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Can The Vita Effectively Handle Titles Like GTA, Assassin’s Creed?

After seeing the evidence for such titles coming to Sony's new portable, I think this is an important question.

I've already been impressed by the PlayStation Vita's capabilities and let's face it, giant games like Grand Theft Auto and Assassin's Creed just weren't the same on the PSP. Maybe that's part of the reason why the PSP didn't fare quite as well as it could've: it just wasn't powerful enough to generate what most gamers consider to be complete, AAA experiences.

But is the Vita really capable of being 100% faithful to the franchises in question? If it is, that could be downright huge for the handheld, for the simple reason that no other handheld has even come close. It'll be interesting just how effectively and efficiently they can use that portable quad-core processor. I have no illusions; I don't believe the new Assassin's Creed III or Grand Theft Auto V would be about the same experience on the Vita. That might be a stretch. But if you took two brand new installments in those franchises and used the Vita to the best of its capability…that could result in system-selling software.

Sony has said it's crucial to bring these hugely popular names to the Vita, but maybe it's even more essential than we know. Just thinking about a true-blue, in-depth open-world experience on the go – which again, has never really been done – changes the whole complexion of the Vita, especially if we're talking about new and exclusive titles. It would actually cause fans of the GTA and AC franchises to sit and play a new entry, even with the PS3 sitting there, waiting for game time.

Well, guess this is just another wait and see situation…

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12 years ago

PSP games were just not the same as the PS3 games. It's not just a matter of graphics, but also a huge let down in gameplay. In many cases, it feels like a cheap port.

Until I played Uncharted Golden Abyss, my impression of portable gaming finally changed. It is absolutely a game changer. I have been stuck playing Uncharted over and over again. It may be no comparison with Uncharted 3, but that was mainly due to the lower budget and development time. The hardware itself really delivers!

12 years ago

I believe that to be much due to the controls on the PSP more than the graphics. A second analogue stick was sorely missing, also a few more buttons would not hurt.

12 years ago

The Vita was able to handle Uncharted: Golden Abyss just fine, but it may not be the best example to cite since it is a very linear game. That said, I think the Vita would be able to handle games like Assassin's Creed and GTA though they probably would never be on the same scale as the ones we get on our home consoles. But hey, who knows how far the devs can go with the device? I never thought I'd play a game as graphically awesome as God of War: Ghost of Sparta and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII when the PSP first came out.

I think it is an opportunity for devs to come up with something a bit off the beaten track when it comes to spin-offs of blockbuster console games. I'm think side-games that could be linked directly to the main console game. For example, in Mass Effect 2 when you scour planets for resources. I think it would be cool if the game will allow me to do that with the Vita. I don't think that is a very demanding part of the game but it's something that can be done on the go. The when I get back home, I just connect the Vita to the PS3 and import all the resources I've amassed while I was away. That was I can focus myself on the story when I get home.

I hope that wasn't too confusing. LOL

12 years ago

Sounds a bit like what Dreamcast tried with their memory card VMU.

12 years ago

My thoughts exactly. I have to admit though that the only reason I thought of that example was that I found resource-gathering in ME2 quite a change of pace compared to the rest of the game. I didn't mind it as much though.

And you just reminded me of my Dreamcast. It still works to this day and still looks like I just bought it from the store. LOL

12 years ago

Mine is starting to turn yellow, lol. But she still works great.

12 years ago

Mine is, well… pink. LOL Just because it really was pink when it was bought. I am a huge Sakura Taisen fan and that's primarily the reason I bought a Dreamcast (and what actually got me into gaming in the first place). Since the Dreamcast was no longer in production when I wanted to buy one, I went online and ordered the Limited Edition ST Dreamcast from Japan. Haha!

12 years ago

Still got my Dreamcast too, along with 16 VMU's (in black, clear blue & clear green), the Seaman game mic, the Alien Front online game mic, 2 Dreamcast keyboards, & 56 games.

