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Bungie Made Destiny So It’ll Be “Different Every Time” Out

Bungie's Destiny is designed to be revisited over and over. As such, the developer says the anticipated next-gen game will have a "very long life-cycle."

During a PlayStation Blog interview , Bungie community manager David "DeeJ" Dague said the team wanted to create something that was "completely dynamic," so the player(s) would never get bored:

"Given the different ways of playing Destiny, and given the fact that the game is completely dynamic and will be different every time you experience it with other people, the amount of time that we’ll be relevant to the gamers who decide to play it is something that we think will be a very long life-cycle …the idea is to create a world that you can visit over and over again."

Dague also answered questions pertaining to the multiplayer gameplay and customization, both of which sound deep and satisfying. Bungie has made it plain in the past that you can play Destiny however you see fit; you can strike out on your own, or join up with friends. No matter what you do or when, you will always come across something new, and you can choose to participate or just stroll on by. Well, maybe you won't be "strolling" along, but you know what I mean.

Destiny is slated for both current- and next-gen consoles and it's due out some time next year.

Related Game(s): Destiny

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10 years ago

i know the whole aspect of this game is to play online with other people, but is there going to be any single player campaign at all?

10 years ago


Are you really asking that??

They have confirmed numerous times that you can play this game solo if you want, Ben even says this in the article. You can play most of the game single player, but they say it is a lot more fun with other people.

10 years ago

that was not the question.
to answer the question though, no there is no campaign in this.
which is exactly why bungie fans are so up in arms about it, i mean come on bungie is synonymous for captivate storytelling!
minus a campaign, its just like a Ferrari but with a V4 engine.
lost its soul, its purpose, its reason for existance!
so sick of this sudden everything has to be a MMO craze lately.
looking at you too titanfall……..
oh god how cool that could have been if they added a campaign!

10 years ago

Who else is thinking there will be a catastrophic day 1 server crash?

10 years ago

Wouldn't be a first for an MMO type game.

10 years ago

I'll be there to experience it.

Then I can tell my grand kids about it one day.

Also, the inevitable free stuff they give us for it will be sweet.

10 years ago

The game sounds great and its probably the game Im looking forward to playing the most. But I hope it lives up to the hype. Its being touted as being something never seen before on an epic scale.

10 years ago

There is so much hype around this game, that I really hope it lives up to it.

A lot of other games have generated a lot of hype and NOT been as good, I hope this one is the exception.

Either way, this is THE next-gen game I am looking for.

10 years ago

The next gen im waiting for is The Division, I absolutely cant wait.

10 years ago

i'm keen for destiny it seems like a pritty epic game.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Im liking the sound of this, but will I have to have PS+ and is there a monthly fee for this game?

10 years ago

MMO killed all the interest i had in this.
2 things i hate about bungie.
1 they say they left M$ because they were sick of creating SCIFI shooters, but then go and do, well, what genre does destiny fall in?
2 bungie was made famous for revolutionizing the shooter, halo combat evolved did for console shooters what half life did for PC.
it proved shooters CAN be innovative, CAN have a good story, CAN have amazing physics, and now they announce their new game which will have neither of those.
especially stories, hell the story of halo is so f*cking popular its spawned its own books!
how many games can say that?
and now, MMO.
in other words Ferrari has turned up to the geneva motor show and announced they are leaving F1, they are abandoning making supercars, and instead are going to focus on creating overpriced aftershave and clothes instead.
thats what bungies done with destiny!

Last edited by ___________ on 9/5/2013 4:40:53 AM

10 years ago

1. Whatever idiot said there won't be a singleplayer campaign, please know what you're talking about before you post. There absolutely is a single player campaign. And if at some point you decide you would like it to no longer be single player, you have that OPTION.

2. This is NOT an mmo. Bungie has made that clear, and have labeled it a "shared world shooter". So those lamenting the phrase mmo, just go ahead and ignore that phrase because it is incorrect according to Bungie.

3. Bungie fans are not up in arms…. Where on earth did you grab this load of bull crap from? I'm a huge Bungie fan, and so far i'm expecting a game that once again sets the standards for a generation. As they have with the last two generations.

I'm sick of people spouting off without actual knowledge of Bungie or they're game, or they're ability. This isn't your average game developer.

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