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PSXE Poll Update: Vita Isn’t Bad Off, It Just Needs More Games

While many are concerned about the future of Sony's portable, most gamers say the same thing: There's nothing wrong with the device; it just requires more software.

The results of our latest poll are clear: If the PlayStation Vita could get some system-selling games on store shelves, everything would be fine. This makes sense; lack of compelling software has been the most commonly heard complaint, second only to the price tag.

As a frame of reference, we've only done a small handful of Vita previews in the past six months and that isn't because we've gotten lazy. It's because there really isn't much on the horizon, unfortunately. The first and second quarters of 2013 are almost entirely devoid of new Vita games, so it's no surprise the handheld is under-performing at retail. Here's hoping a solid surge of software shows up later this year, which will appeal to a wide audience. I'm not necessarily holding my breath, though.

This week could be gigantic- Will Sony announce the PlayStation 4? And if so, what does the competition think? Microsoft has said they're not sweating the February 20 press event because not enough gamers will even notice and besides, the Xbox still dominates in the US. Still, do you believe a PS4 announcement could make Microsoft sweat a little…?

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11 years ago

Looks like us PS Vita owners have something to look forwar to. And this is happening in just a few hours!

I wonder what Sony will be announcing. I hope hey'd throw us a bone. LOL

11 years ago

Ah, you beat me to it! i just posted that too!

11 years ago

Hopefully Soul Sacrifice and Killzone: Mercenary will help push more Vitas by the end of the year, and hopefully Tearaway makes a 2013 release to help out.

11 years ago

The system is not at all expensive, in fact, I think it is amazing value for what it does!

Games and the proprietary memory card are a different matter.

If the 32GB card was under $90 AUD, and the games wer under $40 AUD, I would definitely consider buying more games for it.

For now, I am quite content with Uncharted Golden Abyss, my small collection of PS1 classics (Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3, Driver, Rayman, FF VII, VIII and IX, Metal Gear Solid, Vagrant Story and Castlevania: SotN, all stored on the 1 card) and my PSP cheap buys on PSN (God of War: GoS, GTA Vice City Stories and FF Tactics: War of the Lions)

All I'm missing is Littlebig Planet Vita and Gravity Rush. Apart from that, I'm good. 🙂

11 years ago

And if a jaguar car cost the same as a ford fiesta, I'd have one of those too….

11 years ago

Even if they dont launch as many new vita games they could at least make more psp & psn title available instead

11 years ago

99% of downloadable PSP titles work on Vita, you simply need to re-download them. Which is why it's a bunch of crap that all the PS1 classics don't work.

11 years ago

MS should be scared, very scared.

11 years ago

Well , well, well. Ask and ye shall receive:

Starting at 5 oclock at night Tokyo time, (3 A.M. Eastern, or in an hour and a half), Sony is holding a Vita-centered press conference. It's in Japanese, but I'll be checking it out!

11 years ago

well, that was errr…… predictable.
who cares that its just as expensive, if not more than other systems out there and offers HALF the features!
no i wont spend 200K on a brand new ferrari, ill spend 200K on a suzuki swift!
makes perfect sense……

why would M$ give a flying sh*t what $ony is doing?
they are targeting a very different market with their new system for both now and in the future, so why would they care?
its like saying hey ferrari and rolls make cars, so both should be worried about each other.
ones going to be a direct replacement to the ps3, ie the focus is still very much going to be on the games it delivers.
the other is going to be more concerned on the features and entertainment box side of things.
well, that is how im hoping it will be, if $ony tries to turn the ps4 into a entertainment box like the rumors suggest than they can kiss there spot in this industry, and very likely their whole company, goodbye!
playstation has been $onys saving grace, their other divisions have been loosing money hand over fist!
playstation goes bye bye, $ony goes bye bye!

11 years ago

Have ample games on the Vita both PSN and physical. What I have found is that I can't go back to the PSOne or PSP games on my Vita because they are mostly too old and rough and as time is precious I appreciate gametime more if I am playing actual Vita games.

Picked up Ridge Racer: Ultimate Edition, Lumines, Unit 13, Golf and Playstation Allstars all half price on PSN in the last month. Can't argue with that?

Still only half way through Assassins Creed and got my first platinum on Resistance Burning Skies. Have Persona 4 Golden preordered (am in Australia). Also still enjoying Virtual Tennis and FIFA.

I don't know what there is not to like?

I also think Microsoft should be worried by the PS4. Their Windows 8 bombed. Surface hasn't set the world on fire. Apple and Samsung products are way "cooler". If the Xbox 720 is just a casual kinect fest then they may be in trouble. Their saving grace may be that they could take the casual crown from Nintendo.

11 years ago

MS shouldn't worry, they should be scared.

"Microsoft has said they're not sweating the February 20 press event because not enough gamers will even notice and besides, the Xbox still dominates in the US."

Enough said.

They still dominate the US, yet they make a big deal specifically, out of UK gamers not noticing? To me that says, US gamers DO notice, and the fact that the presentation is IN the US, MS should rethink about their US domination in the long run from here on out… meaning they should worry and SHOULD retaliate in some way or another. That's not to say that the UK region is where Sony dominates anyway. In other words, how can they not notice.

Everything that guy said has fear smeared all over it.

11 years ago

Putting my fanboyism aside for a moment watch some of you fail to do. I say unlikely because the Xbox is still hugely popular.

11 years ago

How does the 360 dominate the U.S.? Only thing I could thing of is everyone having to buy another 360 because of the rrod it gets. I've known people buying up to 4-6 consoles because of that, waste of a product! I played Uncharted on the Vita for a bit at Target and it was smooth, especially with that oled screen. I want to get one in the future and if the price goes down even better. I hear you guys on the memory cards though it's like get with the program Sony, doesn't cost $90 for 32gb card. Even Apple announced that its only $2.50 or $$1.25 per Gb now for it to be created. Standards change quickly and the big companies need to get with the program, more sales means cheaper prices! "Coughs" cell phone bills!

11 years ago

Hurry up and release the last of us ND xD

11 years ago

More talk on the PS4, the less interest I'm in for a Vita.

11 years ago

I love my Vita for my own entertainment, but if I had to bet on a major sales surge, I would bet against it.

Why do people expect Killzone will fare better than similar downgrades of major PS3 games like CoD and AC3?

Giving the Vita less CPU/GPU power than a PS3 was a mistake, giving it small analog sticks was a mistake, and making the hobbyist dev kit Microsoft C# only was a mistake.

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