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Sony: No Vita Price Cut In 2012, Focus On “Realizing Potential”

Well, it seems the corporation is at odds with the consumers.

Despite the fact that the majority of participants in our latest poll said the price of the PlayStation Vita needs to fall immediately , Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida has said it's "absolutely too early" for a Vita price cut.

Yoshida reiterated what we've heard many times before from Sony, that the new portable is a tremendous value:

"From the value for money standpoint, we think we have a good price for what the system is. Our priority is to achieve the potential through more games and services.

Of course people who are looking to buy are also talking about the price of PS Vita, especially when they have to buy a memory card as well. That's something we have to spend time to cost reduce and address in the future. But now, our laser focus is to increase the content and to realise the potential of the system."

It's certainly true that if you give the gamer more bang for his buck, the more likely he will be to drop the necessary cash. So expanding on Vita content is a must, and if they can manage to pump out some huge fantastic titles (the standalone Assassin's Creed III: Liberation leaps to mind), it will become that much more attractive. But as for a price cut…not yet.

For the record, Vita sales stand at about 1.8 million units; that's the international number as of March 31. However, Sony anticipates a combined 16 million Vita and PSP sales by the end of the year.

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12 years ago

If Sony wants to improve Vita sales they should do a price drop AND more selection of new games AND market them properly. I feel Sony has missed a great opportunity during their E3 presentation by not focusing more on Vita.

12 years ago

It should have been Vita coverage instead of that silly book.

12 years ago

I agree, Vita was very poorly shown at E3 off starters they should have showed more then just a logo for call of duty if that game is launching this year I'm sure the could have put a demo together or at least a trailer, no news about other big titles from 3rd party's coming, after there conference I'm very concerned that the vita isn't going to get the support the PSP did.

12 years ago

I think the real reason why they're not doing a price drop is that as of now they're already losing money on each system. Premature, big sales would mean not multiply losses, but w/o an enticing library and content, it could mean a complete waste of the market penetration opportunity, which would further spell doom for the ps vita brand, because people would not only cast their vitas aside, but they might even trade them in.

12 years ago

edit: "would me not" should be "would me not only"

12 years ago

Every Vita should come with a starter memory card.

12 years ago

Those memory cards are a real hindrance. But I figure they are counting on grabbing some more full price sales when Call of Duty and AC3L comes out. Then there will be a cut around Christmas.

I'm happy waiting for that. I'll just sit around with my old PSP waiting for Final Fantasy Type-O.

12 years ago

Squarenix is making an enhanced version of type 0 for the vita. We are more likely going to get that version. 😀

12 years ago

crap. I hate those assholes.

12 years ago

Me too, World. Me too.

12 years ago

I think there will be a price cut for the holiday. As I've said before the price is fine I haven't seen a must have title.

12 years ago

Why don't you people just get the bundle? I got mine from japan and it was about 450usd. But if you really want to save on a vita, I suggest to wait for the PSOneClassics to get a bigger library on the get go. As of now, I only have 5 vita games and 3 PSP titles on it.

12 years ago

cuz that's a giant slice of money that could be spent on hot new PS3 titles while we wait for the price of Vita to drop.

12 years ago

Im not saying you have to buy it. What I mean is you could save on the Bundle. I think the US price is cheaper. I got mine before the US Release Date that's why it was $450. ANd I still consider it a bargain. Well, I consider it a bargian coz my PSP broke and when I bought the VIta my PSP games were ready to DL.

12 years ago

Well, I travel a lot so maybe that is why I find Vita very awesome. I only get about 3 hours a day on my PS3. Sigh… I hate growing up.

12 years ago

So Sony thinks they are gonna sell 14.2 million more units this year? What are they smoking???? If they did a price cut(even just $50) and did everything else on their list I think they still might struggle to hit those numbers. I absolutely could be wrong but I think Sony and Nintendo are really underestimating the Tablet and Smart Phone market.

And as Biker said every unit should come with a starter memory card, that to me is the first crucial step.

Last edited by Rogueagent01 on 6/6/2012 10:53:29 PM

12 years ago

I think Sony is very clearly underestimating the Tablet market. It's clear as day to all the other software and IT companies, but Sony doesn't seem to think it'll have any affect on their Vita.

12 years ago

You need to read more carefully.

"However, Sony anticipates a COMBINED 16 million Vita and PSP sales by the end of the year."

12 years ago

I understand the price complaints that people have about the vita, but I think that Sony is going the right route here. A price drop would make some people jump up and buy, but most want more content.

I think they need to get the ps1 usable, start doing some back and forth releases of vita exclusives and vita/ps3 full crossplay games.

Exclusives so that make you need the vita, crossplay games like ps all stars are great too, because you can play at home and then take it with you. I really think ps all stars is great for vita because if you're out and only have a few minutes you could jump into an online match and be done.

If Sony focuses on content the vita could easily be worth the $300 and for those phone lovers with a huge bill each month, learn some love for skype and save yourself some money.

I just think price drop is the quick and easy solution for a quick sell, make the vita worth more and it'll sell anyway.

12 years ago

sure, sure, a WIFI vita is totally worth the same price as a 320GB ps3, HDMI cable, bluray remote, and 4 ps3 games of your choice!
god $ony spew up some sh*t!
might as well say naughty bear offers the same value for money as uncharted 3 does!

12 years ago

Do I need to go back and drag out the quotes – even from you – praising the price structure for the Vita as a good deal less than 6 months ago? Do I?

Funny how everyone was so amazed by the $250 price because they'd all expected something much higher, and yet now the knives are out over the price. Good god people, the hardware far outclasses any smartphone on sale today, and any smartphone that even comes close sells for $600 without a 2 year $60/month phone plan.

