Sony has said it's too soon to drop the price of the PlayStation Vita, regardless of slower than anticipated sales.
However, retailers may start taking matters into their own hands. As reported by JustPushStart , Target apparently has quite the deal for prospective handheld owners.
The retailer's site is currently offering a 3G/Wi-Fi PlayStation Vita launch bundle for only $179.99, which signifies a hefty discount of $120. This is happening only about 10 months after the Vita launched in North America and it appears that retailers are trying to sell their stock of Vitas…and they're willing to take off a fair amount. Either that, or maybe it's a foreshadowing of a sooner-than-expected official price drop. Do you think you'll see this kind of thing from other stores this holiday season? Is this a bad sign or is this just an anomaly? I wonder if more people might get more interested in Sony's portable due to a few big titles on the horizon…
The Vita could use any help it can get at this point.
Target is an excellent indicator of the market in general. Retail space is too valuable for stock to sit. It's discounted a ton for a reason – it's not selling. Not good news for the vita. Too pricey to begin with, IMO.
I think you need to actually hold one.
It sucks when quality isn't rewarded, but I suppose the price is a bit steep for some people. I don't think that the price itself for the Vita is too bad, but then when you mention you have to buy the memory card separate people cringe. Can't forget that ever looming smartphone gaming market stealing those sales too!
It's kinda sad that the masses value Angry Birds and Draw Something over quality gaming titles like Uncharted, Rayman Origins or Littlebig Planet Vita.
The price is one reason for poor sales. I think Sony's marketing could use a boost, argue why the Vita is worth more of your time than Angry Birds. Those are the 2 main arguments for people not getting a Vita:
1. Too expensive, or
2. Not enough time with so many PS3 and 360 games to play.
To me, it's simply a matter of marketing. No one knows what the Vita is. I should be able to bring up the Vita in a normal conversation with any one of my random friends and they know what it is. If I say, DS or 3DS, 8 times out of 10, people will know what I'm talking about. It's needless to say that everyone knows what an iPod is. No one knows what the Vita is and therefore what it's capable of, and the volume of games to support it hasn't exactly been abundant either.
Sony has a lot of work to do in this area if they want to see their system take off.
Secondary to that, I would argue that the Vita, outside of gaming, doesn't excel in any areas other than games, even though it's able to do more tha just that. In a market such as today's, that's becoming less and less of a viable proposition. There is a segment of people who would love a dedicated machine, but for those who have limited pocket space and gadget budgets, it's a little difficult to argue that they should get a Vita over, say, an iPod touch that can web browse much more efficiently, install different apps to expand the use-case of the device on a whim, and take better pictures, is much more pocketable, already has storage in it, and that has a much more manageable file system, despite the hardware currently being around twice as powerful on the Vita than it is on the iPod Touch. The software experience isn't as optimized as it could be (I will never ever use the maps app for instance), and the hardware gains are lost, in a sense except for when one is finally in a game.
I'm not trolling to say that "Apple rocks and Sony sucks" or something like that, because as a day 1 Vita owner, I would love for the system to be a success, but that's the state it's in currently. I would love more JRPGs for the device. I would love to have Patapon on the device. I don't see any reason why NBA 2K13 came out this month for the PS3, 360, 3DS, and THE PSP. And make as many arguments to 2K about them not pulling it out for the Vita, as opposed to the PSP, but fact of the matter is that that's Sony's argument/case to make and it seems like they're kind of just rolling with the punches.
I think those are definitely the exact problems the Vita is facing. People can argue the Vita's powerful hardware, but what good is it if a tablet, smartphone, or even iPod touch can provide much better use of softwares, built in storage and camera features. Those are things that a lot of people own now, so for them to bring an extra device like the Vita, they'd have to be some sort of dedicated gamer. Mobile gaming/device is a tough market now, and I think a device like the Vita is only good for the days of the PSP, where smartphones and tablets weren't big yet. Otherwise, they're going to have to step up the plate other than just being good at "games," and mediocre everywhere else.
Everything nowadays, is all about "smart" devices. The Vita isn't really one since it doesn't have a dedicated app store. People love their apps.
As for the 3DS. It's successful because one, it decreased the price dramatically after being scared off by the Vita's price… and two, can you beat Mario and Pokemon? Nintendo is one company that can make portable devices that only has to be good at gaming, and they don't even have to be amazing in graphics.
I can't help but keep repeating that the Vita doesn't just need more games. It needs to be an amazing "smart" device, and then top it off with great marketing. If they're doing a redesign or slimming, they need to think about this. They can't have the same approach as they had with the PSP.
