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PS4 Version Of Destiny Will Receive Some Exclusive Content

Xbox players currently receive timed exclusive content for Call of Duty . But that doesn't mean the other huge upcoming shooter from Activision will side with Microsoft.

According to a new Metro interview with SCEE president and CEO Jim Ryan, we find out that Sony's relationship with Activision will result in exclusive PS4 content for Destiny :

"We’ve carefully selected titles where we feel it’s appropriate to partner with a third party. So Activision, yes, they're doing stuff on Call Of Duty with Microsoft. However, we are partnering with Activision on Destiny. And you know Destiny is a new IP from Bungie and there’s gonna be stuff that is exclusive to the PlayStation SKU for a window of time and there’s gonna be a lot of PlayStation-branded marketing collateral and there’s gonna be PlayStation hardware bundles."

That could translate to timed exclusive Destiny content for the PS4, similar to the Microsoft/Activision deal concerning CoD. Ryan even said that their relationship with Activision involving Destiny is "pretty much an exact offset." Do you like the idea of timed exclusive content? Does that influence your purchasing decisions for new games?

Related Game(s): Destiny

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10 years ago

MS can have all that COD content. This game looks way better than Ghosts. Ghosts looks like MW3 with a dog who gallops like a moose.

10 years ago

mooses gallop?


10 years ago

Lol, I assume they can.

10 years ago

Oh dear god, the fact that you can play as the dog is impressing people.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/30/2013 9:23:27 AM

10 years ago

You can play as the dog?!

10 years ago

Why on earth would you even want to play as the dog? That's just a little absurd, in my opinion anyway.

10 years ago

Also, I really loved the gallops like a moose comment Jawknee.

10 years ago

The dog animations in the reveal trailer were just so bad. Never seen a dog run like that.

10 years ago

i thought the ps4 destiny have completely exclusive content only for ps4 version but i guess they didn't make that quite clear well i'm still excited but a lil disapointed thats if it isn't completely exclusive but still happy we go one over the XBOX people this time.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I like timed exclusive content for some games, but I am kind of getting tired of it honestly. lol

10 years ago

I dunno bout this whole Destiny thing, I like to play through a shooter's campaign and then discard it or shelf it. I can't see going back to the same shooter for long enough to make all this online business matter. I'm really not looking to make new internet friends either.

10 years ago

Ouch World, that hurts. I thought that you and I could be friends, but obviously we internet folk aren't good enough for you.

Just kidding. I'm with you on the shooter thing. I have mixed feelings about destiny. It looks good, and I do want to play it. At the same time, I'm thinking that the 10 years, or whatever it was that they wanted the life of this game to be, is way too long to invest in basically any single game, but especially a shooter.

10 years ago

Ive probably got 15+ days put into Borderlands 2 with two different characters. If Destiny is supported like Borderlands is and has the same depth, I dont see why I wouldnt put in the time with it either. These are the types of games I really enjoypurchasing because I can always go back to them, and they are long enough to satisfy me for awhile.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/30/2013 2:11:18 AM

10 years ago

Don't worry Andi, we are PSXE community friends, that's better. What I mean is you sorta need a crew of people to enjoy something like Destiny, at least in my opinion.

Railer, that's cool when it's already right up your alley. Personally I'm on the fence because I don't want to be so closed-minded that just because it's online I wouldn't consider it, so I'm tossing it around in my head. It would have to be something special though, and not have a monthly fee, or require me to buy more sh*t to succeed or buy more sh*t to have any fun. So it's like the bar for the game sets itself really high for me.

10 years ago

Well im 100 percent with you on that. If I have to buy a monthly subscription or its one of those "free to play, but pay to advance" type games consider me out. I dont want to support anything like that on consoles.

But I haven't heard anything to warrant that so Im excited for it. I just hope it cokes with the depth they are claiming. Could be a wild ride! .

10 years ago

World doesn't look for internet friends, just lovers…


10 years ago

Yes, I love my internet lovers.

10 years ago

"World doesn't look for internet friends, just lovers…"


10 years ago

Ha ha, sorry to bring up a, ummm, sensitive topic there, World.

Maybe if everything works out with Destiny we'll have to just get some of the PSX community together to play. Then we won't have to worry about dealing with those strange internet people.

All teasing aside, I agree completely. Dealing with a lot of the gamers out there is a pain. There are too many gamers out there that prove the immature gamer stereotype.

10 years ago

I'd rather this timed exclusivity crap didn't exist. But I suppose the name of the game anymore is to control lucrative finite resources with money for a strategic advantage.

10 years ago

I wish it didnt exist either. The industry shouldnt be about appeasing the manufacturers but rather the people who actually buy their games.

10 years ago

I'm 100% against timed exclusive content. No benefit in long run and only serves to divide gamers I feel. And there's already enough of that.

I'm intrigued by Destiny but hope it doesn't turn out to be a disappointment like MAG or ugh Haze (I know it's nothing like it but for some reason I get the Haze feel when I watched trailer).

Here's a question for my buds here…We know developers held back on PS3 quality to make games look the same on 360 as on the PS3. Are we going to see that again this generation? Personally, I think that was very disappointing. But it's right there in that timed exclusive bs category of tinkering what doesn't need tinkering. People are already making me feel like that again.

Stay Classy PSX…

Dell Taco
Dell Taco
10 years ago

Timed exclusives are always bad for any consumer IMHO. Destiny looks fun, but a timed exclusive doesn't get my wallet open for any one system.

10 years ago

While it is nice to see PS getting some love from publishers like Activision, I'm getting sick of this whole timed exclusivity business as a whole, no matter which side has the advantage.

10 years ago

Yeah it's not like "yay we get it, you guys don't, you suck, this is why I bought this system!" I don't like it when anybody gets screwed due to smoke-filled back room deals.

10 years ago

Timed exclusives are just annoying as hell. No one is gonna buy the opposite system of choice in order to get content first for only one game.

10 years ago

ooooo, hardware bundles?
so that means $onys FINALLY going to give us custom skinned ps4s for the packed in game right?
cant believe they have not done this yet, i mean youd be surprised how many people buy new systems, even though the one they have is perfectly fine, just so they can get the new nice looking system.
custom boot up sounds are cool too, would be nice if they came with custom boot up screens as well.

10 years ago

I despise timed exclusivity. I think it's a disgusting tactic to use in the gaming industry. It just creates extra unnecessary angst in the community and adds fuel to the fanboy wars.

If you want to lump a load of money at a company why not go into partnership with them on a properly exclusive game? But you must deliver thant gamewhen you do this…I'm lookingat you AGENT!

Last edited by shaydey77 on 8/31/2013 7:46:26 AM

10 years ago

I love timed exclusivity, and I especially love locked-down permanent console exclusivity of dlc and games in general.

As long as it benefits my console of choice. 🙂

That's just my opinion on the matter, to each their own.

Last edited by JROD0823 on 8/31/2013 6:39:18 PM

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