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How Badly Does The PlayStation Vita Need A Price Cut?

Unsurprisingly, the automatic reply to the question posed in the headline will be simple-


There have been numerous headlines concerning the price of Sony's new portable, which currently sits at $299 for the 3G model and $249 for the Wi-Fi-only version. Analysts have predicted that if Sony drops the price of the unit this year, the Vita could perform extremely well on the sales charts.

Therefore, the consensus is that the Vita is simply too expensive. And that's probably true, given any economic struggles gamers may be facing. However, in the past, big games have proven too tough for the hardcore to ignore; many await the launch of one or two big titles before diving into any given hardware generation. For example, I know a great many waited for Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec before purchasing the PS2 (and that's only one example). Considering this, Sony says there are over 100 games in development for the Vita right now.

And that includes major franchise names, right? To build on that, if the unit is specifically targeting the core gamers and their one concern isn't fancy tech or other electronic wizardry but software , than won't all those games be difficult to pass up? Even if there isn't any one particular title on the list of a prospective buyer, there's no doubt that he or she can find more than a few intriguing possibilities. And by the way, I'll believe there's an economic problem when I don't see thousands of people lining up to buy the iPad 3, a very expensive and purely luxury item.

For the time being, it seems plain that many gamers are waiting for a price drop. That's obvious. But the Vita may be one of those systems that has more allure than the standard new piece of hardware, which is usually lacking in software and often suffers from other common start-up issues.

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12 years ago

Considering the handheld costs more than all the consoles? Wouldn't hurt to lower the cost.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Consoles that are five and six years old, remember.

12 years ago

It's easy to explain it from that technical perspective Ben, and it is of course completely correct.

But for a consumer I believe Palpas point still stands; "I can get a full scale big fat console with a thousand full scale $10 games for LESS than this little thing?".
Different usage, yes, different technology, yes. But still… I can understand how some would think like that.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/16/2012 4:39:54 AM

12 years ago

To Palpas point, yes the consoles are older but the Vita isnt putting out Skyrim,Mass Effect,GTAV,Max Payne 3… etc.

Buying the consoles are a better deal right now.

12 years ago

Beamboom, that's just plain old fashioned false reasoning. By that logic no new product could ever be sold for more than an older product.

12 years ago

It's just an objective observation.

It's the same with other products too: Like if you buy an older stationary PC model instead of a new laptop cause you look at that other PC and think, "damn, I get THAT much more for that much less?". Most consumers are like that. I dare even say we ALL have those moments unless you are filthy rich.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/16/2012 10:54:00 AM

12 years ago

You peoples problem is that you compare it ONLY to the other consoles… They way to approach it is:

-It's about the price of an IPOD touch and you get so MUCH more! Heck the new IPAD that just came out now uses the same kind of graphics card (quad) but with a slower processor and its more than twice the price!

-It can handle graphics similar to the ones you get on your PS3/360

-The controls you get are near perfection.

-It looks awesome and can multitask like a beast!

-The game selection is AMAZING at launch and SO much more coming

All that for ONLY 249.99 DOOD it's sold under cost!!!

See. Thats how a good saleman approachs it. You people just don't get it. 😛 And btw none of what I say is a lie. I just think you're all blind or something. 249.99 is cheap for what you get with a Vita.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 3/16/2012 3:29:56 PM

12 years ago

It will be worth the money once the touted features like remote play are added to to the firmware.

Or when Homebrew becomes available (WITHOUT ISO LOADERS)..

