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Sony To Reveal More Of The PS4 Lineup At Gamescom 2013

Is anybody surprised?

The upcoming Gamescom event takes place between August 21 and 25 in Cologne, Germany, and it's a chance for both Sony and Microsoft to show off more next-gen goodness.

Sony plans to do exactly that: As the company revealed on their Facebook page , the PlayStation 4 lineup will be the focus at Gamescom:

"With the buzz around PlayStation 4 building, 2013 continues to be one of the most exciting years ever for video games fans. A host of next generation titles were unveiled at the PlayStation Meeting 2013 and E3 2013. At Gamescom in August 2013, the focus will be on PS4 and its games line-up once again."

There's a rumor that Sony will finally announce the PS4's official launch date at Gamescom, although others believe they'll wait until the Tokyo Game Show in September. Microsoft may also reveal the release date for the Xbox One; if both manufacturers give us that information, the pre-order floodgates will once again open. It'll be interesting to see what other news comes from the event, but it's obvious that the next-gen consoles will take center-stage. And we got no problem with that.

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10 years ago

Do we know Microsoft's press conference time yet? I know it's on the 20th but I'm assuming Sony got the latest time slot so that they can once again show up Microsoft by announcing the PS4's release date to be earlier than the Xbone's. Sony's will be at 7:00pm Central European Time so I'm thinking that will be the last one of the day. Anyone heard anything about Microsoft's time slot?

10 years ago

Goody goody. I'm ready for the next gen but still need a title to be excited about at launch. I'm sure there will be some great announcements at TGS but they probably won't be launch games since Japanese devs are very slow.

10 years ago

Need to see more exclusives. Last Guardian, and Agent perhaps? Thinking if Agent is alive, it would no longer be exclusive.

Guerrilla, ND, QD, Media Molecule all have unannounced games. So does Sony Bend, and Sony Santa Monica I believe. What else?

10 years ago

Uncharted 4 announcement?

10 years ago

Probably just a tease

10 years ago

It would be awesome if they reveal only previously unannounced titles for the PS4. A touch of Gaikai. A few new Vita titles but not the PS4
release date. Let MS do it but hold that till the absolute last moment. Then release the guillotine.

10 years ago

I can't wait to see what else my ps4 will be able to do!

10 years ago

A reboot of Jet Set Willy – do it Sony!

10 years ago

Please give me the RPGs I demand.

10 years ago

An exclusive from Mistwalker would beat any other exclusive I have seen yet. We need something to compete with the Wii-U's Xenoblade 2 – If it is not an online JRPG that is…

10 years ago

Which ones do you demand?

10 years ago

yeah wud like to know some more awsome ps4 exclusives. like idk jak 4 wud be killer or some old or new killer sequal or new series(IP).

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

i hope they give us all sme news we can be really excited about, emphasis on every body not just a few.

happy gaming =)

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago


10 years ago

i hope they actually show off some games we dont know about!
E3 was a massive disappointment only game we dident know about was the order, everything else was eh been there done that.
we need to know what QD is working on, we need to know what $ony SM is working on, we need to know what the other ND team is working on, we need to know what $ony bend is working on, we need to know what $ony japan is working on.
i dont care if there years off, at least give us a glimpse into what we can expect if we shell out 550+ bucks on the ps4!
because knack and KZSF just aint gonna cut it bub!
really hope they announce another first party launch title, they really need something else to compliment the 2 above.
maybe a RPG, or action adventure game.
medievil would go nicely, hint hint!
o, and i swear to go if TGS passes and we still have not seen footage of the last guardian, blood WILL be spilt!

10 years ago

So now that Sony have announced the PS4 will be playable at the 2013 EB Expo, will you eat your own words? Or perhaps you should wipe the egg off your face first.

"Oh Sony SUCKS they ALWAYS treat us aussies like shit, microsoft are awesome, they were at PAX (in a plastic box, but that's okay, I WANTED to travel to Melbourne just to see it in a box) and they will be at EB Expo too!!!"

Nek minut

The Sony Playstation 4 will be playable exclusively at the 2013 EB Expo in Sydney in Oct.

Awesome doesn't really explain it.

10 years ago

no sh*t sherlock its playable, they cant let M$ rule the show.
point still stands, M$ turned up to pax and showed the console, let people get up close and personal and take photos, hell they even had 3 presentations showing off live demos of the launch titles.
$ony had squat, even the ps3 and vita were nowhere to be found!
every time the US has a event $ony is there front line center, 9/10 times we have a event there nowhere to be found.
point stands!

10 years ago

That's because PAX Australia is not a big time event, even having the Xbox One there wouldn't have meant much.

EB Expo is about the same, but is sponsored by the biggest game retailer in the world.

and it is pretty pathetic that you thumbs up yourself every single time you make a comment. sif your trying to make people think someone on this site agree's with everything you say.

10 years ago

EB expo bigger than pax?
right, know im sure your crazy!

10 years ago

it meant everything, you do realize people started lining up to get into the presentation 4 hours before it started, and the main hall was actually fully packed out TWO HOURS before the event right?
not even biowares panel filled up that quickly!
and that was on friday when i went, im told saturday and sunday was even busier as you would expect as everyone would be off school/ work.
even the booth where they had the system on display was packed out a hour before they brought the system out and placed it in there.
i was lucky i got in, it was on display for 4 hours and i was one of the last ones in to take pics only had a minute to look at it then they kicked us all out!

EB expo bigger than PAX?
ok, just stop its getting ridiculous!

10 years ago

A new Katamari. That is what I am hoping for.

10 years ago

So you can touch it?

10 years ago

Maybe they will announce a couple of release dates for some PS4 games, but not announce the release date of the PS4. LOL

10 years ago

This just in, the PS4 will be playable on the show floor of the October 2013 EB Expo in Sydney.

I will be sure to give you guys a hands on preview 😀

10 years ago

I Think Sony will delay the release date of the PS4 until after MS announces theirs first. Then Sony would be smart to release the PS4 2 weeks ahead of MS if possible even sooner ever day ahead of the xbone the better for Sony.

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