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Vita To All The Haters: How Do Ya Like Me Now, Bitch?

Although it remains to be seen if all this great news will result in a serious uptick in sales, I don't think there's any doubt that the PlayStation Vita has some serious momentum going after an unbelievable Gamescom.

All we've seen throughout the summer are articles predicting the Vita's doom, articles desperately calling for a price cut, and complainers and skeptics in every forum and community around the Internet. And admittedly, not much has come out for Sony's new portable after a really solid launch. We need the software and oh yeah, we need support for all our favorite PS1 classics, too.

Well, we're getting that very soon and the system is really coming with the software. Not only are we looking at super huge titles like Assassin's Creed III: Liberation and Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified , we'll be receiving highly imaginative and innovative titles like Tearaway , which is in development at LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule. And did we forget about the newly revealed Killzone: Mercenary ?

As if that wasn't enough, Sony will be pushing the Vita like crazy with that Cross Buy promotion , which is a fantastic deal no matter how you slice it. In the Vita, Sony appears to be focusing on their strengths (first-party work) while still catering to the mainstream masses by offering hugely popular names in Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed . Of course, we have to assume these games will be pretty damn amazing; if they're not, the plan backfires. Still, based on the potential we've seen from the Vita thus far, we'll take the leap and make that assumption.

We're just wondering what the haters will come up with now…we're sure there's something else to complain about. The price? Probably. Well, just keep complaining, because it really won't matter to all the happy Vita owners out there.

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11 years ago

LOL! Love it!

11 years ago

I think the title was written by Dave Chappelle 😛

11 years ago

I think all of that will help to bring in sales but we might not see them until the holidays are truly upon us.

11 years ago

Remote Play?…ever?

11 years ago

Sadly, probably not. I don't think Sony ever said it would be a feature. We just logically assumed it was coming because they showed us what it was capable of.

11 years ago

It can be done if older ps3 fermware is hacked. Wouldn't that mean it is possible and Sony is holding out a little it on this?

11 years ago

I don't see why we should give up at all. It's obvious that things need to be on the ps3 side now and that's it. They just need to get it done.

Even the control scheme of type 3 is in place when you remote play now of binding L2/R2 and analog nub buttons to the rear touch panel.

11 years ago

Want this SO BAD, but I have to think technical difficulties are holding it up. Remote play would be such a system seller, why else would they hold off on it? Just my opinion, but I'm not sure what else the hold up could be.

I'm 99 percent sure Sony announced remote play last winter. I distinctly remember watching an IGN news video on the subject.

11 years ago

Yeah this feature was advertised. Sony was pushing big on it. We even had commercials with it.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
11 years ago

Well some guy on Gamasutra just a short while ago claimed that the games revealed at Gamescom won't help the Vita "move major hardware". Although he didn't really give any argument or explanation for this claim or provide any evidence. He also more or less said the same about the cross buy initiative again without really providing any argument or evidence to back up that claim.

A look at this guy's past posts really gives the strong impression that he's a biased Nintendo supporter.

It's unfortunate but it seems that there are some people who are just never going to give Sony a break no matter what they do. That's bias for you.

11 years ago

I don't think anyone should be given a break. It's the job of the press not to. 🙂

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
11 years ago

I don't really know what you're talking about or what exactly the press has to do with some guy's post on some blog but I'll rephrase anyway.

It seems that some people are never going to give Sony credit or even the benefit of the doubt no matter what they do.

Or to put it more bluntly the haters are still going to hate, the doubters are still going to doubt, and the naysayers are still going to say nay.

11 years ago

Ah sorry I thought you referred to the same guys as Ben in this article, ergo the gaming press.

Bloggers? Why bother with bloggers… They are as important as any given poster on a forum.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/15/2012 8:35:38 AM

11 years ago

@ Beam – I agree people shouldn't be given a break, but the hit-centric, ADHD focus of modern media means that facts are skewed (on many, many issues – gaming's really a sideshow here) leading to people making sub-optimal decisions about their lives, meaning people are less happy and wealthy because of the torrid state of the mainstream media, at least in the English-speaking world.