Although I'm a smoker, still no yellowing to my console, thank goodness.

And I still need to get 3 more DC's, a grey, a black & a pink.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/8/2012 10:39:05 PM

12 years ago

By the gods, BikerSaint. Where do you keep everything? LOL You ought to have a museum of sorts going by the sheer size of your collection. LOL

12 years ago


That is a fantastic idea!

As far as the Vita being able to handle AAA titles, I believe it can and will. I think we'll find out tomorrow.

12 years ago

What kind of game is Sakura Taisen?

12 years ago

Sakura Taisen is officially "Sakura Wars" in the west. I probably should have called it as such as you may have heard of it before. I guess I'm just used to calling it by its Japanese title. LOL

Anyway, the game can be called part-dating sim part-SRPG (the battle system definitely is, particularly for the earlier games). You lead a group of girls and their performance in battle depends on your interactions with them. I know I'm not giving the series its due justice with that, but alas. Haha!

12 years ago

any English version?

12 years ago

Yes, World. The last main game luckily got localized by NIS America. It's already the fifth game in the series but they omitted the "V" or the "5" in the English version, maybe because it's the first one that came out in the west.

Main Website:

12 years ago

I wonder where BikerSaint keeps everything… care to share?



12 years ago


Ha, there's still a ton of consoles & handhelds I still need & want!!!!!

Besides the 3 colored DC's I mentioned above, I also want….
all the Japanese colored and theme skinned PSP's,
2 more PS2's(black & silver),
all the GameBoy variations in colors I don't own yet,
and 2 more GameCubes(silver & purple).

And on top of all that, my console/handheld collection is nowhere near being complete, as I'm still missing…

A Atari Lynx, Atari 2600 5200 & 7200, Colecovision, DSLite, DSI, DSXL, 3DS, GB Micro, Genesis MasterDrive, NeoGeo, Sega Nomad, & a Turbo Grafix
(BTW, there's probably more but that's all I can think of at the moment)

BTW, if anyone's willing to donate any handheld or old system, it's games &/or accessories, or anything else gaming related, I'd be much obliged. Just let me know how to contact you, or PM me on my name in the forum.


As far as my gaming area in my apartment stood, I wasn't too proud or even happy about how my whole gaming arrangement was actually laid out, in a dreadful miss-mash style.

I had all of my last 2 gen consoles(PSX, PS1, PS2phat, PS2slim, PS3phat, PS3slim, Xbox, 360, a black Wii, & OnLive streaming console) all hooked up in my living room, with all of my remaining consoles in my bedroom(Telestar Alpha, Intellivision 1, Intellivision2, SNES, Jaguar, 3DO, Virtual Boy, N64, genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, GameCube, & Zone 60).

As far as the games went, I wound up putting them on shelving units wherever there was an open spot, and that mostly meant lining a lot of those unit along my hallway walls. And all my portable systems were on those shelves too(Sega Game gear, GameBoy pocket, 2 GameBoy Colors, 3 GameBoy Advances, GameBoy Advance SP, Nintendo DS, 10 PSP's, & 2 PS GO's).
Plus I have tons of boxes crammesd full of gaming accessories that I've had to squeeze into any & all nooks & crannys I could find.

Anyways, I finally got fed up and decided that enough was enough with my "piecemeal here/ piecemeal there" set-up.

So after tossing out all my living room furniture, I'm now in the process of making my whole living room into one gigantic gaming den.
Hopefully, I'll be done with it by spring or early summer & then I'll post all the pictures of my upcoming new & improved mini-museum in the forum.

But right now, I've been stumped(and stalled)at the moment cause I still need some of those older 5-outlet(or bigger) A-B switch-boxes, and/or some of the older piggyback connectors so I can string them all on the same cables/wires.

But I just can't find them anywhere & nobody's selling any used ones.

