this video is the whole money/points thing you get when killng someone, seems dumb and fake. I seriously hope this game won't be like Declassified that the campaign is basically multiplayer.
Looks good and everything but I get this psychic twinge that it will be yet another good Vita game that doesn't break into greatness.
Amazing! D1P if there ever was one! I am so addicted to Defiance that I am praying for a PS4 Defiance or Defiance 2 that allows me to stream Defiance to my Vita!!! I just cannot get enough of it!
Definitely picking this over GTA5.
so sad that the biggest, and besides black gate, only big title hitting the vita is a spin off to a age old playstation franchise.
same goes for the other title, black gate.
explains the vita quite perfectly actually.
and one of the main reasons why its selling so poorly, you need to offer titles it can call its own before it will really steal the market back.
Shadowfall? Did someone day Shadowfall? Is it here yet? Can I play it? I have monies, please take some, just hand over the Shadowfall!