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PS4 Gets 33 Games In 2013, 180 Total Currently In Development

No fewer than 33 games will be available for the PlayStation 4 before 2013 is over.

Sony has revealed the lineup of launch window titles for their anticipated new console, and it includes super high-profile names like Killzone: Shadow Fall , Call of Duty: Ghosts , Watch Dogs and Battlefield 4 .

Overall, Sony says over 180 games are already in development for the PS4, and that includes titles in the works at studios like Naughty Dog ( Uncharted , The Last Of Us ), Media Molecule ( LittleBigPlanet ) and Sony Santa Monica ( God of War ). Here are the titles that are guaranteed to be on store shelves between November 15 (the PS4's newly confirmed launch date) and December 31:

Thanks to massive third-party titles, that may be the strongest launch lineup for any PlayStation console ever. Previous hardware installments may have had better exclusives (and even that's arguable), but none had these huge third-party games. And by the way, don't sleep in Knack

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10 years ago

Man this field is so weak my hypometer is sinking fast. That's not unusual though, it takes time.

10 years ago

I don't even know what to say man. It's like going to a bodybuilders competition and the contestants are Preston and Weeman from Jackass.

10 years ago

Seems sort of yawn-a-thon'ish

But I'm stoked for GT6, possibly the best title in November to play… for those interested in driving cars all pretty-like and stuff. Which I am =)

10 years ago

Likewise, heck I know the PS3 had a slow start but even they had Resistance: Fall of Man – Which was superb and was a great introduction to online gaming. There is nothing on that list which I care for.

10 years ago

Ultima, you're not excited for Knack?? That game looks awesome! Oh wait….not awesome….what's the word? Oh yeah, horrible.

10 years ago

Resistance: Fall of Man over Killzone? Please Resistance is a mediocre series, Killzone multiplayer is tons of fun

10 years ago

I see 9 titles I want to play but I'll probably only buy 3 right away. The others I'll wait for deals.

Gaming Prodigy
Gaming Prodigy
10 years ago

What 3 you buying if you dont mind me asking?

10 years ago

Killzone: Shadow Fall, Watch Dogs and Battlefield 4. I want DriveClub but since we get a free PS+ version, I figure I will check that out first before I spend the money on the full release.

10 years ago

what you get through plus should be the full version of the game. unless you didnt keep plus you would be wasting your money buying it retail.

10 years ago

Actually, that is not true. I've read several articles stating that the PS+ version will not include all of the content that the disc includes. And you can upgrade to the full version or buy additional content piece by piece if you don't want the full upgrade.

10 years ago

in the same boat as you. Hoping Knack will have a demo. I love platformers but we'll see how it plays out.

10 years ago

Wasn't all that impressed by the presentation today. I was really looking forward to some AAA exclusives seeing how they always make the Playstation seem better than competition. Although KZ:S and Second Sun look incredible, i am hoping for some more AAA ps4 games before it releases. Otherwise Ill be sad. Actually, WaTch_DogS is going to be a big one. Nevermind, just pre-gta5 jitters i guess.

10 years ago

As good as Watch Dogs looks I can't consider any cross-gen title an actual next gen game.

10 years ago

Give it time, man (or dudette). Sony still has TGS to prepare for and PAX, and VGA

10 years ago


Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Ubisoft, Ubisoft)
Battlefield 4 (DICE, Electronic Arts)
Call of Duty: Ghosts (Infinity Ward, Activision)
Crimson Dragon (Grounding/Land Ho!, Microsoft Studios)
Dead Rising 3 (Capcom Vancouver, Microsoft)
FIFA 14 (EA Sports, Electronic Arts)
Fighter Within (AMA Ltd., Ubisoft)
Forza Motorsport 5 (Turn 10 Studios, Microsoft Studios)
Just Dance 2014 (Ubisoft Paris, Ubisoft)
Killer Instinct (Double Helix, Microsoft Studios)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (TT Games, Warner Bros. Interactive)
Lococycle (Twisted Pixel, Microsoft Studios)
Madden NFL 25 (EA Sports, Electronic Arts)
NBA 2K14 (Visual Concepts, 2K Sports)
NBA Live 14 (EA Sports, Electronic Arts)
Need for Speed: Rivals (Ghost Games, Electronic Arts)
Peggle 2 (Popcap, Electronic Arts)
Powerstar Golf (Zoe Mode, Microsoft Studios)
Ryse: Son of Rome (Crytek, Microsoft Studios)
Skylanders: Swap Force (Vicarious Visions, Activision)
Watch Dogs (Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft)
Zoo Tycoon (Frontier Developments Ltd., Microsoft Studios)
Zumba Fitness: World Party (Zoë Mode, Majesco)

.sorry, someone was bound to eventually do this, figured it might as well have been me =p

10 years ago


10 years ago

I know. I know. It's hard to swallow the loss of Zumba Fitness, World 😉

10 years ago

It's too hard *single manly tear*

10 years ago

Not much different but I prefer this one and that's coming from a PS guy. EDIT: Nevermind they are both weak.