11 years ago

I don't think it's just Vita making a nice showing. It's also Sony's continued commitment to PS3. I mean heck, it would seem MS has TOTALLY given up on producing anything worthwhile for people who aren't idiots outside of Halo and Forza. It's crazy how polarized the two biggest competing platforms have become. Seems like entirely different audiences anymore.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

I think MS knows there's no point in supporting such ancient technology anymore. 😉

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
11 years ago

Well there is mounting evidence that Microsoft is becoming less interested in gaming in general.

11 years ago

I hope that's true Looking Glass, I'd love to see them leave the scene and open a slot.

11 years ago

While I agree it's good sony is backing the PS3 still, Ben your comment is silly, the PS3 is just as acnient then Xbox is, yeah it came out after, but it's still old.


Man I'd love for MS to bow out of the ring, and have Sega join back into the fight!, I'd love to see the Sega Vs Nintendo war again ^^ . Not only that, but Sega can put out some really good consoles, just look at the last 1 they put out, the Dreamcast, that thing was WAY before it's time, had wonderful graphics, built in modem ( which no other console was even dreaming about at the time ), fun memory cards you could play games on when your not on the console, some really amazing games, ooooo man I loved my dreamcast, I was very sad to hear Sega wasnt doing any more consoles.

Last edited by Phoenix on 8/15/2012 2:39:33 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Phoenix: In no way is my comment "silly." Developers have constantly said they could get more out of the PS3 (a LOT more), while NO developer is saying that about the archaic architecture of the 360, which doesn't even have true HD software.

We're seeing evidence of more power in the PS3 with games like The Last Of Us. What are we seeing from the 360? Gears 3 is about the best they can do; the next Gears and Halo 4 don't look any better from what I can see. That console has been maxed out for at least a year, while the PS3 isn't even close.

Hardly "silly." Fact.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/15/2012 10:02:30 AM

11 years ago

I fully expect MS will try and lure more committed game players during the first 3 years of their next Xbox, and then leave them beached on shore while MS sails off to appeal to everyone else.

11 years ago

To say that the PS3 is "not even close" to being maxed out is a bit optimistic. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/15/2012 12:02:55 PM

11 years ago

@ Beam – depends how you define close – it's a subjective interpretation of a subjective statement :P. Would agree that we're not likely to see huge leaps in graphics or gameplay from here on in though :).

11 years ago

@ Ben

The PS3 has already hit its peak with older games, like MGS4, and honestly I'd hardly say games are looking any better on the PS3 now compared to a couple years back. I'm sure for every comment about a dev saying they can get more from PS3 than 360, you'd find 1 saying the exact opposite.

The fact is, most exclusive titles on the PS3 and 360 always tend to bring out the best, and you know what? both systems look beautiful when the proper care and attention is taken. Now, when it comes to multi-plat games, from what I've seen and read, it seems most of the time the 360 is usually the better version, with a few exceptions here and there, which isnt really fair for the PS3, since most of the time those games are developed on the 360, so the PS3 never gets a fair shake at it, but the fact is we'll never truly get to see a fair compairison unless some dev team does a game, developed from scratch on both the PS3 and the 360, and ofcourse they will never do this because it would harm thier bottom line.

I know it's your job to be optimistic about everything PS related, and to trash anything non PS related, but I think in this case you need to take your head outa the sand.

11 years ago

"The PS3 has already hit its peak with older games, like MGS4"

What utter nonsense. You haven't been paying attention that last 4 years then.

11 years ago

@ Jawknee

Well, while I cant argue the fact that I havent bought a new title for some years for the PS3, due to nothing being intresting to me, I do watch a lot of reviews, and watch games being played by others quite often, and I've gotta say that the graphics havent taken a huge leep, like some would suggest, I'd say at best they've taken baby step. So do tell, what has come out that has really blown some of these older gems away in terms of graphics?

