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Sony Reveals Vita Transfer Plan For PSP Software

The PlayStation Vita will launch in Japan on December 17 and in North America on February 22.

That much you know. But many have been asking about compatibility between Sony's new handheld and the PSP, and we've been hearing rumors about a transfer program.

Now, that program has been detailed , at least for Japan: if you want to transfer PSP games and save files to the Vita, you'll have to repurchase them digitally. However, if you can prove via UMD you already own the games in question, you'll get a discount. The fee to transfer most full-price games comes in at 1,000 yen or about $13, but others could cost more or less. More third-party titles will be available to transfer once the Vita is on store shelves, with around 200 games involved in the program.

Sony said studios like Square Enix, Capcom, and Konami would have titles on the list, but we have no further information at this time. So the question is, how important is this program to you? How badly do you need to play your PSP games on the Vita? Maybe it isn't as big a deal as it is with consoles, as you can just pick up the unit you wish to play; they don't have to be plugged into your TV all the time, or anything like that.

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12 years ago

Holy effing bullsh*t ripoff.

12 years ago

Yeah if you can prove you own the UMD it should be free.

12 years ago

I'm with you on that one Matt 99 it should be free.

12 years ago

We don't know what that discount is though. If it is like 90% it's fair enough, but it's probably closer to 10%… If so I agree; ugly.

12 years ago

Should be 100%, and why can't I just put my PSP games on my PS3 onto Vita? Guess they didn't want to build an emulator into it.

12 years ago

You can't transfer the psp games you got on the ps3 onto the Vita either? Is that confirmed?!
Either it's backward compatible or it's not. If it is, and they claim it is, then that should be no problem whatsoever?

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/11/2011 10:56:46 AM

12 years ago

If it wasn't for the fact that I never owned any of the previous psp's I would be so pissed off, because this is a straight up and down rip off.

12 years ago

Then just dont do it. All the games I bought from the online store will transfer no problem. Only the physical media will be a problem. The reason it isn't free is because of all the people who would abuse otherwise. The only exeption id make is if they actually KEPT your UMD in trade for the digital.

And yes it is BackwardCompatible. On my part I had a GO as well as a PsP 1000. So most of my games were bought online. For those who did like me, you will have no problems and no extra fees. Anyway I do not really plan on replaying them on the Vita. It will have awesome games on its own and if you really want to keep playing your old physical copies of psp games just do it on the PsP the resolution will be better since it wont be upscaled.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 11/11/2011 5:48:03 PM

12 years ago

LOL at how you say "Only the physical media will be a problem" like it's no big deal when it really is. Neo you say bought most your games online well good for you why don't you give yourself a pat on the back for it and then after you're done come back to reality and realize that MOST ppl who had a PSP got more physical copies then the downloaded stuff, so yeah ppl are gonna have a problem with this and for good reason.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 11/11/2011 7:19:26 PM

12 years ago

Whatever. They dont even have to offer that service. Plus you keep your old copy of your game. People should just be grateful they even allow it. Its funny how you turn a favor sony is optionnally offering into something bad.

Plus I can garranty if there were no fees, people would abuse the system. Sony already lost money this year and I think what they offer is a good compromise.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 11/12/2011 3:50:57 PM

12 years ago

Wow, that totally sucks

12 years ago

And this my follow loyal playstation gamers is why i stay away from portable gaming all together. Its console gaming or bust for me.

12 years ago

Well, no use for me either way, I lost my PSP some time ago in a bus, of course with the memory stick still in it and some UMD's in the case as well.

But now, I'll have to see and wait if I will be able to buy it at launch anyways, since I don't have the money now (I have 23 cents on the bank) and although I would be able to save up for it, I have other things to buy/pay for.

To be honest, I'm not really interested in playing my old PSP games again, as the Vita games will probably be a lot better.

12 years ago

Um….yeah….sorry on this one Sony. I'm gonna prove that I DON'T the Vita.

12 years ago

Think you guys aren't understanding this. If you already have the game purchased digitally, I.E., you downloaded it from the PS Store and it's on your PS3 or your PSN Downloads tab, you can just transfer it straight to your PS Vita, no charge. If you only have the UMD of the game, you'll have to pay a fee to have it transferred digitally for use with your PS Vita or even your PSP. So yes, any PSP game that you've already downloaded will be available, free of charge, to download to the Vita. The fee is just for UMD games. Here are a couple of links for those who don't believe me.

12 years ago

Hmmm, so far I'm not liking the sound of this deal, at all……
And besides, just how in the hell am I supposed to prove that I own 96 PSP games, 20 movies & 8 music videos???????
By my calculations, If I were to do all of my UMD transfers, it would wind up costing me another $1625

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/11/2011 3:04:47 PM

12 years ago

So its a app you download to your PSP that reads the UMD in the PSP and gives you a discounted purchase for the game on PSN.

Short of sending your games in for an voucher, this is probably the only way this could work.

12 years ago

Yeah, I personnally think it is fair. A fully priced game is 49.99. So 13$ is around 20%ish. You pay 20% and get TWO copies of the game in the end.

The way they say it you keep your UMD and gain a very cheap Digital version. This service is not offered on most games for PC for lets say STEAM. If you want the digital you have to rebuy it in full amount.

Most of you guys up there (not Oyashiro) always seem like the type of people who see the glass half-empty instead of half-full and are very quick to jump the gun before even thinking. Especially when it comes to the Vita. It's like you WANT to hate it or are doing your best to see positive additions as negative lol. ( Well thats what it looks like )

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 11/11/2011 5:59:18 PM

12 years ago

i see it as sony trying to please people i mean you have to think of this. if these UMD'S are not locked after the transfer sony is going to lose so much money people can just buy the games used from gamestop transfer it then return it to gamestop and get their money back. that means i can get a whole catalog for free

so i kinda see this as like a online pass

but for the ones who do own their physical UMD'S i can understand you not wanting to pay for something that you have already purchased but think of it more of a transfer fee. not only that you don't HAVE to pay it is optional and you could always just use your psp and if you dont have one well you would have to pay to get a new psp anyways if you wanted to play them. so at least they are trying to do something for the consumer instead of leaving everyone hanging high and dry

12 years ago

I'm buying the Vita to play Vita games. I really don't care what the format is for playing PSP games on it. Just like those that complain about the PS3's lack of PS2 compatibility, play the damn games on your PS2/PSP.

12 years ago

LV, I already have 10 PSP's & 2 PSP Go's in my PSP collection, to go with my 92 UMD games, but that's not the point at all.

I should be able to play whatever UMD game I want on the Vita(it's fully paid off already too)), & my transfers should be free, or at least, no more than a nominal $5 charge.

We all stood by Sony's products, so Sony should stand by it's fan-base too. IMO, that's the biggest thing Sony F'ed up on with the GO, so I really don't want to see them doing more of the same with the Vita

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/12/2011 12:58:26 AM

12 years ago

wait, $ony are actually releasing a system thats backwards compatible?
i think im going to faint!
so how long till they strip it out this time………

12 years ago

I'll give them either 99 cents for a transfer, or I'd demand it for free. Involving the use of a service to transfer a game I own, to a new portable device(Vita) that I'd own, and they expect 'transferring fees'? Screw that.

12 years ago

The gaming industry likes squeezing as much money out of their consumers as possible, don't they…

12 years ago

It's greedy decisions like this that fuel the determination for piracy. It's their death wish…

12 years ago

I'm sure the PS4 or whatever Sony will be calling it will suffer the same fate as all other Playstations i.e. Overheating, Skipping, Freezing, DRE, YLOD, etc etc etc etc !

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