12 years ago

@Neo_Aeon666. Its true that Vita has more power under the hood, and I agree Ipad is way too expensive. But one thing Ipad has is versatility, something that Vita lacks. I myself got Vita for games, but I know a few who refuse to get another dedicated game device, since they travel and have little room to carry much. Plus they want something that has other apps as well. One off them has told me he will change his mind and purchase the Vita with memory cards, if Sony can provide Android OS with Marketplace and not just Playstation Suite. This way can do his work on the "Vita tablet" and play on a dedicated game platfornm on ONE machine…

12 years ago

@ dbyzforce

I agree to what you say. It would be the BEST if they could just put everything on it… But I think they are trying to unify the PS3 and Vita markets… I don't think they want us on android 🙁

According to what you say though… The Vita might just not be something your friend needs. He seems satisfied by simple games/apps and that is ok. Personally if I want to play Fruit Ninja or Angry Birds or try any small random apps (learning japanese apps and all) I do it with what I already always carry around: My phone. The Vita is just perfect for doing what my Phone sucks at: Gaming. And it also allows me to lessen the batterry use of my phone by having other features like music and video playback. So my phone, that does pretty much anything an IOS device can do + the Vita (sometimes 3DS) is the perfect combo. You can just leave the cumbersome IPAD at home to be used as your MAC's extension while you drink coffee in the morning and read the news on it 😀 lol.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 3/18/2012 7:45:49 PM

12 years ago

Just have them change the name to the Apple iGamer and it'll sell plenty.

12 years ago

no, no, they'd also have to ditch all but one of the buttons.. that won't do =p

12 years ago

@ airwedge Lol you got a point there.

Last edited by Cpt_Geez on 3/15/2012 10:19:17 PM

12 years ago

If they did that, they'd have to raise the price to be in line with Apple corporate policy of overcharging for a product and making people like being overcharged at the same time.

12 years ago

LOL I think just like you.

12 years ago

Thus, Highlander, is the Cult of Apple.

12 years ago

I think 149.99-199.99 would work.

12 years ago

Either way I won't be able to get one for a few months…

Gas is costing me $80+ a week now

Last edited by firesoul453 on 3/15/2012 10:03:26 PM

12 years ago

Tell me about it. I freakin filled up a 2 weeks ago. Gas was 50cents higher today than it was then.

12 years ago

It is going to get worse friend.

12 years ago

Welcome to the gasoline prices that the rest of the world see regularly….

12 years ago

@Highlander, an unfortunate truth. The US has been on borrowed time with low gas prices for decades. It's a matter of when, not if, the cost will skyrocket, and stay up there.

12 years ago

If I told you what a litre of gasoline cost in Norway you would not believe me. Seriously, you would not.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/16/2012 12:12:59 PM

12 years ago

Oh I believe you. I know. Gas in Europe resulted in our band not making a profit when we toured there last year.

12 years ago

Yeah here its at 1,50$ per (L) Litre XD total ripoff

12 years ago

England is double your price

12 years ago

I thought it was exceeding expectations and all that.

I suppose it depends on how much it costs to make one of these suckers before anyone considers a price drop. Just because the useless 3DS had to drop doesn't mean a primo piece of tech should. Having more high-profile series available at the higher price point might be the better decision. I'd schedule a $100 price drop for holiday 2013.

12 years ago

Insanity, right? One week it's fire sales, next week it needs a price drop, or else. Man, where are these people who are complaining about it's price? It's a frick'n steal. I can't afford one, personally, but I'm not once complaining about it's price.. Maybe people just need to get out of debt and start earning more money or something. This is insanity.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/15/2012 11:50:26 PM

12 years ago

$100 by Xmas 2013 would be great though I hope to get one before then.

12 years ago

I can't even afford to pick up Journey, as much as I would like to. a $250-$300 gaming system plus games is just out of the question for me at the time being. If things were a little better for me though, I wouldn't mind paying that price for it.

12 years ago

SOny have to lower the price of the memory cards. It's ridiculously expensive. The Vita is sold based on the network and downloadable games. In order for the sales to expand, the vita needs to sell memory cards and lots of them!!

12 years ago

Indeed. To be fair though, high priced Sony brand memory cards are not new. The ones for the PSP, if made by Sony are over priced as well.

12 years ago

not necessarily drop the price of the cards, but at least include a 4gb card. Anything higher than that is pure luxury.

12 years ago

Nah, they need to come down. A 32gb memory card shouldn't cost $99.99.

12 years ago

I agree the card prices are kind of steep.

