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Rainbow Six Patriots “Wasn’t Working,” Must Be Rebooted

Rainbow Six Patriots was announced back in November 2011, and they initially said it would launch this year.

But as 2013 is rapidly drawing to a close, Ubisoft needed to explain what had become of the promising new series entry. So, North American president Laurent Detoc confirmed to IGN that in fact, despite a solid foundation, it just "wasn't working:"

"We had a core team. They had a good vision. They got started, and then the game wasn't working. So [they had] to start again."

Detoc further confirmed that the rebooted title will indeed launch for the new consoles, so the game can benefit from the added power. However, he said "if and when" the title releases, so its arrival is hardly a foregone conclusion. There's also a chance that the game's concept and subject matter may change significantly, so be prepared for a very different Patriots the next time you see it.

Me, I just want that long-awaited Beyond Good & Evil sequel. I'm hoping the HD iteration of the game sold well enough on the PSN to convince Ubisoft to get moving on that new BG&E.

Related Game(s): Rainbow Six Patriots

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10 years ago

I bought Beyond BG&E when it was $2.50. Great price!

10 years ago

Bummer i was looking forward to a new rainbow six game, and the trailers they had the game looked really good.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

So, what… Ubisoft is actually trying to make a FPS that's different? Good luck, but surely they have better titles to work on than another f**king war game.

10 years ago

so, a reboot of a reboot?
would of been nice to actually see what the team was working on and let the masses decide whether it was working or not, rather then announce the game and stay silent for all these years.
oh well, heres hoping the unique awesome idea of playing the terrorist, the true patriot, is still the core idea of the game.
if i had a nickel for every game that came up with a awesome idea, than ditched it for whatever reason, well you get the point by now.
oh, and one more request.
keep the team based tactics of rainbow six vegas well in tact, and the weapon tactics too.
one of the VERY few games ive played that actually makes you think about which weapon your using.
it was so cool how certain weapons could blow through cover, making hostage situations a little trickier.

10 years ago

This always scares me. Do they mean it wasn't CoD enough for them?

I actually thought that Ghost Recon Future soldier was pretty lame and they made to many changes to it and it didn't feel like a ghost recon game.

I actually think the Vegas Rainbow Six games were awesome, not as good as Rainbow six 3 but still pretty dang close.

I'm hoping that whatever they do with the next one it is in line with that game.

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