11 years ago

I wish we could get Fire Emblem and other cool games like that for Vita.

11 years ago

Nintendo has a pretty firm grasp on the Fire Emblem series. The new one for 3DS looks amazing and people are saying it's the best one yet.

11 years ago

Curious about one thing, has Sony explained how exactly you will get both games with the cross buy promotion? Do you have to buy it on the psn or does a disc based ps3 game come with a code?

Just wondering because I could see a lot of people not interested or who can't afford a vita, selling codes that come with their ps3 games.

11 years ago

If you buy it on PSN it just unlocks both the PS3 and Vita versions to be downloaded for your account. (at least, that's how they did it with the Foosball game promo just recently)

11 years ago

So if I buy a game on disc then I don't get the vita version? That's what I'm wondering, am I being forced to buy the digital version of a ps3 game in order to get the vita version?

11 years ago

There's no definitive statement yet, but everything Sony has said suggests that retail games will come with the Vita code. They have said there will *not* be a memory stick in the case with the disc.

How they might counteract people selling the codes is unclear; likely that is why they haven't said exactly how it will work.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/16/2012 5:55:29 PM

11 years ago

Still nothing I'm even remotely intrested in yet on the vita, but that's good it's finally getting some much needed titles.

I doubt I'll even bother with the vita until it gets a major price cut though, the handheld + memory costs is just too much for a handheld imo, and no BC is still a problem, atleast for me.

11 years ago

Lol and you base yourself on?

The only handheld on the market that is cheaper is the old PsP and the 3DS… And they don't compare at all in terms of power or what they can do. Their graphical power equals a PS2/wii or less XD.

If you look in the same price range you will find the Ipod touch (some models are even much more expensive) and even though it is the same price or more… It still can't produce the same gaming quality as the Vita.

It is kind of sad for BC but if you are buying a Vita for your old PsP titles just stick with your PsP. The Vita is meant to play next gen games.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 8/15/2012 1:27:50 PM

11 years ago

Hahaha, and yet I'd buy a psp or a NDS over the vita anyday of the week, they've both been out longer and have a much better library of games, which is to be expected, but even the NDS had much better titles near launch then the Vita has, aswell as BC to back it up even further!

I doubt any1 is buying a Vita for psp games, so I'm not sure why your bringing that up….. I only bring up BC because it's a huge minus against the Vita, imo. Just think about it, ur going on a road trip, or whatever, and u wanna pack a portable, now you got 2 titles you really wanna play on the trip, 1 is a vita, 1 is psp umd, wouldnt it just be easier to pack 1 handheld instead of 2? hell yes, and that's my issue, sony seems to be taking big leaps backwards when it comes to BC, and I dunno if they just simply dont want to for cost sake, or they are trying to make more money reselling the games digitaly, I dunno, but I'm sick of not having BC with sony gadgets.

11 years ago

That show definitely showed what the Vita was capable, Tearaway looks utterly groundbreaking and a good use of the technology. Notice how it didn't use the touchscreen on the front, which is something I cannot stand.

Is it enough to buy it though… I don't know… I think for me personally it would take a Final Fantasy or Metal Gear as they're the two titles I have always been excited for. But maybe if Level-5 or Atlas invest some time to into it I may get one. I can see myself having one before the end of next year now.

11 years ago

It would be SWEET if Ni No Kuni has cross play. I think that would get me many steps closer to wanting the Vita.

11 years ago

It's just personal taste but I'm mildy more interested in the Vita Assassin's Creed title than the main upcoming 3 simply due to the main character being a woman. More unique than just another male counterpart in a time period.

11 years ago

Great stuff for sure, only game I'm a bit disappointed in is CoD, I'm not a huge fan of the series, but I'm not a hater either, I've gotten enjoyment out of certain games in it so I was hoping for this one to be awesome but the graphics look horrendous and Nihilistic doesn't instill much confidence. Killzone looks great though and Tearaway is the perfect kind of game for a portable system.

