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Pachter “Excited” After Seeing “One Big Title On The Vita”

The PlayStation Vita could certainly use a few huge titles.

There's Resistance: Burning Skies and Gravity Rush on the horizon, but how's about some more? It seems Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter has set eyes on an as-of-yet unannounced handheld blockbuster for the Vita…

Well, maybe not a blockbuster, but he says he's definitely looking forward to it. If you watch the latest Bonus Round episode , you'll hear Pachter say there's "one big title" that he's "pretty excited about." Now, if an analyst says this, one has to assume he's excited because it has the potential to sell very well, and furthermore, the potential to push more Vita units.

Some are expecting this to be the mystery Vita game Rockstar is working on; it could be that GTAV will indeed be available on Sony's new portable. Or maybe it's an entirely different GTA made specifically for the Vita…who knows? Then again, maybe it's a PlayStation exclusive, like a God of War entry. What do you think it is?

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12 years ago

What ever happened to Agent lol

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Seriously Rockstar… Where is Agent? My patience is only enduring. Atleast tell us if it's still in developmemt!!

12 years ago

I think we should assume that it's never coming.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Something tells me it got handed off from Rockstar North. Last I checked, their New England studio was looking for a PS3 Programmer, so that could indicate an exclusive…

If we don't see it reannounced by the end of this year (after we get a GTAV date, of course), I'm going to assume its dead.

12 years ago

Probably GOW or something 1st party. I dont see anything coming from R until GTA V hits.

mike rlz
mike rlz
12 years ago


12 years ago

I've been saying they should have the FF7 remake for Vita. Just have the graphics slightly better than Crisis Core, and it'll sell so many freaking Vitas I guarantee it…

12 years ago

I'd buy two.

12 years ago

Well I caved and got a vita 2 weeks ago. I need more than uncharted to play. Can't wait to find out what this is.

12 years ago

"Michael Pachter has set yes on an as-of-yet unannounced handheld"

is it supposed to say eyes?

id really like a big AAA game for my vita. id love an assassins creed game. maybe something along the lines of skyrim or fallout. i would really love portal on the vita! im a big transformers nut so that would also be exciting for me.

12 years ago

It must be big, Pachter hasn't been excited about anything other than himself since… ever.

Assassin's Creed or CoD.

12 years ago

GTA Vice City Nights
Killzone Vita
Final Fantasy Vita
God of War Vita
Assassin's Creed Vita
Gran Turismo Vita
Battlefield Vita
Mass Effect spin-off
Batman Arkham State
Elder Scrolls Vita
Call of Duty Vita
Red Dead Vita
Bioshock Infinite prequel
Dead Space Vita

A brand new IP turn based RPG for Vita!!

A brand new IP 2.5D puzzle platformer!!

Final Fantasy VII HD for Vita!!!

I would buy a Vita today for a FF VII or VIII HD remake exclusive to Vita!!

12 years ago

Heck! PS1 classic support would make me buy a Vita today!! I love playing MGS and FFVII on the go, wherever and whenever!

12 years ago

You know you can already do that on the PSP…

12 years ago

Yes Fabi, but you can't play Uncharted, Resistence Burning Skies, Call of Duty, Gravity Rush, Rayman Origins, Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 or Touch My Katamari on a PSP.

And there's little to nothing on the horizon for the PSP.

AND I traded my PSP the day they announced the Vita (NGP at the time) since I wanted the best trade value for it.

My 3DS is holding out nicely, but I need something deeper and more mature than Mario.

12 years ago

LOL @ Batman Arkham "State"… i suppose it follows on logically from the previous two, but then, it is a smaller console/device, so maybe you should downsize from Asylum… like?… Arkham Straight-Jacket? I dunno… suggestions?

Also "Red Dead Vita"… is that a new colour for the Vita? Imagine the Vita promo: Red Dead pre-loaded on a new Red Vita… hmm… kerching??

(Ok, enough of my nonsense now… takes meds)

12 years ago

resident evil vita?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Well… it would have to be an exclusive. Other than that, I'm completely at sea. You know what would get ME to buy a Vita immediately though? Valkyria Chronicles 4 (and a localised version of 3 packed in while they're at it!).

12 years ago

… But aren't strictly speaking all Vita titles to be considered "exclusives"? Are there any Vita titles also released for other platforms?

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/15/2012 3:10:06 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Of course there have been. I mean, probably not designed for the Vita then ported elsewhere, but ported to the Vita, for sure. I mean, MGS HD, SFxT, Motorstorm RC, Doctor Who, Ninja Gaiden, Time Travellers and Rayman Origins all spring comfortably to mind.