12 years ago

Apple charges 100 bucks more for a 32gb (insert favorite iDevice here) and I don't see anyone complaining.

12 years ago

That's a non sequitur. We're not talking about Apple.

12 years ago

Apple is the king of charging way too much for expensive adapters and basically any accesory.
Hi, here's your ipAd. Oh, you want to HDMI out to your TV? That'll be $50 for a video converter dongle. Something only we make, where every other tablet on earth simply has an ACTUAL HDMI output.

I like Apple products, I do. But sometimes they rob you cold.

12 years ago

Those adapters are only $30. Though they should be $20 or less given the video output quality is lacking.

EDIT: just checked, they're $40 on amazon. I got mine from Target for $30 though in Jan.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/15/2012 11:53:27 PM

12 years ago

It's hardly a non-sequitor to provide a comparison for the cost of memory cards in a discussion about the cost of memory cards.

12 years ago

Actually it is because no one brought up Apple nor did anyone defend their high priced tech. He made the assumption that were okay with how Apple prices their products when no one even referenced them or made that claim.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/16/2012 9:22:55 AM

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
12 years ago

Cesar, had I an Apple device, I'd be complaining big time for having to pay that kind of money for accessories like that. And if this were an Apple site where Apple products are talked about all of the time, I'd sure you see it. Since this isn't, I don't find it surprising at all that there's very little uproar here about the high prices of Apple's stuff.

12 years ago

Apple (the over charging, money grubbing corporate raider that it is) was brought up in previous comments in this article. It usually is when people critique the price of the Vita since the iPad is such an obvious and direct comparison.

12 years ago

No one did that here so it's completely irreverent to the discussion. Your hate for Apple doesn't make Sony'a prices for memory cards more fair.

12 years ago

Just as your love for Apple does not make their involvement in a discussion a non-sequitor.

12 years ago

LOL, there you go again with unfounded accusation. Who said I "loved" Apple. I like my iPhone to which I only paid $199 for. Hardly unfair for how much I use it and what I use it for. $600 for an iPad? Over priced. $3000 for a top of the line MacBook Pro? Overpriced. $99 for a 32gb Vita memory card, over priced.

You want to make excuses for Sony and justify their over priced memory cards and if the only way you can do that is to hate on a company that no one brought up nor defended, you're not going to convice anyone.

Try to explain why $99 for 32gb is fair without hating on Apple. That should be more convincing.

12 years ago

Guys, this is getting ridiculus. At least try to be agreeable. Cesar said that no one is complaing about the price hike for a 32GB Tablet/Phone/Ipod, up from their next lowest, 16gb? Which is easy to see why Jawknee called foul because the product category in question totally shifted.

But in defense of Cesar, he's correlating the preceived value of 16Gb of flash memory, where Apple is charging an lofty extra $100 to bump up to 32Gb.

Ah, Temjin, the pacifist =p

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/16/2012 10:45:02 AM

12 years ago

Unfounded accusations? So, what do you call your suggestion that I am making excuses for Sony? Better not look in that mirror, you might see yourself.

12 years ago

You accused me of shilling for Apple when I made zero remarks in their defense for their over priced memory. You on the other hand implied along with caesar because Apple does it, it's okay for Sony.

Two wrongs do not make a right. Neither of them are pricing their memory at reasonable prices and I made zero defense for either of them. If in order to validate your points and to defend Sony you have to point to another company that I never brought up or defended, you have no argument.

12 years ago

The only reason we compare to apple is because it is competition.

We can also use MS or Nintendo. They both sell you pieces of crap for a superior price. You can check any Ninty accessory or MS Hdds or chargers or wires bleh. They are all overpriced.

I checked good quality Micro SDs in the camera department and some of them are beyond 150$… 169.99 and the likes (for 32gb). I do not think 99.99 is that bad for a 32gb memory card that has good performance. I do hope it comes to around 69.99ish at some point and they introduce some 64gb for 99.99 😀

But it is a reasonable price compared to the market on the high quality side. Not a crappy class 1.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 3/16/2012 3:44:39 PM

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