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New 4G Vita Coming Along With A Price Drop For Memory Cards?

February 20 might be a big deal in more ways than one.

Not only is just about everyone expecting Sony to announce the PlayStation 4 at that time, but there are also rumors that a new PlayStation Vita model will be unveiled, too.

According to various sources (as cited by ), a recently filed patent indicates a brand new Vita model. It seems Sony will replace the 3G iteration with a 4G upgrade, and that model will retain the original $299 price. Furthermore, there will be a "significant firmware update" that will supposedly deliver "a lot of requested features." Lastly, there's a chance we'll see a price drop for the memory cards, which is a good thing because that has been a sore spot for gamers ever since the portable first launched.

Is this enough, though? Or should the unit still be cheaper? Me, I just want to see some games for it.

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11 years ago

Yeah until there are more games for it, i think this is just another "meh" announcement. Seems like they should work on the software before they start working on new hardware. Sony must be seeing something that we the public dont. I wish them success but i have a feeling that this isn't going to be this absolutely huge success right out of the gate.

11 years ago

In my opinion, it has games. It's been out for almost a year (in the US at least) and it has

Gravity Rush
Sound Shapes
Ragnarok Odyssey
Smart As
Assassins Creed
Silent Hill
Zero Escape
Unit 13
DYnasty Warriors
Tales From Space
Escape Plan
Hot Shots
Ninja Gaiden
Army Corps of Hell
Super Stardust
Modnation Racers

Possibly a few more, plus all the multiplatform games that aren't cross buy which is why I didn't list them.

That's way more than 12 games, it's more than 24 games. So, that's more than one game a month. I don't see why people say PSVita needs more games or anything like that.

I think Sony should have release dates for games in 2013 and games announced with no release date but at least a firm 2013 release and have the year with good games and good amount of good games.

I believe right now it's not looking good for this year because all it has is Killzone for September (same day as GTA 5 is the dumbest thing that could be done) and Tearaway I don't know if it has a release date yet.

I think that's the problem, only two games are set for 2013. (I think anyway)

11 years ago

Good list and I agree with you. I think all the naysayers are talking about AAA titles like Monster Hunter or GTA. Otherwise I like the list.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

There's a big problem with that list, my friend. Most all of them came out within a few months of the system's release. Furthermore, there are almost NO Vita games on tap for the first six months of this year.

It's not that there are no games. I know it has games and have often referred to the Vita launch as being excellent for that very reason. The issue is that a game system requires continual software support, and the Vita is a LONG way from that right now.

11 years ago

Ben has it exactly right. There's a very nice backlog of games for Vita at this point. There's just NOTHING on the horizon right now. I have to think Sony is going to show off a few titles Feb. 20, but we'll see.

11 years ago


I don' see the problem of when the games released, whether they were launch titles, launch window or later. I think the point is that it has over 24 good games which equals to at least 2 good games a month to play from launch to right this second.

Are there a lot of people who buy every single good game the day it releases and beats them 100%, never plays multiplayer and never plays them again within a week? I'm not saying there isn't anyone but I doubt there's many. I say that because I think that's the only way you can complain about games on PSVita. Even if you bought the game on launch day, that gives you 2 games for each month, so that's at least two weeks of solid play time with each game. You buy it on launch day, pick up 2 games along with it. A month goes by, you beat the games, you can pick two more. And the cycle continues. Unless, you don't like many of the good games PSVita has, I don't understand how someone can complain about games.

I do agree, so far 2013 doesn't many games for PSVita but I still think PSVita does have more than enough good games, like I showed, at least 2 for each month since launch. I think Soul Sacrifice comes out in March, so I think PSVita needs to have good games release after March.

I think games wise PSVita is more than fine. Get 3 months of PlayStation Plus and it currently gives you many great games, you'll completely busy for those 3 months.

I still price of unit, memory cards, games and marketing are the reasons for it's lackluster sales. For example, Army Corps of Hell is an amazing game for PSVita but even I forget about that game sometimes. Sony could kind of re launch PSVita with a new lower price, new lower price of memory cards, new lower price of it's current games and good marketing and I believe sales will skyrocket.

Also, just wait until Feb. 20th, even if Sony announced PS4 there, I doubt PSVita will be ignored.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Amonte, you're just assuming that everyone will want to play basically every single game the Vita has. Two games a month is PATHETIC for any new piece of hardware. The only way that flies is if each and every one is of Uncharted quality.

I would defend the Vita in terms of games if I could. In fact, I have defended the Vita against haters from the start. But I can't in good conscience say it's a worthy purchase when the software support is so immensely lacking. Perhaps above all else, there is basically no software that can be classified as "system-sellers." Uncharted: Golden Abyss is the closest, and that was a launch title and now a year old.