That's a good price, could be a sellout to clear stock for a new model that's coming with a price drop after the holidays.
You mean a new model with a bundled memory card, and a lower base price to boot? Just like many (including you IIRC) have been predicting since the summer? 😉
That's why I like you Highlander, long memory.
I was going to buy it but… sold out.
A true fan would've travelled all over the state to get their hands on a cheap Vita.
Do or do not. There is no try.
Nintendo couldn't get 3DS selling at the $250 price point and eventhough Vita is a fantastic product that is more than worth the price, I don't think it stood a chance at that price either. Mostly because North American consumers are morons, if it isn't MS or Apple apparently it's garbage.
Apple should get into the oil industry, then they could charge 10$ a gallon and people would line up at the pump to get their ifuel.
Apple and Microsoft are American companies that cater to Western audiences. Doesn't surprise me that they're now ahead, especially with the iPod and Xbox Live dominating the scene.
Let the sheeple believe they are buying the superior product. I'm gonna stick with my Samsung Galaxy S III and PS3 so long as they continue to be supported.
Don't be angry that these poor people can't see past their Call of Duty, FIFA, Madden or Halo matches on Xbox Live. Take pity on them, for they are nothing more than blind slaves to fads, trends and intensive marketing.
I can't help it, I get very annoyed when a company puts in tons of effort, makes a great product and doesn't get rewarded while the competition, in this case MS, does literally nothing good for anybody yet people line up to buy their stuff. It doesn't send a good message.
Last edited by Gamer46 on 10/29/2012 2:09:11 AM
@ Dancemachine: U r absolutely right. Couldn't have said it better.
Crap, overpriced, unreliable product + mass hype marketing + Western media support = BIG Sales.
Excellent, reasonably priced product + cautious marketing budget = POOR sales.
Well, it is the 3G model. I could see them trying to clear stock of that particular model. The 3G service seems a waste to me.
Could be clearing the channel of the 3G model in order to launch a new 4G version sold through a specific carrier…and making way for a $200 base model with a 4GB or 8GB memory card thrown in…
JustPushStart owes me royalties cause I posted this deal in a earlier thread, plus in the forum too.
BTW, it also comes with an 8GB memory card included.
$180!!!!! Are you serious?!?!?!
The 3G Wifi model of the Vita is $420 here in Australia!!! And the Aussie $ currently matches the US $ almost exactly!!!
That's it!!! Australia sucks as a gaming country, time for me to move to North America!!
Ahhhh…. cheap games, lower taxes, E3, PAX and Comic Con.
Wait, family are still here. And I'm using this thing called the "internet", so per-maybe-haps I can figure out a way to use this so called "internet" to get a cheap Vita and cheap Vita games without having to move country….
Hehehe, OUTRAGEOUS!! 😀
Use that internet of yours to stay in touch with the family instead, you fool. 🙂
(I actually am dying to live a few years abroad. Would be a fantastic experience. The only thing holding me back is that the country I want to move to, Cyprus, has much bigger problems with the recession than my current country, Norway. So I would not get me a job down there. Sux.)
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/29/2012 2:46:05 AM
No no no. What's with all the hate?
All is well! No problems with the Vita. All goes according to plan. May I remind you It's a marathon, not a sprint! The customers are lining up for the holiday sales, is all! They are *dying* to get this piece of hardware, they just haven't found the time yet.
All it needs is a COD and a price cut on the memory cards and it will FLY off the shelves! Simple as that, just you wait and see!
</blatant fishing for thumbs boiled in a good soup of sarcasm 😉 >
Last edited by Beamboom on 10/29/2012 2:36:00 AM
Funny thing is… you just described me. lol
Except instead of CoD, I'm more looking at AC: Liberations
Even funnier still, you're giving me a harsh deja vu of 2007/2008… except that was about the PS3. That was supposed to fail, too.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 10/29/2012 9:54:57 AM
Underdog, don't you realize that the PS3 is a failure? I mean, despite the fact that global sales of PS3 will exceed 100 million units and lifetime sales of PS3 will certainly exceed those of 360 and almost certainly the Wii, it's still considered a failure….
Just as PSP with it's 75 million or so units is considered a 'failure'.
Yes, if you're in the business of working against Sony, or deliberately stirring up crap on a Sony news site you call these failures…
I kind of hope that it does signify a price drop. If it's coming wholly and solely because the Vita isn't selling, then there is a massive problem for Sony and something that will become difficult to remedy. It could come to pass that no retailer will take the device for their shelves if no-one ever buys it… This worries me a little.
i cant see this catching on too much this is probably just to clear current stock than they will jack up the price again.
