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New Vita Title: Ever Heard Of A “Toilet Management Simulator”?

How exactly does one pitch this game with a straight face?

Indie publisher Ripstone Games has announced a new title for the PlayStation Vita. Essentially, it's a…uh…toilet-management simulator called Men's Room Mayhem . A whole new sub-genre of sims!

Ripstone boss Phil Gaskell describes this title as a blend of Flight Control and the 1971 film, "Carry On At Your Convenience!" I'm not sure if that really helps the majority of gamers out there, but hey, Wikipedia those two titles if you're not familiar. In Mayhem , you'll play as the janitor of a "chaotic men's room" and you have to direct patrons and keep everything clean at the same time. You'll even be rewarded for observing etiquette, such as leaving one urinal space between people taking a whiz. Well, yeah, that's common men's room courtesy.

I guess the goal is to keep everything as shipshape as possible, as more and more visitors continue to show up. We'll use the Vita touchscreen to control things, and we're not supposed to ask why so many people suddenly need to use the bathroom. Something bad at the buffet?

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11 years ago


11 years ago

Keep it on iOS please…

I'm starting to get really tired of seeing these indie titles bombard the main consoles. I did not buy a Playstation 3 to play this crap. Hopefully when this Ouya console is released the industry will settle again…

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 5/3/2013 5:27:14 AM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
11 years ago

…No one is forcing you to do anything.

There's plenty of great games out there.

11 years ago

This is apparently from guys from ex-SCE Liverpool, and good ones as well (Sawfly is the studio), so I'm quietly confident the gameplay itself will be sound. I fear it may be a tricky one to market though!

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

i think this could be hilarious. would probably buy

11 years ago

looks interesting.
nice to see the vita getting allot of indie support, but WTF is the big budget AAA games!?
sorry $ony, but no one is going to spend 300+ bucks on a vita so they can play indie titles!
pretty sad the vita has 2 AAA games lined up for it this year, KZ mercs and batman origins blackgate.
yup, not regretting the sale of my vita in the slightest!

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