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Digital Vita Games 40% Cheaper Than Physical Versions?

If you're not adapting to the digital world, you're lagging behind. Worse, you won't be able to save some bucks…

According to Thrifty Nerd , citing the Potomac Mills Mall in Woodbridge, VA as a source, digital copies of games for the PlayStation Vita will cost less than their physical counterparts.

A third-party Sony representative (not internal, mind you), apparently confirmed that the new portable's downloadable versions would cost less than the ones sold at retail. In fact, he said the difference in price would be very significant: as much as 40%. Right now, the digital versions of games in Japan are showing about a 20% price difference, which seems more realistic. Either way, it seems all major regions will reward those who would rather just download the game, rather than drive to the store and pick up the physical copy.

Don't be surprised to see something similar happen with consoles in the future. It simply costs less to deliver the game digitally, and when it comes to cutting costs in the new generation, digital may be the answer for a great many developers, publishers, and manufacturers. …despite the fact that I will always want my physical library.

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12 years ago

This is a BRILLIANT strategy.

Gives the consumer options and will result in me personally buying some titles I wouldn't buy otherwise. And at the same time, I can still get all my favorites in physical form so I can admire and fondle them…

Viva la Vita!

12 years ago

This is a really good idea but what if you have a really bad internet connection…

12 years ago

If you have a bad connection just go to the mall an grab a coffee, or just hang out. I was wondering if they would have price cuts for digital. Glad they are doing so, but that wont stop me from buying physical copies of a few games.

12 years ago

Now we're talking.

12 years ago

This is how you push digital distribution! I'm still not fully committed to buying digital only, though, I have jumped ship for a few games. Now, if a 40% save is real, why the hell not!? I love my collections just as much as the next guy, but I love my money even more. And when given the opportunity to save money, I'll do it. Still, I'm not fully sold on the PS Vita, but this is good news for anyone that is.

12 years ago

I'd like to see a 50% cut, because other than the price of making the game & maybe some ad's, they have almost no other overhead, such packaging, storage, shipping, or utilities associated with disc-based versions.

Just saying…..

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/5/2011 1:40:39 PM

12 years ago

Good strategy for obliterating what I love, I hope it doesn't leak onto PS4. I'd be tempted by the prices but hard drive replacement might get too common. At least with a portable it isn't too much of a pain to delete and re-download when you want to play.

12 years ago

Sounds great to me. I was going to buy them all that way regardless of the price difference.

12 years ago

Problem now is paying for the flash cards. How many games can you fit in a 4GB, $30 card? I think I would just stick with physical media to compensate of having to buy bigger storage flash drives… At least right now.


Perhaps, there is the option of buying them, and then transferring them to the PS3 to store it, and play later?

Last edited by daus26 on 12/5/2011 3:41:35 PM

12 years ago

In related news, here's some more Vita info…..

PlayStation Vita's Custom Memory Cards Are for Security. Sony explains why it went with its expensive, custom storage implementation…….


PlayStation Vita Only Allows One PSN Account Per System. Sony has figured out a way to digitally region lock its upcoming portable.

12 years ago

40% would be amazing. I think it might be slightly less than that though.. If the physical copies are retailing for $40 each (I think that's what they're listed at on Amazon) then the DL versions will only be $24? Hopefully that's the case.

As daus26 pointed out, you'll probably end up dropping quite a bit of money on memory cards if you download all your games though.

12 years ago

At least you will be able to store your games on your PS3 or PC. But I think buying a 16gb and having around 5 to 8 games on it at a time will become the most economic solution as time goes on (saving 10-20$ per games).

I mean… who really carries more than 5-8 games with him at a time in cartridges.

Now let's hope those small new sony SD cards have a proper transfer rate for all the data that will have to go in and out lol

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 12/6/2011 8:40:30 PM

12 years ago

This is okay as long as they can find a way to deliver the digital media. I have a problem with downloading a game and it take 8+ hours to download (IE PS3 downloads). It takes me less time to drive to the store and buy the game…also figure in downloading the day one patch (20-30 mins) and that's way better then waiting, hmm lets say 4 hours, just to download the game.

12 years ago

Good point. Jawk mentioned something about no longer being able to copy games from your PS3 to PSP anymore after update 4.0. He was pretty upset about it becuase of Sony removing features, but also becuase of the download speeds when you had to go through the PSP. I believe he and Ultima pointed out that downloading games off of PSN directly to your PSP was absolutely brutal. I think Ultima said 3hrs to download FF8. Those download speeds just won't cut it.

Has anybody seen DC universe's main game download time on the PS3? I have spent 2 days trying to download that game and ended up saying just screw it. The download can't be done in the background either. What genius came up with that idea?

12 years ago

True but look at how steam works. You can PRE-download a game. And when it is out it is activated. No waiting!!! 😀 Midnight launch people all get owned by the guy who clicked *download* a few days before release and he gets to play first.

Now this does not apply to already released games but I bought many games on steam/games on demand and it never really took more than 1, max 2 hours. Downloading 8gigs is around 1 hour. While that hour or two is passing by I can watch a movie or browse the web and talk here 😀 instead of wasting more money on gas and some of my precious entertainment time.

I am sure the PSN will head in that direction too if they go for all digital at some point. Then the world will be perfect! lol They could add a small feature where you can *check* a lil box that says you want a physical copy and they get it shipped to you for 10$ extra plus shipping.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 12/6/2011 8:29:31 PM

12 years ago

I'm all into the value of today's games being worth more than I paid for them a decade down the road. The way I see it physical media will be worth even more when so few have bought it.

12 years ago

exactly how it should be, but i wont be holding my breath!
how games can be on the PSN for 110 bucks, but be at retailers for 50 or less is beyond me!
BF3 for instance, 110 on PSN but i saw it at JB today, limited edition with the back to karkland pack for 70!
no expansion pack, no disk, no manual, no case, no manufacturing costs, no material costs, no shipping costs, and its 40 bucks more?
how the ^%$# does that work!?

12 years ago


Finally a way to counter LAW 101 in Quebec.

That stupid french law is stopping us from receiving many products (games) because they do not have french on the cover… I mean, its ok to protect our culture but they are going too far by completely blocking products that won't offer french cover. It should be our choice as consumers to buy or not…

This news makes me happy as hell! NA shop will be NA shop. No stupid, closed minded, old and retarded council is going to stop the greatness from reaching me anymore!

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 12/6/2011 8:17:34 PM

12 years ago

This is pretty awesome, but I think everyone has forgotten the lovely flip-side to this. Those excellent Sony proprietary media sticks, especially their price tags. Hate to be super negative, but it's ridiculous for Sony to keep re-inventing the wheel and selling it for as high as they do.

12 years ago

Digital distribution for the win though, and chalk one up for Sony for approaching the system in a new and intelligent way. Hope they decide to copy Steam though, those kinds of sales would move units like nothing else.

12 years ago

hasn't this machine already got a tv show about it – 'person of interest'

12 years ago

"Backwards compatibility is included: "The aim is older PS discs without problems."

Promises promises !

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