I was able to find connectors that change the ends of the retro RF units into coaxial ends so I have now about 20 of them for when needed.
But then the very same problem still exists with them too, that I need to find some way to piggyback all the different consoles to the same one string of wires/cables

12 years ago

Thanks for that Zettai I'll look into it

12 years ago

Imagine an Elder Scrolls on that sucker, or Fallout. Those or an inFamous game would make me want a Vita more.

Assassin's Creed on PSP was rubbish.

12 years ago

Man I would cry of JOY if Skyrim released on Vita and let me continue my PS3 game on the go!!! And it is a possibility! I heard somewhere that they were not ruling out the possibility of porting skyrim to *other* devices.

12 years ago

Or why not go all the way: A new Fallout on the Skyrim engine!

12 years ago

I sure hope Fallout 4 will be on the updated Skyrim engine.

12 years ago

It must be. They have no choice, there is no alternative.
Just imagine the fan reactions if they squeeze one more Fallout out of that old engine now after we've seen Skyrim. Their offices would have been torn apart by mad gamers.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/9/2012 3:27:03 AM

12 years ago

I think as far as hardware goes… They can do it! Size is not a matter. They just have to put more memory in their game cartridges. And the Vita is capable to push Xbox360/PS3 ish graphics no problem. Plus you have to remember since the screen is 960×544, the textures size will be MUCH smaller so the size of game will probably drop considerably too! 😀

We could even think of it like this: The first Xbox came some considerable time after the PS2 and had much more oomph under its heavy hood. But that did not stop games from releasing on both platforms and looking pretty similar too. As long has the controls/graphical powers are there (and in the Vita's case, they are) there is no problem!

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 3/8/2012 9:57:06 PM

12 years ago

The key limitation for really big worlds is not the data storage on the disc/cartridge, but the amount of RAM available.

As I understand it, the Vita has twice the RAM that the PS3 has (1 GB vs. 512 MB), so I would say that the Vita could certainly handle any "world" that the PS3 can. Its inferior processing power will affect graphical flourishes, AI, physics, etc., but it shouldn't have a big effect on level design limitations.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Yes, theyre both open world games tied to developers who know what they are doing.

12 years ago

Well i loved GTA on PSP but the Aiming was a headache………In comes the VITA : ]

12 years ago

The Vita really need these games so I sure hope to hell it can handle 'em & then some.

12 years ago

If the PSP could replicate their PS2 counter-parts quite closely, no doubt Vita could replicate PS3 versions quite closely.

I don't think the graphics will be exactly like the PS3 version, and it might no be able to handle AS many enemies on screen at once, but I reckon the Vita is powerful enough to come very close.

I like seeing big name titles on Vita, but I'm still waiting for that killer IP that is EXCLUSIVE to the Vita, that makes all people want to rush out and buy one ASAP! Gravity Rush, Reality Fighters and Escape Plan are a good start, but I can't wait to see more!!!

Oh, and pirates, BUGGER OFF!!
I want Sony to succeed, so we can get more games and better support from developers. If I like a game, I will pay for it and only play the legit copy. NES, SNES and Genesis games are the only thing I download, that's it!! I buy everything else. 🙂

12 years ago

Vita is more powerful than the 360 so it can handle these 360 based games

Last edited by Kiryu on 3/8/2012 11:27:29 PM

12 years ago

i think R* can come through. just look what they did with GTA San Andreas and the PS2, no pre-loads going from one area to another.

12 years ago


12 years ago

What was wrong with the GTAs on the PSP? I thought they were great – in my eyes it was pretty much looking the same as the full size GTAs?

I was crazy impressed by the PSP GTAs.
I thought it was *incredible* of Rockstar to manage to squeeze such a large game into the PSP. Made every other PSP game look silly small.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/9/2012 1:11:31 AM

12 years ago

I hope so. I want a portable inFamous.

12 years ago

I thought GTA: Liberty City Stories was excellent, and though VCS didn't pull me quite as much it was still a good effort. I don't think the Vita will have any problem pulling off GTA or Assassin's Creed, the fact it has an excellent Uncharted game that is up to series standards, in its infancy no less, gives me a lot of confidence in that.

