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Minecraft Will Not Be A PS4 Launch Title

When Sony confirmed the PlayStation 4 launch lineup last month, the uber-popular Minecraft wasn't on it.

But some theorized that it would still be available for the release of Sony's new system, as Sony had announced at Gamescom that it would be launch title. Unfortunately, developer 4J Studios has confirmed via Twitter that Minecraft won't be ready on November 15.

We don't know why it's not coming this week, but we do know it's currently in development for the PS3, PS4 and Vita, and 4J Studios' update is as follows:

"We're hard at work getting Minecraft: PS3 Edition ready for testing just now."

Minecraft began its rise to fame on the PC, then enjoyed more success on the Xbox 360, ultimately selling over 8 million copies. The game is also set for the Xbox One. Personally, I'm not a fan of any game that can steal your life away and make you miss so many other games but obviously, I'm in the minority. I do get the appeal, though.

Related Game(s): Minecraft

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10 years ago

Let me get this straight — Minecraft is a lego game where you can create whatever you want? The picture in the article kind of reminds me of the beautiful towns/villages that I created in Dark Cloud 2… wonderful memories indeed.

10 years ago

It's not "just" a lego game, that'd be far too limited a description. There's building blocks, but there's also crafting, a survival game, multiplayer possibilities. Not to mention an enormous modding community and an option to pretty much define the rules on (and host) your own game server.

But creativity is definitely in focus. One might say there's a lego spirit to be found here. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/11/2013 2:30:06 PM

10 years ago

So digital lego.

10 years ago

I believe most who just sees screenshots without having played the game only sees the bricky graphics and assume it's just that; building bricks (ergo Lego). It's not. That's my point.

I assumed the same, back before I had tried it.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/12/2013 4:14:35 AM

10 years ago

I don't think I'll ever have the time, but I'd love to try Minecraft some day. I've been looking for a reason to play with Legos again but I don't think I should impregnate a woman just for that reason.

10 years ago

i thought playing with legos was reason enough to play with legos. never played this game but the concept seems fun

10 years ago

it's odd that this hasn't been released for any of sony's systems yet. it's even on android and iphone. there's really no excuse for this. tbh i'll probably never play it, it simply doesn't interest me, but i see no reason as to why it hasn't released yet

10 years ago

Wait wait wait… Minecraft is going to the ps3? I am certainly getting it for my mom. She loves the hell out of it. I helped her get it on her computer but she can't figure out how to join people's games. I only visit her every couple of weeks so trying to figure out sever bs is too much

10 years ago

Joining other people's games is pretty easy. All you need is an IP address and type it in. Unless you have to fool around with your particular modem settings, there should be no problem in joining servers.

10 years ago

well i don't mind i'll have plenty of ps3/ps4 and maybe ps vita games to keep me busy

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

and another one bites the dust!
christ, at this rate come launch theres going to be no games left!
really wish $ony delayed this till next year instead of rushing it out and it releasing in the state, of well, the wiiu!
nothing more frustrating than having a system about as useful as a brick!

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