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Atelier Meruru Plus Comes To Japanese Vitas In March?

Several PlayStation 3 titles are already scheduled to come to the PlayStation Vita, so this seems more than plausible.

Of course, that doesn't mean it's coming to the US but hey, it's worth noting for the JRPG aficionados out there who need some positive news these days.

According to SGCafe , it seems a Vita iteration of Atelier Meruru is scheduled to hit Japan on March 20, 2013. This information comes from online shopping portal 7NetShopping and if accurate, the portable version – called Atelier Meruru Plus – will be available in two editions: The regular one, priced at 6,090 yen, and a Premium Box Limited Edition that will come in at 8,190 yen. If you pre-order either, you will receive a DLC product voucher for one or more currently unannounced in-game items.

This could be a great game to take on the go but again, you'd really have to be a fan of the sub-genre because the Atelier series is about as…well, Japanese as you can get.

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11 years ago

I really wish these Atelier games would come out over here in English. They should realize that a lot of Vita owners are JRPGers looking to a Japanese handheld to get their fix. JRPGs did well on the PSP, so why wouldn't they do well on the Vita? Ah well one can always hope that down the road this will change.

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 12/24/2012 11:28:23 AM

11 years ago

I'd buy it for the Vita! Bring it over peeps!

11 years ago

I just bought this for PS3, it's so fun! Not quite as good as Totori so far I think but the gameplay is improved and stuff. Good Japanese voices too.

11 years ago

Having fun with Totori so gonna get this one in the future for the PS3.

I love my JRPG on the big screen.

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