Last edited by Gamer46 on 3/9/2012 2:01:05 AM

12 years ago

I liked the VCS maps better, but the business-management thing in VCS was just a friggin' hazzle.

However the talk radio in VCS were *hillarious*, in my opinion the funniest talk of all GTAs so far. In particular those two fishermen, that was completely insanely funny.
So all in all my fav of the two is VCS.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/9/2012 2:23:51 AM

12 years ago

iphone can handle them so i dont see why not.
better question would be can the vita handle the series they are now on higher spec consoles.
obviously some changes will have to be made, but looking at MNR, wipeout 2048 and golden abyss i cant see why not.
i cant wait to see bioshock and AC on the vita, they are what will decide if gaming portables are still relevant or not!
if there very similar to console counterparts then yea there still revelant.
if there dubbed down to the point of almost being IOS titles, then no there not.
only time will tell…….

12 years ago

Assassin's Creed on PSP really suffered mostly from controls. The game itself looked ok, and at it's core, it was decent… but AC -REALLY- needed that second analog stick. The controls were tough.

I love AC, but I didn't get very far in the PSP game before I permanently shelved it. Control was it's worst enemy for sure.

12 years ago

I'm not really sure of the reason for the question. The Vita has more system memory than the PS3, the carts are as big as a game needs them to be, and with compression techniques, a GTA game isn't going to need much more than about the space a DVD would use. I really don't see an issue here at all. The same goes for Assassin's Creed on Vita.

Gotta say though, if there is one game that does *NOT* need AR functionality it is GTA, Assassin's Creed though might work a bit better, but even so….

GTA though, really, really doesn't need AR functionality…LOL!

Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/9/2012 10:12:24 AM

12 years ago

I agree with you again Highlander (I promise not to make a habit out of it 🙂 )
I don't really understand the question either. Why should it *not* be able to handle it? Especially seeing how well the good old PSP handled those GTAs back then.

12 years ago

Ben,that screenshot of the games on turned out to be a fake created by 4chan.

I don't have a link, but on NeoGAF it was thoroughly debunked.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Well, whatever. The question still stands.

12 years ago

I don't see why the Vita wouldn't be able to handle it, since its not like GTA nor assassin's creed pushed consoles to the limit. It would just be a matter of how much resources and time developers are willing to spend on them.

With some effort and confidence it should be possible.

12 years ago

The two PSP GTAs biggest issues were the lack of the second analog stick and UMD's horrid transfer speeds (1MBps). The DD versions weren't helped due to a number of other issues from the DD's DRM crap to people using crappy memory cards. The PSP's processing power and lack of R2/L2 and R/3/L3 buttons to a lesser of extent also didn't help but they were things that could be worked around.

A new full blown GTA game scaled for the Vita would be much more doable than it was with the PSP due to the significant increase in processing power and massively faster transfer rate, along with more control options. The only thing I'd really see get scaled down is the physics engine.

12 years ago

i feel like the writer here is an idiot.. the way he is talking about the psp is atrocious… sorry Ben but come on
the psp did one hell of a job with any title brought over to it.. can we say the same for the DS? you seem as if your the type of person that thinks the DS is better…what did the ds have anyway? gta chinatown wars? jesus its like playing the original gta games which shud remain the only ones with the top down view…

the psp had vice city and liberty city how can you even portray the psp in such a dim light when the system itself and the games are so bright? come on…

12 years ago

As impressive as earlier games like MGS4 and KZ2 look, developers have really only begun to tap the full graphical power of the PS3 in the last couple of years. Just imagine what they'll be able to do with the Vita's quad core ARM processor, 512 mb RAM 128 mb VRAM once they've had more time with it and mastered optimizing game engines for it. I could easily see open world franchises like AC and GTA running beautifully on it with the right optimizations.

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