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Killzone: Mercenary Utilizes KZ3 Engine

It was one of the biggest announcements for Sony at Gamescom last week: Killzone: Mercenary for the Vita.

Many gamers were impressed by the unveiling presentation, which included a very real teaser trailer coupled with fantastic-looking gameplay. So how did Guerrilla get it to look so dang good on a portable?

Well, the Vita's tremendous capabilities is part of the answer, obviously. The other part of the answer is this, as reported at European source PSVitaFront : The engine used in Mercenary is the same engine the developers used in Killzone 3 . That probably doesn't surprise anyone but several years ago, if you had told me a handheld would be able to use PS3 exclusive engines, I think I might've laughed.

Then I would've thought about it for a minute and concluded that with the rapidly ramping-up technology, it was probably quite possible. And so it is.

Related Game(s): Killzone: Mercenary

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11 years ago

Sure looks a full generation better than CodBlops Declassified.

11 years ago

Yes it does.

11 years ago

Declassified will fail hard.

11 years ago

Ironically, I do hope that it helps move alot of Vitas. It does look like garbage though.

11 years ago


Actually I hope it sells well so other developers realize the vita has a good market so we get better games.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

I really don't think that Declassified will sell all that well. As big as the CoD name is, the Vita iteration is already getting a bad rep and I don't see Activision marketing the game excessively well. Too bad really, it could have really changed things.

11 years ago

@Trophy: Hope is one thing, often reality is another.
I don't usually wish for anyone or anything to fail or flop, I just say how I think it will turn out. And from what I have read and seen of Declassified this smells like a huge flop.
It even looks like Activision don't want to touch that thing with a ten-foot pole.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
11 years ago

This is GG's handy work. The probability of this one being a gem are looking pretty good. This will compliment ACIII:L nicely. It's just a matter of choosing that 3rd game. Am leading toward Gravity Rush, but not sure yet.

11 years ago

Sounds like you have it all figured out! ACIIIL, KZM and GR! You cannot go wrong.

I am not surprised and surprised at the same time. How does GG do the seemingly impossible task of getting the KZ3 engine on the Vita? And on the other hand how does Nhilistic create a turd like CoD Declassified using the same hardware? I will tell you, it's the Dev and the Engine! I am in agreement with jimmyhandsome and hope CoDDecaf moves a lot of Vitas.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 8/24/2012 3:52:21 PM

11 years ago

Gravity Rush is brilliant. Highly recommended… Can't wait for AC:III:L and Killzone for the Vita.

Never thought I would have AC, Killzone and Uncharted on a handheld! The Vita is an impressive piece of kit!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
11 years ago

It's a hella impressive engine and for it to be running on a portable… The Vita is amazing. That being said, I'm confused by the developer. It's being advertised as Guerrilla, but a lot of sources are saying that it's Sony Cambridge, including the very first time that we saw the game in the NGP showcase. It was reported a while ago that Cambridge was being folded into Guerrilla, but it's still a but it's still a bit misleading, innit?

11 years ago

now thats impressive!
i really hope this has the epic feel of 2, the boss battles of 2, and the level and story design of 3.
then it will be the best KZ!
and FINALLY a must have shooter for the vita will have arrived!

11 years ago

Oh my god Killzone 3 Engine on PS VITA.seriously this will be the first killzone with a good story theme

11 years ago

Original source of information: Herman Hulst of Guerilla Games on the day that the trailer debuted at Gamescom. Everyone should really check the PS Blog more.

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