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Vita Update: Facebook, Video Recording, Mac OS Option

The PlayStation Vita officially launches tomorrow and unsurprisingly, a new firmware update will be ready to go.

It's update v1.61 and it has been detailed over at the PlayStation Blog . We know a lot of you want news that all PS1 classics are now compatible, but they're still working on that. No, this is more about a few new features for your nifty handheld:

That's a pretty significant update, wouldn't you say? To be perfectly honest, as I've been far too busy with all the games, I never noticed that I couldn't record video with the photo feature. Oddly enough, though, the Maps icon has been on my unit since I first got it. But I mean…I know where I am. And I've got GPS in the car.

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12 years ago

Nice. I've been waiting for a Mac version of MediaGo.

12 years ago

I think this firmware update was already out last week when the pre-orders launched. I'm not sure what the version number was but I did do a firmware update as soon as I connected my WiFi last Wednesday. I used both the Maps and video recording features that same day. I've recorded several video's of my kids since.

While I'm a little miffed that PS1 support wasn't ready for launch. I'm content to know that it IS coming. For now, Hot Shots is keeping me busy anyway 😉

12 years ago

Based on a side-note in the source article, I think the previous firmware was (not surprisingly) 1.60 and that it includes many of the features listed for 1.61.

I think that these features are being advertised as new because fresh-out-of-the-box Vitas will not have 1.60 installed. Only people who got their Vitas early will have had the opportunity to update to 1.60.

12 years ago

On the money Fane. I don't know what firmware version it came loaded with, but the update I got last week was the 1.6 update. And it did have the Maps/Video features. I just updated to 1.61 and noticed no difference.

Like you said, it makes perfect sense to keep these items on the change log because only pre-orders would have seen the v1.6 update.

12 years ago

I thought that the Twitter was also supposed to be coming the same time as Farcebook.

OH well, hopefully it will be in the next update then.

12 years ago

Wait, Twitter is NOT available? Or are we supposed to download it from the PSN Store with the VITA?

12 years ago

Twitter, etc. are apps that you will download from the PSN, not elements of the firmware.

Those apps *should* still be available today.

12 years ago

Or, if you were on the east side of NA, early the next day.


12 years ago

Glad to see these minor changes, though I too have had Maps on my home screen since Day 1.

I'm still having issues with Near, though. I can't for the life of me figure out how to drop and receive gifts. Presumably the process is automated somehow, but I keep seeing notifications for gifts that I can't pick up, and U:GA's Black Market is really giving me grief.

Sony, please give me a detailed description of how to work with Near. It looks like such a promising gamer social networking tool!

12 years ago

Im really impressed by how strong this Vita launch is. Am I wrong to claim it's the best system launch ever?

12 years ago

Was the PS2 launch better? I wait outside over night for one. Same with a lot of my friends.

12 years ago

It depends from what angle your looking at it. For a consumer the launch library is excellent. Time will tell how well the public responds to it. So far it seems to be doing well. Best Buys and GameStops in my area were sold out of the FE Bundles. So was Amazon last I checked. I wonder how many of those SONY made?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I don't think you're wrong at all. The first five games I've reviewed haven't just been good; they've been great. And there may be more greatness in this pile, I don't know yet.

I would dare say the Vita, from what I've seen thus far, has the best software launch lineup in history. The PS2 was better than people gave it credit for, because I really liked Summoner and Swing Away Golf, for instance.

Then there was Tekken Tag Tournament, TimeSplitters, Unreal Tournament, and a few crappy ones like X-Squad. Right now I'd say it's close, but if I can find a few more 8+ games in the Vita lineup, I'm going to have to go with the new handheld here for best starting lineup.

12 years ago

I loved Tekken Tag Tournament… but then my friend broke it. -.-

Used to play that game all the time with friends. Great times.

12 years ago

Yeah, Ben, I've noticed it's a strong lineup of games and services. It appears to be a full lineup of quality stuff.
I see games like Uncharted, WipeOut, NG, UMvsC3, and more. There also appears to be great integration and accesibility to PSN. When I look at the past launches of any console I just can't think of as many solid titles all availible within the launch window.

12 years ago

i just noticed that canada doesn't have a 3g vita apparently bestbuy said Sony won't be releasing it for a bit due to no providers will take it on is canada the only country with out this feature?

12 years ago

£45 for Fifa and its Fifa 2011 engine it's not even Fifa 2012 plus it's just called Fifa Football too. The turbo defenders are back (just press circle), £45 for Uncharted Golden Abyss too. This was all in Game and the price may change and you could get the games cheaper elsewhere on the net but even so.

Thanks but no thanks, gonna wait at least a year like I do with all hardware buys. Did it with every console including my PSP. I'll wait hopefully a price drop will have happened too. Told the manager in Game today to give my pre order version away they only had 30 in the shop.

12 years ago

its so funny how they came out saying ps3 updates were really intrusive and far too often, then they come out with the vita and do exactly the same!
i mean come on, if your going to come out and openly admit you would think they would do something about it.
sigh, i guess thats what you get for thinking $ony would actually learn from their mistakes for once!

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