12 years ago

Are all those ports? I don't know, I'm merely asking. I kind of imagined they were all written for the Vita. And in Motorstorm RCs case I thought it were developed for the Vita and then ported to the PS3. At least that's how I wuld have done it I think, since it's assumingly the Vita who has the most bottlenecks.

I was of the impression that most games on the PSP were written specifically for the PSP too, like the gtas; I thought the engine were written specifically for the PSP.

But I may of course be wrong.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/15/2012 5:57:11 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

You might be right on RC, but the rest, I'm almost certain, started out other platforms. The productions would have to be tuned down specifically to run on the comparatively reduced specs, but in effect, they are still the same game, same engine, etc.

But many of the Vita games that have already been released are created for it and that means that the basic technology running the game was designed specifically with the Vita in mind, and thus run on their own engines, or a modified version of that used in prior products of the developers. I'm not saying that I'm necessarily accurate, but even at the original announcement of the NGP we saw the unit running code from PS3 games, lending credence to the idea that ports aren't necessarily as difficult for it to handle as they were on the original PSP.

When you take into consideration the difference in sheer power between the two portable devices and how much closer the Vita is to the PS3 in regards to that… It really does make sense that we'll be likely to see more direct ports in the future than ever we did with the PSP.

Did that make any sense, 'cos I'm not exactly sure that it did to me. :/

12 years ago

It made sense. You are a sensible gentleman. 😉

12 years ago

could be so many things but ill go with the thing the vita needs most.
if theres one franchise out there that can save the vita its GTA!

12 years ago

It's going to be GTA or Monster Hunter!

12 years ago

Sony should do whatever it takes to get Monster Hunter announced. That would solve the Japan problem immediately.

12 years ago

The PSP's greatest strength, in my opinion, was getting iterations of popular series that you couldn't find anywhere else. The God of War games, the GTAs, Peace Walker, etc. The straight-up ports of games we can already play on PS3 or 360 just aren't going to sell systems, or at the very least, they're not going to help the Vita establish a compelling identity that would entice the masses to pick one up.

Strong rumors are that a Vita price cut is coming at E3. Let's hope so, and let's hope it's substantial. That coupled with some more sweet exclusives — surprised we still haven't seen a God of War announcement! — and I think Vita will start getting some traction. The sales have been abysmal so far so they can't afford to wait too long to get it going.

12 years ago

Call of (it's your) Duty (to buy a) Vita !!

12 years ago

I can't see the GTA crowd buying V a handheld to play V when they can just get it on the PS3. I also don't think CoD is going to be a system selling for Vita. I agree with those who think it'll be an FF VII remake, it makes the most sense. People have been clamouring for a remake for a while now and it has the potential to push sales Japan, North America and Europe. The system needs a boost in all 3 regions and I don't know as there's another game that has the potential to take care of that in one swoop like FF VII.

12 years ago

Pachter this, Pachter that.
Analyze this! (middle finger here)

11 years ago

Loved the conference, but wanted to see the console itself.
As for Square Enix, was that a redone version of that trailer? I've seen it before, but due to the quality of the live stream I could not tell if it was redone. Also, I cannot find a good quality trailer of it from the conference. Even though the other games have a trailer. I know it was a technical demo, but I would like to see it again.

Last edited by CHAOS THEORY X on 2/20/2013 9:24:12 PM

11 years ago

I know I'll probably get thumbs down for this, but i don't want the PS4 yet. This year is too early to bring out a new console when there's so much potential with the PS3. I can see why Sony wants the PS4 out this holidays… to get a jump start on M$. Where specs are concerned its not as if M$ are gonna blow the PS4 specs out of the water with their 720 are they? So might as well get the PS4 out first. Still I have so many games to play on PS3. Just no time anymore, life got in the way, lol.

Last edited by bamf on 2/20/2013 9:53:32 PM

11 years ago

It's funny, when ps3 came out i was like, that's so expensive, now I got a real job and whatever it costs is chump change lol. However, I think the ps3 still has tons of life left and I don't care for the gimmicky share button and stupid ass social features. When I play a game I prefer to play by myself or get a friend in the room to play with me. Also I hate motion controls. Almost threw a controller across the room doing motion control for heavenly sword. Either way still a sony fan, just think their rushing this system.

11 years ago

All I wanted was to be able to play PSP/Vita games to the console itself, not the other way around. I can live without the BC, provided the streaming service doesn't require I re-purchase my games. The only thing that really grabbed my attention in the whole ordeal was the Deep Down gameplay, that looks pretty good.

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