Last edited by MeXiCaNFiGhTe12 on 8/20/2013 11:34:13 PM

10 years ago

if Ryse didn't look brainless I'd be interested.

10 years ago

I'm interested in demoing Killer Instinct someday when I'm at the store.

10 years ago

Yah, I'd like to have an option for KI as well. Oh well.

10 years ago

This is half sports titles?

Also, for those who aren't keeping up to date. The list of launch titles for PS4 is a lot bigger than the one in the article. There are many many PSN titles launching too.

Like Resogun from the makers of Super Stardust HD.

10 years ago

Vs Games you can play on your Ps3/360

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Ubisoft, Ubisoft)
Battlefield 4 (DICE, Electronic Arts)
Madden NFL 25 (EA Sports, Electronic Arts)
NBA 2K14 (Visual Concepts, 2K Sports)
NBA Live 14 (EA Sports, Electronic Arts)
Watch Dogs (Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft)
Skylanders: Swap Force
Just Dance 2014
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Zumba Fitness: World Party
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Zoo Tycoon

This list makes the Ps4/Xbox 1 less exciting why buy a new console for theses games when you can play them on your current generation system. I know i'll be playing Madden NFL 25, Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag, Watch Dogs Battlefield 4, NBA2K14, all on my Ps3 plus i'll be playing GT6 in December. Till i see something better i might cancelled my Ps4 pre-order ans wait till summer 2014 to pick mine up

Last edited by TrueAssassin86x on 8/21/2013 7:20:32 AM

10 years ago

yah, Infamous, good point.
I think that's the thing bothering me about this next-gen. So much of the titles are also current gen. It sort of feels like the early days of DVD and Blu-Ray. Same movie, just one is higher res and stuff. Yippee. What's the rush? Let the prices fall.

10 years ago

The demo for Ryse was tuned so they could show off the "cinematic" kills and in actuality the system will have more depth to it.

However, it is made in such a way that you don't NEED to learn any of that depth in order to conquer, it will fully allow brainless play without even a need to execute those QTEs properly, if you just sit there the kill will happen anyway.

It will be interesting to see if that tactic makes it mainstream enough to sell well or if it dooms it to critical hate and gamer disinterest.

10 years ago

yah, Ryse is one to defer to the critics for help. Not sure what to think of it yet.

Anyhow, I'm beginning to think the next-gen won't transition away from the current-gen with big ip's anytime soon. That is, games like CoD, BF, and AC will still be made with PS3 and 360 in mind for another year or two. Too many gamers to leave behind otherwise.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/21/2013 10:31:09 AM

10 years ago

Over half of those Xbox day one titles are multiplatform.


10 years ago

Why is Batman: AO not on here?

10 years ago

Batman AO is only coming out for PS3 and 360. Check out the 2.5 version for the Vita. It looks awesome

To Be Decided
To Be Decided
10 years ago

Kinda excited for the PS4 at launch mainly do to those free to play titles like Warframe and Planet Side and Warthunder, so far I only have Knack and Killzone ready to buy all others are meh luckily my PS3 aint going away niether is my RPG backlist.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I would ask that people look up the launch lists for the PS1, PS2 and PS3 and compare…

10 years ago

Battle Arena Toshinden + DOA2 Hardcore + Tekken Tag + Ridge Racer = launch day ecstasy!

….well, I am feeling really enticed by hunting sharks in AC4. But I can get AC4 for my PC and then play it after enough patches release.

not enough Shark games anymore..

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/21/2013 1:08:49 AM

10 years ago

and Summoner never got enough respect.

10 years ago

I always wanted Summoner but I spent all my money on the console and Dark Cloud. Then bigger games came. But yeah PS2 launch was rough. I don't remember what was at the PS1 launch but I remember the PS1 section at the rental store blowing the Saturn section out of the water.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Those are mostly all fighters, Temjin. Basically only you would've been satisfied with that selection. LOL At least there was TimeSplitters, Unreal Tournament, Madden 2001, Summoner and SSX, though.

I'm not saying that's a better lineup than what the PS4 offers, however. Not at all. And the PS3 basically only had Resistance. As for the original PlayStation, the launch was abysmal. It had only a few games here and there in this country; only LATER did it dominate the Saturn.

10 years ago

hey, I wouldn't say only me. Fighters were a big genre back then. They were one of the best sellers of their time. They exploded from the Street Fighter 2 craze and that carried right into the 32-bit era…. before being overly saturated.

I do think it difficult to directly compare the next-gen launch titles to the PSX titles, not that the PS4's launch lineup doesn't consist of many AAA hits. It does, and in that it reflects just how much gaming has grown over the last 20 years. But the excitement involving the PSX helped usher in a new era of gaming. We transitioned from what was largely side-scrollers and sprite based games to a full 3D revolution. The tech was far more exciting then, than it is now.

