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Sony: PlayStation Vita Was “Never Designed To Be PSP2”

It's what many of us assumed: the "NGP" or Next Generation Portable would essentially be the PSP2.

And in a lot of ways, what ended up being revealed as the PlayStation Vita looked kinda similar to Sony's first portable device. The second effort is just a whole lot more advanced.

Still, Sony's John Koller says in designing the new handheld, it was never the company's intention to design a "PSP2." Speaking in a new Vita developer diary posted at the PlayStation Blog , Sony talks about the evolution of portable gaming.

It's also great to hear that Sony was constantly in touch with game developers; asking questions, giving them chances to sample the hardware, and in general, making a collaborative effort that would ultimately benefit the gamer. Sony obviously understands that in order to make a piece of hardware fly, you need the software. And that's why the Vita lineup looks so promising right now.

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12 years ago

If Sony apply their new-found logic in designing hardware with software developers contributing to the process, I can just tell that the PS4 is going to be an amazing machine with the full support of all game designers and publishers worldwide!!!

The more I see the Vita in action, the more I want one!! Did not suprise me to see 700 Japanese fans lining up in the rain at one store alone simply to preorder, PREORDER, one of these machines!!!

There's more games at launch than the 3DS had in it's first 4 months!! And 2 analog sticks!! AND full multimedia support!!! AND TROPHIES!!!

Come February, don't be surprised to see me frozen in a state of euphoria as I hold one of these in my hands. 😀

12 years ago

How many of you have this pre-ordered already?

12 years ago

I preordered. That and golden abyss.

12 years ago

It's not the psp2… it's just their second portable playstation device.

mk ultra
mk ultra
12 years ago

That was a pretty good promotional video. Made me want one.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Like Qubex, I will wait for hardware to mature!

12 years ago

meh by the time it matures ill get my second vita 😀 lol

So many good launch titles it would be sad to miss them.

12 years ago

@Neo: You'd not miss them. It's not like they run out of date or are pulled from the market again.

All that happens is that you'll save a good stack of cash.

12 years ago

It's a shame it's going to be so expensive. I can't see paying the price for this plus 50 for each game. I think they'll have to figure out a way to make it cheaper before the sales will really take off.

12 years ago

Well… It is the entry point the 3ds started at. It failed because it lacked any games lol.

Vita is much different, tons of dev support and great games announced. And not to mention the 3DS wasnt even worth 110$ when people took the machine down to see the components. While Sony is losing money at 250 bucks.

250$ is nothing for what you get. Heck PSP was originally 300$ when it launched if I remember correctly.

Now compare this to a 700+ $ ipad or Iphone. It's much cheaper and WAY more powerful. Or hey look at the IPOD touch around 249.99 (price equivalent) with MUCH lesser performance, way less ways to use it and lame gpu capabilities.

Before saying something is too expensive you should analyse the market. Nothing is really cheaper than this but at the same time nothing can topple its power at the moment in the handheld market. (3DS is just desperate, sold bad, lowered price, lacking games, no real raw power, no dual joystick, I didn't use it since I finished zelda… Though I might go back to it a bit for the next pokemon lol)

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 10/21/2011 8:46:55 PM

12 years ago

You think you got it bad, I just did the math after seeing the price of a wi-fi model here to the US and if I were to buy it here I'd be paying $120 more. Wonder what the price comparison for games will be.

Guess I'll be buying from overseas as once again we get ripped off, nevermind that we're poorer in comparison to other countries, lets charge them more for electronics.

12 years ago

Think of it that way:

Jack and Sally had a kid called Henry.

Henry was born and died.

They had a new kid and decided to call him John.

John is alive and he (even though he is not called Henry 2 and is a completely new person) can wear dead Henry's underwear no problem 😀 lol

See! Henry and John had nothing in common, but John can still wear Henry's old underwear because they are from the same familly (Sony) XD

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 10/21/2011 9:01:38 PM

12 years ago

I don't see a UMD drive on it, LOL!If it had a UMD drive on it, I could see where you're getting at, but it doesn't. Yeah, yeah, there's the PSP titles on the PSN already, but what about the titles NOT on the PSN? Lol, just a thought.

12 years ago

I thought it was a funny comparison lol btw I didnt do it to laugh at any1. Just did it to point out what Sony meant when they said they did not engineer the Vita after the PsP XD

12 years ago

how does the launch software look so strong?
ONLY FP game they have on launch is uncharted!
wheres resistance?
assassins creed?
i cant believe there releasing a 400+ dollar device with only 1 FP title!
$ony really did learn nothing from the ps3s launch!
not to mention the GOs launch.
far too expensive, crappy games, and far too few games.
and now there doing it all over again!
sigh, i always said they were thick as mules but they did not have to prove it to me!
hey every time i shove my finger into this lamp i get shocked.
i know, ill stop that from happening by doing it again!

12 years ago

You sir, are either an idiot (because you dont realise how many idiotic things you just said) or a troll (in which case I just have to take a few seconds to laugh at your waist of time and obvious lack of a life). My bet is on the latter although I have been wrong before.

As a side note with over 20 launch titles confirmed and 100 in the fist few months (including a Resistance and an Assasins Creed title) priced at damn reasonable price (taking into account the specs and capabilities) the PSVita will outperform all of its competition and revolutionise handheld gaming. Sony have always had rocky starts but they always come out on top, this time they will have both a good start and a glorious finnish with the Vita.

12 years ago

he prolly gets his sources from a 3ds forum of outcast nintendogs… But I think even that would be an insult to them.

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