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New 4G Vita Coming Along With A Price Drop For Memory Cards?

February 20 might be a big deal in more ways than one.

Not only is just about everyone expecting Sony to announce the PlayStation 4 at that time, but there are also rumors that a new PlayStation Vita model will be unveiled, too.

According to various sources (as cited by ), a recently filed patent indicates a brand new Vita model. It seems Sony will replace the 3G iteration with a 4G upgrade, and that model will retain the original $299 price. Furthermore, there will be a "significant firmware update" that will supposedly deliver "a lot of requested features." Lastly, there's a chance we'll see a price drop for the memory cards, which is a good thing because that has been a sore spot for gamers ever since the portable first launched.

Is this enough, though? Or should the unit still be cheaper? Me, I just want to see some games for it.

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11 years ago

Still needs games.

11 years ago

I hope the memory cards drop by at least half the original price. My 32GB is getting a little full.

With this firmware update, it would be nice if they gave you a shortcut so you could jump to any screen number, from screen one, without having to scroll.

11 years ago

Got a VITA on craigslist for $150 – along with armor, case, 2 screen protectors (one for touchpad on back), and 8gb memory card.

I bought Gravity Rush.

Have to say – what a great game…what a great piece of hardware. It's a hardware meant for games though. It's fantastic that it has the main apps on it such as: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, a decent web browser and such but in a time where almost everyone has a smartphone – those little things wont make people buy a Vita. Games like Gravity Rush which show what the handheld can do – WILL sell it however.

Can't wait to get Persona 4 (though I've already played it on PS2), DOA 5, Disgaea 3 and Touch my Katamari – since I'm just such a huge fan of the KATAMARI series in general haha.

Hoping for Monster Hunter 4 – and that the one rumor that came about 2-3 weeks back on a Japanese magazine is true.

11 years ago

It wasn't that long ago that Hirai said the he doesn't want to be first to release the next PS so microsoft can't make the xbox better.

I think we will not be seeing the PS4 on feb. 20, most likely will be about the VITA 2000 and the games that will be realeased for it this year.

The problem is the media has created lots of hype around the PS's4 announcement that many people are going to be dissapointed if that does not happen.

Anyways we will find out for sure next week.

11 years ago

I bought the PSP just for Crisis Core:FF7. I still haven't seen a must have game that will get me to buy a Vita.

ps-PSP is the best handheld ever. You can even run emulators for all the old school systems on it, if you know what's up 🙂

11 years ago

In other OT sales related news…

vgchartz is insane… For a number of weeks now, PS3 has outsold 360 by over 30k according to VGChartz. Yet, their bar graph shows the gap getting larger in favor of 360 despite PS3 now having outsold 360.

Can someone explain that to me, please?

11 years ago

you missed the most important part!
HDMI output!
FINALLY, $ony has waken up and smelt the java!
well, slightly…….
i hope they redesign the vita as well, make something that looks a bit more futuristic.
vita looks like a stretched out rounded 3000!
come on this is the replacement for a what, 8 year old system?
shouldent it look a little more radically different?
we need a lambo not a porsche!

11 years ago

I would like to see Sony reach out to some of its loyal consumer base with an online questionnaire to help them better set the price point for the memory cards.

There really is no sense in Sony selling those things for more than $1/GB, which would make them fly off the shelves like hotcakes, AND sell more digital games.

11 years ago

The image looks a lot like the dev unit with the HDMI and USB ports…