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Inafune: TGS Proved The Industry Is Inundated With Sequels

Ex-Capcom boss and Comcept co-founder Keiji Inafune is always ready to talk, especially when the subject is the general state of the game industry.

Clearly, Inafune wasn't all that impressed with what was on display at last week's Tokyo Game Show. He stated quite bluntly- "There's nothing brand new here in TGS 2012; there's just too many sequels."

And of course, that's something we've been hearing from many mouths for quite some time; sequels, prequels and spin-offs frequently rule the sales charts, because gamers routinely flock to recognizable names and big franchises. But as a consequence, it makes launching new IPs that much more difficult. Said Inafune:

"It's a huge challenge to bring out new IPs in the gaming landscape here. With Soul Sacrifice and our partnership with Sony, this may bring in new obstacles to overcome, but we like new and good challenges. Hopefully other publishers can take on that spirit more."

He's referring to the Vita-exclusive title that's kinda like Monster Hunter , based on what we've heard. He also added that the game would never have existed if he hadn't left Capcom, obviously meaning that Capcom wouldn't have backed the project. Sony, however, has opted to back it, and Inafune is appreciative of that. Anyway, I don't think anyone will necessarily disagree with the "too many sequels" complaint, but let's not forget that very often, sequels and new franchise entries are often popular for a very good reason: Many times, they kick much ass.

Assassin's Creed III or God of War: Ascension , anyone?

Related Game(s): Soul Sacrifice

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11 years ago

Interesting that he could get the new IP with Sony and not CapCom. Is it coming down to the situation where Sony is one of the few publisher willing to put out for new IPs?

11 years ago


11 years ago

I would believe that if only Capcom didn't come out with Asura's Wrath and Dragon's Dogma. Not forgetting they did a great job and Remember Me coming out.

11 years ago

I'm usually bothered by Inafune's philosophy.

I'm also bothered that there's a Transformers 4 movie in the works =p
Oh, please, for the love of man, STOP!

11 years ago

I'd like to think Inafune still has some goodness left, but he needs to shut up and make something like Onimusha again.

Oh god, is that weirdo Shia dude that wants to nail his mom in the new Transformers?

11 years ago

capcom did pretty good with dragons dogma

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Yea lots of sequels,prequels,interquels & spin offs on the horizon!
The last of us & beyond:Two souls,Fuse & Dishonoured are new ips i can think of off the top of my head…maybe Aliens: colonial marines..possibly Agent.
The last guardian could technically either be a sequel,prequel or an interquel which just gave my an idea!
SPOILER ALERT & Potential Spoiler Alert !!!!!
For anyone who finished Ico & Shadow of the colossus you may have noticed the horns motif.
Well i just noticed that trico(cat bird dog thing)from the TLG has two little horns jutting out of the top of his head,anyway i'm thinking the kid in the TLG is lord amon from SOTC who turns up towards the end of that game and gives wanderer a sharp pain in the chest,all speculation of course but if i'm right that would make TLG part 1 SOTC part 2 & ICO part 3 🙂
Imagine if you have to kill Trico yourself at the end of TLG 🙁 might be even harder than pressing R1 after the last fight in MGS3 🙁 i hope i'm totally wrong 🙂

11 years ago

I think Comcept and Grasshopper should team up for a game so we can see what would happen with a Suda 51 crazy idea and Inafune's ability to add substance.

11 years ago

I think eventually too many sequels in games can make a franchise get stale. But rarely is it the second or third entry. Brotherhood was the third entry if you don't include the PSP game for Assassin's Creed… and it was probably the best.

And Uncharted 2 was far better. LBP2 was better… etc etc… most franchises improve with each installment at least for a little bit.

But I do agree that I would love to see more NEW IPs.

11 years ago

Sequels raise the money needed to put into new IPs.

11 years ago

What new IPs? 😉

11 years ago

Oh you know there's plenty of em you old horsewrangler.

11 years ago

I don't mind sequels, but I prefer them to be spaced apart in a decent time frame. I'd say Half-Life 3 being on one end of that time frame and Call of Duty being on the other.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/24/2012 1:46:53 PM

11 years ago

We will all be eating irradiated cockroach meat in a post apocalyptic future by the time we see Half Life 3.

11 years ago

Fallout 3 reference.

11 years ago

that, though, is EXACTLY the problem!
one thing that really pisses me off is you see so many people complaining about this, but then you hop online and there playing yesterdays DLC pack!
if i had a nickel for every time i have heard someone complain about a EA sports game, or COD, that its just yesterdays DLC pack and there not buying anymore of them, then they go buy it release day even though they said there not going to, id be, well, you get the point by now.
as cliffy said haters will hate right to the cash register!
only if people bitched about originality, and uniqueness, than only bought those titles!
than we would be in a very, very situation!
so in essence stop bitching about the problem unless your actually going to do something about it!
as the saying goes put your money where your mouth is!
vote with your wallet.

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