I think that's a vital element missing for me on the coming gen. It seems positively ordinary. It feels like upgrading a PC to something more powerful. Not that I was expecting more than that, but just to convey how much more excited the tech and offerings were for the PSX even with it's lesser AAA lineup, and even the PS2 because it added a lot more emotion to what was otherwise crude polygons and games that simply played better in 3D, relative to their time.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

My most anticipated games on that line-up are Knack and Watch Dogs. And I'm not really all that fussed about the latter as I'm not anywhere near caught up on Assassin's Creed and WD is being touted as Ubi's next AC. I'm bored.

I'm good with Beyond and R&C.

10 years ago

I need only one game with my PS4 this year: Watch Dogs. All else is a bonus. Then it's straight over to Infamous when that's out. Then it's The Witcher 3. Then Dragon Age 3. And by then GTA5 should be out for the PS4 ;).

And that pretty much sums up one perfect gaming year for me. So I am one happy puppy. In fact the future's so bright right now that I gotta wear shades.

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/21/2013 4:03:16 AM

10 years ago

and which of them, only the console exclusives, ie knack, drive club and KZSF are truly launch titles.
the rest will be available on other systems before the ps4 launches!
a 3 game launch lineup, wow and i though the vita and wiiu were pathetic!!!!!!!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

You know a launch title, by definition, is a game that is released on the launch day of the system, yeah? Being out on another platform earlier doesn't make them not launch games… Launch exclusives, sure, but that makes no sense whatsoever, frankly.

10 years ago

yea but whats the point of having them available on launch when they have already been available elsewhere for a month?
as i said before whos going to go buy BF4, ACIV, CoDG, play them for a month, then say hey im going to go trade in my ps3 copies, and buy the ps4 copy and continue playing it on that.
ACIV is a SP game so whos going to finish the game, what 6 times within that month?
than go finish it another 6 times.
then BF4, and CoDG which will be mainly MP titles thus heavily relying on all the people you play with wasting their money as well.
this is exactly why you cant rely on MP games as launch titles, unless they release day and day on both gens, there pointless!

not to mention all these games are cross generation games so theres always the question and fear of them being held back.
why does the division look so much better and more ambitious than watch dogs?
why does ACIV on ps4 look so close to AC3?
so another question people will be asking is are they really worth buying again?
is the next gen version really that much better than the current gen?
and so far i have to say a total resounding hell no!

Last edited by ___________ on 8/21/2013 10:00:11 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Now that makes some sense. But it doesn't change the fact that they're still launch titles. Frankly, if it was me, I would simply wait until the game launches on the next-gen platform before picking it up, rather than buying it twice, but I'm not interested in any of the titles anyway. And X-Gen transitions are being incentivised, too. Get the next-gen game for ten dollars when you trade in the current one, I wouldn't be surprised if that makes a big impact on the MP-focussed titles.

As for games being held back… Yeah that I completely agree with. Except I don't think The Division looks all that great. Watch Dogs is much better conceptually.

10 years ago

you dont care about them so you can wait, theres no way in hell people are waiting a extra week let alone a extra month to play these games!
especially watch dogs, weve been wanting a game like that for a long, long, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time!
conceptually yea, but graphics?
come on i literally shat my pants when ubisoft showed it!
its amazing how much better trailers look in person though.
watching the ryse, forza 5, they did not look that great.
the division always impressed me.
than i saw ryse and forza 5 as live gameplay at PAX a few weeks ago, than M$ also showed off the division and my god it looked even better than it did in the gameplay vids from E3!

Last edited by ___________ on 8/22/2013 9:16:39 AM

10 years ago

Launch titles are all titles that release within the first year of a new console, and the PS4 has that figure in the bag currently.

10 years ago

im starting to think that i may just wait til tax time next year to get the ps4. i really really want one but i have a lot of ps3 games still to play. i also have my daughters bday next month so if i have the money after all that in november and have already figured out christmas i may get a ps4. otherwise a few months wont kill me.

10 years ago

honestly if there are more than 5 games that i wud buy day one then the line up is pretty gud and there's about 7 on that list there might but up to 10 if i add others that aren't on the list. but yeah it's a pritty decent launch and the first i would have been apart of which will be fun.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

While I do wish that there were more big budget exclusives launching with the console such as infamous, NG game, MM game and the order could have been a launch game, the day one line up is solid and much better than the PS2 and PS3. This is above the Wii U launch and someone is saying its worst when the Wii did not launch with 3 decent exclusive games.Then you have tons of free to play games coming and some really good indie games which are exclusive like rime,resogun and shadow of the beast. People are foolish to expect anything more during launch but who knows what will be announced later or at TGS after the launch in Nov or Dec. I find it funny that people complain when if there were more interesting games they would just ignore them or say they cannot afford them.I will only be buying 3 games anyway since the console is $399.

10 years ago

33 titles? wow, some of those are going to suffer from lacklustre sales.

They do know that paying out for a new console will severely limit the number of games the consumer can buy?

Does anyone know the expectation for average quantity of games to be sold per console at or within a few months of launch.

I think with the PS3 I bought 4 games in the first 3 months and that was a high purchase point for me.

I agree there should be a choice but 33 games in a handful of months doesn't seem like good business sense. How many gamers are going to buy and play more than a dozen in that time?

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