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Vita/PS1 Classics Snafu: Proving Gamers Have Enduring Memories

The PlayStation Vita is quite the advanced piece of technology. In reality, nobody really knows its true potential.

…and yet, what has garnered the most headlines (and the most emotional reaction from gamers) is the new v1.80 update, which brings certain timeless PS1 classics to Sony's nifty new portable. That was the idea, anyway.

But after many complained of being unable to grab their favorite PS1 titles right out of the gate, despite a few heavy hitters like Final Fantasy VII seemingly turning out fine, one thing is abundantly clear: Nostalgia is a powerful thing. As fickle as the gaming crowd can be, especially in this generation, the hardcore's dedication to the memorable era that ran between 1995 and 2000 is absolutely undeniable. Let's face it, very few interested young'uns are annoyed at this latest turn of events, nor is the Vita even designed with two-generation-old software in mind. It's for bigger and better things, yes?

But Sony may have underestimated, as they potentially underestimated in their removal of full PS1/PS2 backwards compatibility from the PS3. There are still a lot of die-hard fans of old-school experiences and they want them to be available if Sony promises that availability. Clearly, this is even more important to many new Vita owners than fancy new software. That might be shocking to some but to others, it's perfectly natural. No, Syphon Filter can't compare to what we have today; to compare it to Splinter Cell: Blacklist , for instance, would be downright absurd.

But that's not the point, is it? No, we want some of our all-time favorite games on the go, and that's that. This should prove that not everyone has opted to completely dismiss the past.

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KiLLa TeQuILa23
KiLLa TeQuILa23
11 years ago


11 years ago

you just broke the #1 number one rule!!!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago


Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Just keep the psone classics coming Sony!

11 years ago

You have a doppelganger behaving like a retard.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Lol yea i see

Metal Head
Metal Head
11 years ago

I'll just wait for someone to create a homebrew update that will allow me to ripped my PS1 disc games to the Vita, just as I did for the original PSP. I don't understand why Sony won't do it, if it's possible. This is why I still have my PSP loaded with PS1 classics.

11 years ago

They prolly won'tallow it cause it's piracy.

11 years ago

They wouldn't have the right to do it, seeing as they own only a fraction of the PS1 catalogue.

11 years ago

For me I would like to see PS2 emulation but since we are missing R2, R3, L2, and L3 buttons I would have to assume that will be ruled out. Some of the PSN games like Journey, HARD CORPS UPRISING, and Lara Croft would be great. I have to assume most of the games would be fairly easy to reformat.

11 years ago

That's taken care of with binding to the rear touchpad. Some mightn't play as well as others but definitely not a complete barrier.

11 years ago

yup, since the rear pad can likely handle L2/R2, L3/R3 can probably be handled by tapping the front screen corners. It's not perfect, but it'd map all the controls fairly logically.

11 years ago

Vita not having PS2 emulation won't be an issue that has to do with controls. The Vita doesn't have the processing power to properly emulate the PS2 anyway.

11 years ago

Can you blame people? There is a lot more play time in those classic titles. I certainly won't be getting a Vita until it supports all my games. This is a rather huge clusterf*ck imo. You don't release your hardware until it works ya know?

11 years ago

And a portable platform is the best way to play those super long games, in my opinion. Being able to take FF VII on the bus, vacation, the other room when someone's hogging the TV, etc. is a great way to peck away at super long games. And then you can plug into your PS3 for longer sessions as time and circumstance allows. It is SUCH an awesome feature… when it works, that is.

11 years ago

Hmmm, the odd thing was that I was able to transfer some PS1 & PSP minis over to my Vita from back around the 2nd or 3rd week launched, and they worked fine.

Although I can't remember exactly which games(due to returning my Vita when it wouldn't turn on), I still have those games on my 16GB memory card awaiting for whenever I can get some income for another Vita(hopefully the AC:Liberation bundle if any are still left at income tax time).

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

It's big, but ive seen bigger.

11 years ago

That's the strange thing, Sony doesn't seem to be aware of what works and what doesn't.

11 years ago

Is it my imagination, or did Sony yank the Vita 1.80 firmware update? Go to us dot playstation dot com, it's still listing firmware 1.69. When you hit the 1.80 link in the 1.80 article on the US PlayStation blog is also goes to a page offering 1.69.

Wondering if someone somewhere realized how much of an own goal they scored? Or is this 1.69 thing simply an oversight? Who knows? Rumors will start, tongues will wag and speculators will speculate. 😉

Last edited by TheHighlander on 8/28/2012 11:25:09 PM

11 years ago

Normally Sony takes a few days before they post the firmware updates. Not a mystery there. I am a bit curious on which pieces of software work on the Vita that Sony itself doesn't list. BikerSaint, are you sure you really don't remember what PSN games you saw that worked on the Vita?

11 years ago


Yeah, it was 6 months ago & I've bought a ton of games since then, so I don't remember.
Plus the memory card won't work in anything else so I can't check the files to see what I've got there.

But with the mini's…..I still also have all those same mini's on my PSP & PS3, so I can tell you those that I was able to transfer over to the Vita from the Vita's launch, week 3,

Hysteria Project 2
Young Thor
Age of Hammer Wars
Me Monster:Hear Me Roar
Speedball 2 Evolution
Apache Overkill
Alien Zombie Death

FYI, be advised that the only way I could transfer all those games at the time, was right from my "transaction management" icon(inside the "Account management" icon) that's on the PS3.