Gravity Rush is great but far too niche for mainstream consumption, LittleBigPlanet Vita is fantastic but many are just willing to wait for the next LBP on PS3 or PS4, and Liberation just didn't turn out to be an elite AAA title. Oh, and the Call of Duty was a disaster.

They need software to make people buy the Vita. So far, there isn't anywhere near enough of it. Those are the facts, despite your own personal opinions.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/12/2013 3:25:09 PM

11 years ago

I'm not assuming that, that's why I said " Unless, you don't like many of the good games PSVita has, I don't understand how someone can complain about games."

It's not that the PSVita gets two games a month, it's you have at least two good games a month.

Not all the good games PSVita has are really great, but all of them are at least good.

I still think PSVita isn't lacking in games and to me at least two good games a month is not bad, it's actually good.

You say those are facts but I don't see how those are fact unless proven otherwise. Those are just your opinions.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

No, I'm using facts. When someone is asked why they don't want the Vita, the answer inevitably involves either the price or the lack of software.

At this point, the majority of consumers believe the Vita is lacking in the games category. Hence, it's a difficult sell. Whether you think those people are correct or not is irrelevant because it's the way things are.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 2/12/2013 4:41:43 PM

11 years ago

There is no doubt that the Vita has games. Plenty of them. But the current library has failed to attract buyers in large numbers. That would indicate that people are waiting for the price to go down along with the memory cards or are waiting for that one game that calls out to them. This is why it is crucial to have that constant stream of software coming in. Those who wanted the Vita for the console itself have bought it already. It's the ones on the fence that need the motivation. And that will come with the proper software. This is where Sony is failing drastically. I sincerely hope they have something grand up their sleeve. I believe it will be how it may communicates with the PS4 that will be highlighted on the 20th. Hopefully with some GAMES!!!

Last edited by FatherSun on 2/12/2013 5:50:15 PM

11 years ago

I remember when the PS3 first came out, Resistance and Need for Speed Carbon were my only 2 PS3 games until Assassins Creed came out which was nearly a year later :

11 years ago

There are some good games on that list, sure. But most of them are sort of… if I had a Vita, I wouldn't mind playing them. There's nothing on that list that makes me really want a Vita. Uncharted would be kinda fun. And I -WAS- super psyched about Assassin's Creed (until AC3 turned out to be very -meh-).

But aside from those two titles… there's nothing I -MUST- have. And looking forward… with nothing major to look forward to… I have no reason to invest in one. I like modnation, LBP, Wipeout, AC, and Uncharted… but really… if I want to play those games badly enough, I have much more superior versions of the PS3 to enjoy.

So really… why do I -NEED- to have a Vita? Well… I don't. I still have a ton to do on PS3, and with Vita not offering any games that are truly unique and different from PS3, I have no reason yet.

To give you an idea… I felt similarly to PSP in that I didn't invest until Crisis Core came out. That game was a unique experience and of AAA quality available only on PSP and no where else. Once I got it, then I was open to the other experiences. But I was happy to pass until I had a -REAL- reason to get one. So the same applies: Until Vita truly becomes a standalone system for software, I'll just be cheering it on from the sidelines.

Like I said at the start… that list of games only contain a few titles I would consider buying -IF- I already had a Vita. None of them make me wish I had one.

11 years ago

In regards to the software I'm very much like Underdog. There are a few – very few, in my case – Vita games I'd want if at first I had a Vita. The Katamari game is my favourite, that one would be the *only* game I can say for sure I'd buy right away.

The rest are mostly just "ok I guess, while I wait for more exciting stuff". And I'd not want to *pay* a lot for those games either. That's another factor here.

And lastly, there is something about buying "old" titles as opposed to new. Many of the games on that list of yours are "old" by now. When you buy a new platform, you want to dive into something new and exiting – you want to see stuff that's fresh! You don't want to have to buy stuff that were the talk of the town like a year ago just cause there's little else to choose from.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/13/2013 2:04:33 AM

11 years ago

Oh, and for to me buy a PSVita (and I think a lot of consumers feel the same way) I need to be able to get a PSVita with a memory card for $200 max.

11 years ago

That seems to be the sweet spot. I am on the other side that feels you are getting value at it's current price but that's just me.

11 years ago

Yes, and I would like a Lamborgini Murcielago for the price of a Mustang… I swear man people these days…

Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 2/12/2013 12:22:27 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

$200? Nah Yo, thats not logical.