11 years ago

I tip my hat to Sony for this move.
To give away the Vita version of a game with the PS3 version is such a clever idea to insert the Vita into the consciousness of many gamers.

I have never been a hater but I've always been a doubter, and I still am. But this was a clever idea.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/15/2012 3:44:54 AM

11 years ago

Free Vita versions of PS3/PSN/PS4 games definitely make me more inclined to buy the hardware, because being able to play my existing games on the rare occasions that I'm away from my TV is exactly how I would use a handheld. Vita exclusives don't have the same appeal, since I don't want to play a handheld for extended periods.

It also makes me more likely to buy the games: I bought Hustle Kings in part because of the free Vita version even though I don't have a Vita yet.

My only remaining reluctance is fear of a PSP-2000-like redesign (with, for instance, video out and on-board storage). I got burned with the PSP.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/16/2012 6:11:04 PM

11 years ago

To be honest?

I'm still not interested personally.

Granted, CoD & Assassins Creed are big names but owners of PS3, X360 will be able to play ACIII & the new CoD on their big screens later in the year when they release.

Tearaway is looking cute & the new KillZone should be a posterchild for the little systems capabilities but there is still nothing there that screams "buy me" imo.

But it is a good sign to start seeing an increase in quality games coming to the vita, it's showing promise even if i personally still can't justify spending money on the thing.

Hater? 😀

Last edited by Kevin555 on 8/15/2012 3:58:55 AM

11 years ago

To each his own. I was sold on the Vita as soon as Uncharted: Golden Abyss was announced for it. Then other titles got announced that made purchasing the Vita a no-brainer: Persona 4 Golden, Gravity Rush, and (just recently) Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, Tearaway, and Killzone: Mercenaries.

11 years ago


Fair enough mate.

It does sting not being able to play Uncharted Golden Abyss but Persona i can live without especially now Persona 4 arena is released in glorious fighting form on consoles.

To be honest i have trouble getting into small screen gaming devices altogether. It just doesn't have the same effect for me when say playing a horror game or big screen epic like God of War or Uncharted. I've always found it difficult to play on a small screen after i see something like Uncharted 3 on a big screen. The downgrade in size has always made it hard for me to justify purchasing these handhelds regardless of their libraries.

Having said that maybe i will change my tone now the visuals are getting better on handhelds on when say maybe a Tekken or a few franchise faves are released.

Regardless however, i am glad you like it & i hope you get full enjoyment from it. It's great thing for SONY to expand on upon, just don't think this sort of device will ever appeal to me like the big home consoles do.

11 years ago

That's alright Kevin. Like I said, we all have our own reasons for wanting something. I happen to be on the road for hours everyday, so having the Vita with me keeps me entertained. If I don't feel like plying a game, I still have my music and videos to consume my time. If not, then I can always browse the internet on it. 🙂

11 years ago

jumping the gun much?
the vita is still FAR from where it should be software wise!
its was nice to see whats happening with KZ and AC, but one of the systems biggest games COD looks craptacular!
its pretty disappointing and pathetic that its taken this long, a full year and a half after the games were announced, for them to be shown!
KZ, AC and COD especially, they were shown last feb when the vita was first announced and only now are we seeing them!
hell AC and COD are due out in 3 months time!
vita still has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go!
so dont count your chickens before there even made!

Last edited by ___________ on 8/15/2012 6:56:06 AM

11 years ago

I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater on my Playstation Vita right now.can't imagine what sony will do next.

11 years ago

Probably in my top 3 games of all time 🙂 I go back to it all the time.

11 years ago

my favorite game ending of all time is snake eater.

11 years ago

Is it your first time playing the game? Better late than never I guess – but yea…it's a great game alright. Naaa…not great – epic.

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