$ony really needs to introduce a price cut and not only that but also a multitude of new colors and accessories for the vita.
hell, what ever happened to the official portable charger?
EB had it on their website for preorder releasing in july, than it suddenly disappeared.
Um, whatever it implies, that's an amazing steal! Over $120 off?!
Thanks giving approacheth, channel clearance approacheth. Christmas bundles approacheth. New SKUs and pricing in the New year approacheth….New 4G model sold through Cell partner next year approaceth??
If that thing could be used as a phone, everyone in the country would buy it.
Sadly, this has been the path of Sony for 10 years now.
The entire market knew what the psp was, and they discontinued that name.
Now you have, (in consumers minds,)
the vita
the psp
the xperia play
all "mobile" devices, all able to play games, 1 a phone, 2 dedicated gaming devices, 2 handheld require a data plan, 1 handheld requires a memory card to be bought separate, 1 handheld requires you buy your games from the playstation suite, 2 handhelds require you buy them from the playstation store, 2 of the handhelds get on the internet, 1 sends texts, 1 makes calls, 1 gets you trophies now, 1 is going to get you trophies soon.
What an absolute cluster. No wonder no one wants to jump into that mess at a 300$ price point. This is, by nature, a collection of knowledgeable sony fans on this site – we understand it all.
Jane McMom from oklahoma looking for a "back to school" phone so billie can send the text messages if he's late coming home from soccer practice?
come on sony. really?
Ha! completely agree with Johnnygold! SO true. They really need to just make a few different skus and market the shit out of them from the beginning. Just look at the PS3 itself: 2 skus to start with, and in the beginning and aside from being very expensive (WTF is a Blu-ray disc?!) it was also a little confusing. (BTW the only real difference between the 20Gig "budget" model and the 60 Gig premium, was the Wifi and size of HDD. All other features could be done through USB. Oh, and good luck finding one at the time. Then more and more skus and features dropped (I know it was to save money, but still more skus!) and then more models different HDDS and then games bundles etc. If I were a parent who never gamed or didn't care about this stuff I would probably not have known which one to get and also would have balked at the prices (I know my parents would have. LOL!. SONY makes nice products and I am a fan, but they really don't have a clue about marketing to westerners in my opinion. Maybe they'll remedy that with the PS4. It will only serve to boost their sales and make sure the superior product doesn't get overlooked.
Sony always have problems with marketing and they seem to have that solved when they hooked up Jerry Lambert aka Kevin Butler but now he's no longer doing ads for Sony.
Sony always have problems with marketing and they seem to have that solved when they hooked up Jerry Lambert aka Kevin Butler but now he's no longer doing ads for Sony.
SCEA cannot advertize it's way out of a paper bag. The whole Kevin Butler thing was an absolute stroke of fortune proving that eventually even idiots can get something right.
SCEA needs to get it's head out of it's nether regions and do several things.
Firesale the PSP. Release the various colored PS3s and controllers and put out special game themed SKUs with skinned PS3s. Do the same thing for Vita. Talk to their core customers and find out what they actually want, and then go do it. ADVERTIZE. Put the 12FB Flash based PS3 onsale for $200. Put out a 4GB Wifi Vita for $200. ADVERTIZE. Pay for some of the niche games from Japan to be localized and sold via PSN, the Sony hardcore fans will buy them and Vita/PSP games will help shift Vita to the hardcore like no other. ADVERTIZE.
Did I mention that Sony needs to talk about their stuff more? Oh yeah, and ADVERTIZE!!
It's a shame our voices can't carry across the continents because you & me both, have been saying all along that Sony should've been colorizing(or at least skinning their bundles) from the getgo.
$180 is a helluva deal. I'd have to guess they're clearing out 3G stock and making room for the new AC bundle. The 3G model seems silly and pointless to me anyway.
I'm a little surprised there's been no official holiday price cut though. I bought my first edition bundle… cuz that's what I do. But the early adopters like me have already bought their Vita's. And for the most part, I think we're all pretty damn happy with it. I'm hoping a lot of people are just holding out for the AC: Liberation bundle, because that is a pretty sweet deal.
Sony won't have a holiday price cut. They might allow retailers to do this kind of thing, they might discount for the retailer to allow retailers to discount, they might allow bundling that gives an effective price cut, but they won't have an official price cut until the new year. The holiday sales are a preview of that though.
Well, I bought the standard version at launch because I didn't think it was worth the money for the coverage, considering how much I would probably use it; but I might now. For what I save, it basically pays for it.