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Rumor: PS1 Compatibility Embraces Vita During Gamescom

We know compatibility for PS1 classics is coming to the PlayStation Vita; Sony confirmed that at E3.

But when is it coming, the hardcore gamers want to know? The "summer" arrival window seems awfully vague, right?

Well, maybe that compatibility will be ready in time for Gamescom in only a few weeks time. As reported by Xtreme PSVita , an "insider source" has confirmed that PS1 games will be playable on Sony's new portable during the big event show in August. Not far off!

If you didn't already know, firmware update 1.80 is slated for the week of August 13-19 and Sony's Gamescom press conference is scheduled for August 14, so this certainly seems plausible. Of course, when it comes to random "inside sources" that refuse to be named, it's always a little difficult to simply accept the rumor as potential truth. Then again, we know that sometimes it's impossible to release your information (you run the risk of never having access to your source again), so we understand the reason for secrecy even if some gamers don't.

Anyway, we just want our great PS1 classics to be available on the go. The quicker they get to the Vita, the better.

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12 years ago

Can't wait. Bought a larger memory card just for this.

12 years ago

Weird to think PS1 compatibility would be such a coveted feature on the Vita, but it definitely is. As soon as it's present and confirmed functional, I know i'll start setting aside some cash for a PSV pick up sooner than later.

12 years ago

I think it's amazing how nearly 20 years ago our minds were blown by those little black discs that we popped into our PS1's. Now we can fit up to 32gb worth of these games(some of the best in history)on one portable device. I never imagined having a PS1 in my pocket with my entire collection when playing FFVII back in 1997. 🙂

12 years ago

Same got me a 32giger 😀 can't wait to be able to pop FFVII and FFVIII on it 😀

12 years ago

Metal Gear Solid will be mine!!

12 years ago

YES!!! Now this is one rumour I really hope to be true. The lack of PS1 compatibility has been one of only two issues I have with my Vita. I have all these great PS1 games off PSN, but I can't play any of them. I bought Legend of Dragoon specifically to play it on my Vita, and have been waiting patiently.

Next on the agenda; Remote Play!!!

12 years ago

Yes! Thanks gumbi for reminding me about Legend of Dragoon!

Legend of Dragoon will be mine!

12 years ago

As much as it pains me to say this, It was a really big reason for me buying the It was a really big reason for me buying the vita but as more From what I understand, sony has never said it will be a feature What they showed with killzone 3 was simply a demonstration of what could happen, but never said it will happen. We all just got excited and assumed it would. I think lag is the main reason it wont, plus they are making a lot of money on vita ports.

12 years ago

Ha, sorry for the above post. I see a lot of it somehow got deleted so it doesn't make much sense. Oh well. Darn smartphones.

12 years ago

I want to know how good the games look on that screen and if we're able to use the right analog

12 years ago

PS1 games looked great on the PSP. Like they were made for it. So I'm sure they'll look great on the Vita as well. I fully expect right analog support, that would be a major oversight if we can't use it.

12 years ago

cant wait.

12 years ago

Really excited for this, to have old school rpgs on the go again will be fantastic. I hate leaving home without FF7.

12 years ago

Now I want to have a Vita for this.

12 years ago

Lets hope they have a good selection of PS1 games to begin with

12 years ago

It'll be the same PS1 classics that are already on the PS Store. You'll simply need to re-download them to transfer them to the Vita.

12 years ago

About bloody time…. 😉

In the mean time, I am enjoying Burnout Legends and GT PSP on my Vita. DL'd Valkyria Chronicles 2 last night, we'll see if that works on Vita tonight (it's not on the approved list, but most PSP games work, whether listed or not).

12 years ago

How did you get GT PSP on your Vita? Download from store using PS3 then install to Vita?

12 years ago

Please post if it works. I would be interest in VC2 if it does.

12 years ago

You should be able to download it to your PS3 then use the Content Manager on the Vita to copy it over.

12 years ago

Jawknee got it Nynja. Simply download it to your PS3, but don't instal it. Then use the Content manager on the Vita to transfer it.

I'll try VC2 tonight.

12 years ago

Valkyria Chronicles 2 works. Freshly downloaded the bundle version including all add-ons and it works on the Vita after transferring over using the content manager.

12 years ago

Really good news! Thank you for the follow up. I was anxious to hear.

12 years ago

ahhh, thanks guys!

12 years ago

No problemo.

Other titles I know to work;

– Crimson Gem Saga (which I think is an overrated game)
– Mana Kemia 2 student Alliance (an underrated game)
– Hot Shots Golf Open Tee
– Wipeout Pulse (will confirm, I can never remember which of Pure/Pulse that I have)

12 years ago

Ok. Bought it this morning. Anyone interested in this game should jump on it now.
PSN is running a deal that started months and months ago, and for whatever reason is still valid.

If you buy the bundle of VCII and DLC add on, you get it all for $22.50. If you buy just the game, it is $40.00 and the DLC is $5.00.

11 years ago

Oh, Crystal defender works as well…not a huge thing, but I like it.

Oh, and it's Wipeout Pulse I have on the Vita in addition to the Vita specific Wipeout – which truly rocks BTW. All the free DLC for the Vita Wipeout extends the game tremendously. I know it was added to facilitate cross play, but you're basically adding everything that the PS3 Wipeout has on to the Vita game for free.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/27/2012 10:53:33 AM

12 years ago

I'm a new Vita owner and loving the system too. I must be missing something, though. PS1 games are available for purchase or download from the PSN Store using the Vita.

Is this 'update' for full PS1 catalog?

12 years ago

I'm assuming PS1 Classics already saved to PS3, including file save information, could be transferred over to Vita once this happens… right? Would suck to have to start all my classics over again, even if I am already looking pumped for the next play-throughs of FF VII, Symphony of the Night, and Chrono Cross…

12 years ago

Well if all goes well I'll be getting the Assassins Creed bundle. I already have some PS1 classics that I downloaded will they work or do I have to repurchase?

12 years ago

ive been dying to dive back into bugs and taz time busters ever since my psp went belly up at the start of the year!
i hope theres some nice smoothing features going on, i had to stop playing ps1 games off my ps3 because it was worse than rubbing acid in your eyes!

12 years ago

The games will more than likely play as they would on PSP with the added bi-linear filtering that PSP titles get. The exception being the additional second analog will be directly supported on Vita.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 7/26/2012 10:43:43 AM

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