11 years ago

Lamborgini, where u going to drive that thing? Why waste your money if u have no place to experience the raw power of what the car can do, but if your rich who cares. Mustang for sure for all day driving except in some snow.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 2/12/2013 1:34:13 PM

11 years ago

Well, I won't bother answering some people here because they seem to be PlayStation fanboys or Sony fanboys or blind to video games and defend everything or just are close minded or whatever it may be but I'll say this. Even if 250 is a good price for PSVita doesn't mean everyone will want to pay or pay 250 for it. That's what I was saying. I wasn't saying it wasn't worth 250, it could most definitely be well worth 250, but myself, ME, just like million others, won't buy one until they can get a PSVita with a memory card for 200. We can wait until price drops.

I do have to say this, the cars analogy was completely irrelevant.

Gosh, the video game community can sometimes suck so much. 🙁

11 years ago

I think the current price is fair as it is the most powerful handeld gaming device by far, but it should include a decent sized memory card.

11 years ago


Who knew?

The regulars of a PS only website are PS fanboys……

Honestly, if you don't like the community here there are other sites out there that put news out faster than PSXExtreme, that being said, I don't come here just for the news articles.

11 years ago

From a technological standpoint, the Vita is worth every penny. Compare it to many touchscreen tablets costing twice as much.

It's a freaking steal.

That being said, software support is lacking. But that shouldn't take away from what the Vita itself is worth or is capable of.

If the current price is too rich, it simply means the typical consumer isn't able to invest yet. But it doesn't mean the Vita isn't worth much. It's perfectly normal for new hardware to be only accessible to the wealthy at the beginning. Just look at when HDTV's initially launched. They started out as something only for the wealthy. But that doesn't mean the tech wasn't worth the price for the time.

That's not fanboyism. That's capitalism.

11 years ago

There's nothing wrong with the vita it's the extreme lack of software, Sony seem to be getting a few small app games like sun flower, burn the rope ect.. And as good as these games may be I did not pay €250 for a powerful handheld to play them I have an iPhone where I can get them at a fraction of a price. Even upcoming games like killzone multiplayer is a letdown 4v4 is just crazy low when modern combat 3 on iPhone has 6v6 for €5. The vita is great but limited because of Sony's stupidity

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Sony created the Vita and its hardware. The developers create the games for it. Whether its a 4v4 multiplayer game or a 8v8 is entirely up to the developer, not Sony.

11 years ago

Good idea to lower the MC prices for all those that are on the fence. I guess the 4G will make for a smoother MP experience and faster browsing. It won't mean more players in MP games though because the 3G still exists. I am sure the 6vs6 is due to the CPU and video limitations. Sony should throw in a game and a 8GB MC card as well. I sure hope Vita has a stellar year, sure would make 2013 all the more special along side the PS4 launch.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 2/12/2013 11:44:05 AM

11 years ago

The Vita just loves me. NGS2 Plus lands on my birthday. A few weeks after that DOA5 Plus releases. I have Killzone to look forward to from there and the assured GoW Vita release. And FFX will definitely be a lock if it actually ever comes out. I suppose seeing that AC Liberation was probably profitable we can expect another AC. Maybe a better quality one.
I'm stoked. I remember having a launch model PSP and feeling pretty dry as it took forever to get more than a couple really good games to play. It wasn't until like Daxter and GoW CoO before semi-ps2 caliber software landed on the thing.
Similarly I look forward to the noise of PS4 and Xbox so the Vita can continue to quietly serve its base while the AAA 'thrill' seekers go nuts over their new consoles and ignore the handheld market.

11 years ago

another reason the Vita loves me is because console quality fighting games are a big domain of it. Once again, PSP took forever to give us Ps2 caliber fighters and the Vita is in no short supply of Ps3 caliber fighters. Awesome

Last edited by Temjin001 on 2/12/2013 12:34:33 PM

11 years ago

Fighters on Vita don't suit me well, my thumbs are too big. I like to use the directional pad when I play fighters but on Vita my thumb keeps hitting the analog stick messing me up 🙁 Hopefully if they do give us a new model Vita they can manage to move the analog stick a bit further away from the D-pad.

I had launch Vita with Ultimate MvC3 but had to trade UMvC back for that reason.

11 years ago

I just wish they'd make it play all ps1 games already, there are still several that I own that it won't play. If it could play all ps1 games I'd be much happier.

11 years ago

While I do agree all PSN PS1 games should be playable on PSVita, I'm more interested in being able to use my consumer rights and play my legally made backups of my games (in this case PS1, PSP and PSVita games) and legally play them on my PS3, PSP and PSVita. That's completely legal and we have that right. The only reason why we can't do that yet is because the companies (Sony, Nintendo, MS) don't allow us and sadly enough consumers don't do anything about it and shoot, some don't even know about that.