I suggest you click those icons(above) to check your own transaction history & see what games you have that will transfer over to the Vita.
BTW, you'll have to re-download them again to your PS3 first, & then D/L them over to your Vita.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 8/29/2012 9:11:14 AM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

Alright I admit it. Alundra does seem pretty tempting and a FFVII dl is inedible. Nostalgia can go a long way.
On the other hand I could always dl these titles to my PSP and justify that devise's existence even after my Vita purchase.

11 years ago

I keep finding reasons not to sell the PSP ever, I think that is a failing on Sony's part because the best way to get people to buy your new hardware is to make them feel safe to let go of the old stuff.

11 years ago

That's the most frustrating part of this. I WANT to make the leap to Vita. I'll get the money to do it! But PS1 Classics compatibility is such a great feature of PSP, why would I let go of that system until Vita offers the same? It feels like taking a step backwards.

11 years ago

For me backwards compatibility is not nostalgia though, especially on a handheld. It's a new way to enjoy titles and keeps interest alive and even grow it further by introducing it to new audiences who didn't get a chance to play it originally.

It's simplistic to draw a line and say people just want technologically strong experiences on the vita, or nostalgic trips, I don't think either absolute argument flies. The point is it's a extremely capable device of many things and it's great to utilize it in so many different ways.

11 years ago

Chrono cross is so awesome….

Only played a couple of hours so far but its seems to be threatening the crown I have placed on ff8…

11 years ago

That is good to hear! I have never played Chrono Cross but have heard nothing but good things about it. I will most certainly give it a go soon.

11 years ago

just goes to show nothing beats nostalgia!
partly because we remember things through rose tinted eyes, things are always remembered to be better than what they actually were.
if i had a nickel for every time i went back and played something ive loved for years, than said its great but its not as good as i remembered, id be the richest man in the world.

also goes to point they just dont make games the way they use too!
however i wish $ony would bring a open emulator to the ps4!
there will always be games they cant get licensing to so i really wish they would open up the ps4 like they have their phones!
not that that will ever happen, pigs will replace man as the prominent lifeform on earth, and aliens will be their slaves, before $ony opens up their consoles!
but id be nice, theres so many games out there will never see unless they do so.
there going to have to too simply because of the pressure being put on them by mobile, social and even ouya!
a closed platform is a thing of the past, update concede and accept, or go the way of the dinosaurs!

11 years ago

I'm not sure that I have had any issues getting any PS1 games onto the Vita since the 1.80 update. True, I can't download the games from the store front directly to the Vita. I can, however, download them onto the PS3 and then plug the Vita into it and download them via Content Manager. All of the games have been downloaded fine and all of them work.

11 years ago

Then I must be extremely unfortunate because it seems that with the possible exception of FFVII non of my many PS1 classics will transfer to Vita – I guess that they are just too much for the slick new unit's PS1 emulator to cope with. :/

The Doom
The Doom
11 years ago

The words "Enduring Memories" makes me have to ask a question to this community (and possibly to other gamers this applies to.) What exactly is the importance to the nostalgia gamers have to older titles? What memories are they supposed to bring up? Memories like "Yeah, I remember when I was 10 how I kicked that boss's ass." But all you have to do is find the involving title and beat said boss again. What's the emotional attachment to that, especially since it can be replayed over again? Are there things that happened in one's life around the time they played the games are where the actual nostalgia lies?

As far as b/c goes, you're usually more focused on wanting new games than playing titles from over 15 years ago. I'd rather hear more about new PS vita releases than PS1 games that are over a decade old.

11 years ago

Nostalgia encompasses many aspects, it is a romantic re-writing of a time in our lives in which video games played a big part. It stands in stark contrast to the often harsh realities of adult life. It has to do a lot with what was going on in our lives at the time outside of the game and also the fond memories of youth which, for many of us, stand far above our emotional attachment to the here and now.

In a way it is a summoning tool. Many of us were moved emotionally by a game for the very first time in Final Fantasy VII, so playing it again brings back a solid gold moment from our past where gaming literally changed the way we think about things and possibly even made us capable of being deeper human beings.

For many of us we have certain games or gameplay that are synonymous with a time when we had the true freedom and lack of difficult responsibilities that come with growing up. In that sense it is a way to touch that original innocence we all lose in the course of our lives.

Some of my greatest memories as a kid was biking up to the arcade and spending my allowance on Mortal Kombat II, but it wasn't just the game, it was the fun and easygoing time I had with my friends being entertained with the things that kids are entertained by and which adults can no longer grasp as fun but instead take for granted in favor of more base desires for money, sex, and power that fly in the face of the innocence most of us would like to have back, even if just for a moment.

11 years ago

The importance is that they don't just remain distant memories, in the face of a culture that usually speeds ahead at break neck speed, see my comment…

Red 5
Red 5
11 years ago

Well, I'm ready to play:
Final Fantasy VII,
Resident Evil 2,
Castlevania: SotN,
Metal Gear Solid.

The PSP is ALMOST done. My PSP was stolen (or lost) a few months ago and I only "need" one to play some UMD Games.
If only, ONLY there was a mode to play UMD Discs… I don't know, maybe going to a SONY Shop and exchange the UMD for a "Boucher Code" or something.
Red 5.

11 years ago

they already found a completely LEGAL workaround. it requires a PS3. go on the PSN store and download the non-supported game onto the PS3. DONT INSTALL. hook the vita up and do a transfer to the Vita. Apps —> Playstation and the games will show. copy them. done. i got Soul Reaver, Mega man 2 + 3 and Medievil all on my Vita. Source is from the YT site of Fist full of potions (

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