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FFXIV On Vita Needs Better Unit Sales, Stable Networks

Final Fantasy XIV on the PlayStation Vita isn't too far-fetched. But it does seem pretty darn unlikely.

The MMORPG set in the Final Fantasy universe has had its share of difficulties on PC, and those major issues must be addressed before Square Enix eventually brings the game to the PlayStation 3.

But as for a Vita port, FFXIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida said that while they could scale things back enough, there are a couple other significant hurdles the handheld world would have to clear. Here's what he told GamesRadar :

"Technically it'll probably work – you could scale it down and get it running. The problem is that in an MMO one of the most important things is the network and so, you know, if you're in a party with a lot of different people in a raid and someone's on the Vita and they have a very… you know, it's not a stable network connection then you're going to be a nuisance to your party members. So global internet networks need to be better. And then also, just more people need to buy the Vita."

That's always the biggest problem facing developers and publishers when a new piece of hardware is on the market. The bottom line is that too few people have the thing, so a port might not be worth the effort. Does anyone out there really want to see FFXIV on the Vita, anyway…?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIV

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11 years ago

Oh, so SE is going to get picky about unit sales after supporting the shockingly awful 360 market in Japan? Hypocrites. They know the truism that gaming and all other markets live by – "if yo build it, they will come."

SE should know well by know that PlayStation gamers are generally speaking more likely to buy their products than others. So if they put FFXIV on Vita, people will buy it.

Frankly, I think this is about the same thing it always is with SE, they want Sony to pony up some $$ like M$ has in the past. Of course given SEs track record with FFXIV, you might be forgiven for thinking that SE *owes* Sony with respect to the game after the exclusivity fiasco and horrible initial 'launch' of the game on PS3.

11 years ago

Indeed Highlander. Besides, if there's a console RPG that I'd rather make an appearance on the Vita, it'll be Ni No Kuni and not this game.

11 years ago

I think everyone just wants FFXIV to go away so we can pretend it never happened.

11 years ago

Agreed but SE has said that they did not want this game to be a failure. Uhh too late? Just scrap it and move on SE SMH.

11 years ago

They feel bad about dragging the FF name through the mud. They try to talk their way out of the crappy direction of FFXIII but there's no denying what XIV has become. A flop.

11 years ago

To be a PS3 flop, it would have to have been on sale for PS3, it's never managed to be that yet…

11 years ago

It has been an utter failure on the PC.

11 years ago

If this FFXIV turns out to be decent I'll be more than happy to get it for the Vita, if the Vita's controls can handle it. a portable MMO sounds far more appealing than on the PC or Console, I love the idea of playing it on the go. But as I said it has to work with the Vitas tech & I shouldn't have to say this, but if it charges monthly fee's 'Not interested.'

11 years ago

I respect FFXIV team for fixing a failed game because not many developers would do that. Ive been keeping up with updates they have improved alot in the game.

Last edited by bebestorm on 8/20/2012 4:48:38 PM

11 years ago

Ffxiv has come a long, long way since its admittedly disastrous launch. The development team was replaced and the new team has been regularly releasing major patches for the past year and a half, completely overhauling everything from the battle system to transportation, questing, crafting and interactivity features.

The release of 2.0 will take it even further, revamping the graphics engine, UI and even transforming the world itself. The game as it is now is an amazingly enjoyable testament to Yoshida &co's refusal to give up, and when 2.0 finally hits the only thing I foresee holding it back is people's ignorance.

Hypocritical? Please, how is it hypocritical to learn from a poor business decision? If anything SE is being TOO receptive to the demands of its player base, some of whom seem to spend more time trolling the forums than actually playing the game. Overwhelming negativity from others such as the three prior posters on this forum, who clearly haven't bothered to check out the myriad improvements since 2011, make me a bit sad…FFXIV deserves at least a 2nd look.

11 years ago

The game must be something special if it lead you to make a profile and comment.

Its hard for some people to take a second look if we've never had a first look, talking about us console only owners. For now I guess we'll have to take your word. I can't disagree if I have never tried it.

11 years ago

Well, 1st appearances are rather important, and SE blew it. I wouldnt mind givin this game another try, except that SE was charging a monthly fee for this game in a broken state last year, and that just makes me never wanna play this again.

Honestly, I really dunno how SE could mess up this game so bad, they released it in such a broken state, and really all they had to do was copy FFXI's formula, and update the graphics, and they would've had another hit MMO on thier hands, but they tried to go so far out of the box, they got lost, and despite changes they've made, this game still feels broken to its core.

11 years ago

Honestly I don't generally post on forums, but I do feel passionately about this as you pointed out. I'm not a squeenix fanboy but I did play ffxi for the first 5 years and it remains one of my favorite experiences in gaming…thus I had high hopes for this game.

The new dev team has gone above and beyond in its efforts to make this game not just decent, but potentially great. But the thing that ultimately makes or breaks any mmo is the community playing it…and that's why I decided to make aprofile anf comment. There's so much negativity out there about this game coming mostly from people who understandably ragequit at the beginning — but that game bears little resemblance to the ffxiv of today. I feel strongly that 2.0 could be a masterpiece, BUT that won't matter if we can't get a strong community together to share in our adventures.

11 years ago

I wouldn't mind buying this. IF SE remove the monthly subscription FEE.i hardly have anytime to play and when i do its 2 hours a week maxed… and i dont want pay a monthly fee for that amount of time playing

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