That's the only reason why I hacked my PSP, I should be able to play my backups of my PSP and PS1 games, I shouldn't have to rebuy them to play them. That's a huge reason why hackers want to hack the PSP and PSVita, because we have those rights but the greedy, anti consumer companies don't give it to us.

11 years ago

Technically speaking original PS1 games are licensed for use only on Sony PS1's. So, technically, it is illegal to make software backups of your physical copies to use on new hardware.

But I agree… there should be no reason to buy the same software twice. Damn loopholes.

11 years ago

Why would they need a patent to do a 4G version of the Vita? That's a product iteration and an FCC approval, no need for a patent since you're just changing out the cellular data standard in use.

As far as the memory card pricing is concerned, they should be able to drop he price on the cards and the Vita itself – it's more than a year old now..

11 years ago

With these patent wars happening left and right, everybody needs to patent everything they can get their hands on that hasn't been patented. I'm filing for a patent on this comment as we speak.

11 years ago

According to the article it's more than just 4G support, quoting;

"The new PlayStation Vita design shown in FIG 2 below supports a completely resigned bottom with new ports and readjusted placements. Sony states that the patent is for mainly a port redesign for the “Next PlayStation Vita”.

The application shows specifically that the next generation Vita will incorporate an all new USB port, HDMI and power supply connector which is described as a parallel-pipped connector."

Still don't know what it is that warrants a new patent, though. Maybe just to ensure that no exact copies are being made or something.

11 years ago

HDMI port is a must and something it is missing! I seriously hope it does have it! and standard USB port as well! Those are things it needs and should have.

11 years ago

Perhaps in addition to being the standard HDMI/USB/power ports, they can also function in unison as some form of proprietary port for PS4 interconnection?

Still seems odd to patent a simple port change. Patent wars or not, these are not things you normally patent – unless there is some Sony specific proprietary magic going on.

11 years ago

last year I bought my 3G vita for 200 euros with 4gb memory card, carrynig case, protective case and uncharted golden abyss game and it was very good deal, but now i want this new model even if it is an rumor.

Last edited by Xzer0 on 2/12/2013 12:42:43 PM

11 years ago

If all they reveal on the 20th is a new Vita model I'm going sink through the floor in disappointment.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Yea, I think the future isn't a Ps4. It's just something else, like a firmware update or a new PSVita design. Something somewhere along those lines.

11 years ago

There is a blip on my sarcasm-radar.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/12/2013 12:56:43 PM

11 years ago

I am wondering whether the future might also include some form of unified development process that allows a game build for PS4 to be recompiled for PS Vita, and vice versa.

11 years ago

You can save your games in the cloud w/ Plus. If games could release simultaneously (and as the same versions) for PS4 and Vita, you could start a game on your home console, then just pack up the Vita and pick up where you left off. Anyone do that now with PS3/Vita crossbuys?

11 years ago

Price drop for the memory cards?

Thank the heavens!!! 😀

This was the only thing that was stopping me from purchasing a Vita. The price of the system itself is perfectly reasonable for what I know the handheld is capable of…it was just the crazily over-priced memory cards.

I hope this is true because Persona 4 Golden comes out 2 days after this announcement, and I really want to get my hands on a Vita….

11 years ago

A new SKU is fine, provided it comes with a plethora of new games. PS4 is clearly the main event for Feb. 20, but I'm hopeful Sony makes a compelling argument for why Vita fits into their future plans, and why it should fit in gamers' plans as well.

karneli lll
karneli lll
11 years ago

I'm still turned off by the price. It costs more than a Ps3 for crying out loud. If it cost around $200 i'd have one by now.

Making the memory cards cheaper is going to do nothing to increase demand,i had forgotten it needs cards now i'm not sure i want one at all.

11 years ago

needs to be Cheaper, don't care about Gs at all.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/12/2013 2:35:16 PM

11 years ago

I would care about 3G if I could do all internet related things with it but I don't think you can do anything important with it so I find it pointless. On top of that I think the data plan is very expensive.

11 years ago

SE, give me FF Type-0 for the vita. I think it would sell well considering it looks like a FF game and not…Lightning.

11 years ago

The Vita has some great games on it. They do need to bring out some new games though. Ni no Kuni would have beeen awesome for the Vita by the way.

Ni No Kuni is in the top ten of rpgs of all time imo.

End of Line.

11 years ago

That's because it is friggin fantastic.

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