Comparing the price of the Vita (which is brand spanking new) to a 5 and a half year old home console is not really a very fair comparison. It's more of an apples and oranges comparison considering the vastly different hardware involved. But then you already know that.

12 years ago

Vitas should come with some built in memory! I don't know why sony insisted on proprietary memory cards, its something I've come to expect from Microsoft not Sony.

12 years ago

To minimize piracy.

12 years ago

The most interesting part of that interview for me was that he too in retrospect think there was a lack of focus on the Vita during E3.

"We could have spent more time – probably we should – showing off those games coming out this year."

12 years ago

Focusing on making PS1 classics available and making games with cross-play functionality doesn't do much for people who would just rather play them on their PS3.

I think that most gamers (myself included) don't necessarily game on the go, but would still be willing to buy a Vita if there was some great exclusive content that isn't available on the PS3. I was greatly disappointed with the lack of Vita content at their E3 presentation. I was honestly expecting a handful of announcements. A CoD logo and an AC3 spinoff didn't do it for me.

Was hoping for a price cut around the holiday season. I think Sony might look back on this decision with some regret.

12 years ago

I think you don't get what the Vita (or PSP) are about. They are about giving you the home console experience on the move. It's not about giving smartphone games or some other experience, it's about bringing console gaming to a screen in your hands when you're away from your home console.

The cross play functionality (and transfarring) are both great things for anyone who is not at their PS3. Vita is not intended for people to use instead of their PS3. Which is how you seem to expect it to work when you say "Focusing on making PS1 classics available and making games with cross-play functionality doesn't do much for people who would just rather play them on their PS3."

That's great and all, but when you're not at home and your PS3 isn't available, wouldn't it be great if the hand held you are carrying could give you most of the same things that your Ps3 does? That's the point of the Vita.

12 years ago

I understand the concept behind a portable system. I mentioned that I don't game on the go (due to work restraints and the fact that my commute to work involes a 10 minute walk) so playing games that I already have on PS3 when I'm not by my PS3 isn't a top priority for me. If it is for you then thats great.

I was hoping that Sony would reveal a bunch of titles (like they did at last year's E3) that were exclusive to just the Vita. Maybe I had set my expectations too high, but I really wanted Sony to give me a reason (or 2, or 3) to go out and buy the Vita.

12 years ago

Deep inside I was hoping for the same, Jimmy. I left as disappointed as you. There was like… Nothing.

12 years ago

Each to their own, but I feel that this same discussion was had about the PSP Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS and the GBA etc before that.

12 years ago

Well I did buy my PSP rather late, right after the two GTAs were released (not sure how long the PSP had been on the market then).
I don't see how that really changes anything though. Why buy any system, handheld or nolt, as long as there's very little you want to play on it? I believe that's how Jimmy thinks, and it most definitely is how I think too.

I need a *reason* to buy it. And that reason is not to play games better played on the PS3.

Last edited by Beamboom on 6/7/2012 2:02:36 PM

12 years ago

"but would still be willing to buy a Vita if there was some great exclusive content that isn't available on the PS3."

I feel the opposite: what will get me to buy the Vita isn't games exclusive to that device, but the ability to play games that I bought for my PS3 on the handheld as well. I never bought most of the "offshoot" PSP games from existing franchises (and not too many unique exclusives) because I'd rather spend my time with my phat beauty than her portable cousin. Taking a PS3 game on the go with a shared save is very appealing, however, but not enough to buy the game twice.

PS1 Classics and minis aren't enough to justify $250+, but there are instances where Sony is making new games work on both systems (not the same exact code, but both versions for one purchase). If this trend continues, my interest in Vita will increase greatly. A lot of the PSN games I own could easily run on Vita (again, not the exact code, but in terms of power requirements).

Last edited by Fane1024 on 6/8/2012 6:27:24 PM

12 years ago

Work from home, so portable gaming consists of games on my iPhone. Now if they come out with a app that lets me play PS1 games on my iPhone sign me up.

Unfortunately I believe the Vita and the 3DS will be the last standalone portable gaming systems. Phones will be the only form of portable gaming.

12 years ago

No, phones won't be. Smartphone devices are awesome devices, but they are not good gaming devices because they lack the controls needed for gaming. Right now, they are a huge fad, everyone wants one, and everyone believes that they are akin to the second coming – Jesus Phone not withstanding. But the truth is that they are simply slab shaped multi-function devices. They do lack controls for games, and in the longer term that will be something that does matter. Not that that means that it's smooth sailing for 3DS of Vita. However there is one piece of marketing that Sony made that will literally transcend time, device, generation and function. Granted he was talking about Move at the time, but I think that the very same comments apply equally well to gaming devices without buttons, triggers or analog sticks.

Kevin Butler VP of…stuff at Sony;
"It's also got what we in the future call buttons, which turn out to be pretty important to those handful of millions of people who enjoy playing shooters, platformers, well, anything that doesn't involve catching a big red ball."
"Who wants to pretend their hand is a gun? What is this? The third grade? Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!"

12 years ago

Dude, Smart phones suck hardcore for playing core games. I bought MegaMan X for my iPhone a few weeks ago. It sucks. Same with Street Fighter IV, Metal Gear, all fun for about 10 minutes then I find myself turning it off to play REAL games on my devices with BUTTONS. You know, those little handheld made first and foremost for gamers, the 3DS and Vita.

12 years ago

i see where they are coming from, i was disappointed to not see much Vita information at E3 but we still have the TGS coming up so may be they are going to kick ass then. I Would love a vita i'm not waiting for a price cut i'm just waiting for more games i see the potential of the system just need more games 🙂

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