Most recent polls have put the PlayStation 4 significantly ahead of the Xbox One in terms of consumer popularity.
Over the course of 2013, since Sony's new machine was announced in February, the headlines have been overwhelmingly positive. The result could end up being a big win for the PS4 in the next-generation console war.
At least, that's what our readers believe. The key will be the US market. Microsoft has owned it for the entirely of the current generation; the PS3 never really had a chance at winning out in this country. It has surpassed the Xbox 360 in terms of worldwide sales (and in one year less time on the market), but the US is Xbox territory. So, if Sony can actually compete favorably on American soil with the PS4, they should have the next generation all sewn up. But there's a long way to go and anything can happen…no point in making predictions now, correct?
This week, we want your views on PlayStation Move. Do you see it finally coming into its own in the next generation? Or do you think it will continue to be largely overlooked by many hardcore gamers? Let us know.
For anyone to take the move seriously they will have to do something amazing they cant do with their controller.
Heard that!
It seems as though the US market is the most important market in regards to this next generation.
If Move stays the same, then it will remain a casual peripheral. I've enjoyed Move with the kids for party and sports games. Gun games like Time Crisis and House of the Dead are a guilty pleasure 🙂
Although not from personal experience, some folks swear by their Sharpshooter attachment for games like Killzone.
Downhill I say, although it's hard to go even further down than it already is.
I voted it'll be similar. Not sure how it can get less popular. Mine's collected dust for well over a year now.
Don't get me wrong… the tech is sweet and it's vastly superior to Kinect. But it's got no support.
Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/28/2013 11:00:17 PM
I think Move will be about the same as long as it's still given the weak support it's smothered in now.
idk i really didn't care the move apart from wat i cud do for split screen multiplayer in next-gen(with the ps4 -_-).
happy gaming =)
ps4 more popular than xbox one on a playstation only site?
stop the presses!
im starting to wonder if its worth me getting both systems on launch now.
after seeing the xbox one, and as usual, $ony giving us the finger not even showing this years ps3 games, im seriously thinking about canceling my ps4 preorder.
plus the only reason im getting it is for shadow fall, is 1 game really enough to warrant a 550 dollar system?
as for move, well, how can it get any worse?
kinda cant go any lower than rock bottom, but then knowing $ony they will some how find a way.
the move was one of the worst decisions the company ever made, it only existed because the worlds set in this mindset that if 1 company finds success with something than every company will.
theres many more interesting and innovative ways we can introduce to control our games, than motion controls.
Shut the eff up already, jeez
Of course the polls are not only from this site. Just grow up please. Or better, grow up and learn to use google.
As always, If there are great games for it, success will follow. The problem is no developer but first party ones are going to pour the resources to make a great next gen game centered around an accessory that hasn't sold well. Now If Sony were to bundle a great first party game with the move, and sell it cheap (even at a loss) maybe they'd be able to rise it's popularity, but as it is, I doubt it will do any better than in this gen.
I don't know that I agree.
Sure, the US is significant to us. Many of us live in the US. It's the most important market to us, but we're just one country out of many that the PS4 will ship to. The author said himself that the PS3 outsold the Xbox 360 worldwide, and with a year less under its belt than the Xbox had–this while the Xbox 360 was allegedly "winning out" here in the 'States. That sounds a lot like a victory to me.
Don't get me wrong–the US is most certainly a key demographic, and for maximum success Sony (on the decline as it is) would do well to pay plenty attention to it, but if the Xbox One were to inherit Xbox 360's popularity in the US PS4 still wouldn't do badly at all. PlayStation has grown in leaps since the launch of the PS3, and if Sony continues on this path then in general it doesn't need to worry too much.
They should just leave it behind and move on.
My #1 dumbest purchase of current gen is my Move stick and the peripherals I bought to it in a desperate attempt to make it cool.
Last edited by Beamboom on 7/29/2013 3:15:22 PM
I still wish PS4 had Kevin Butler, VP of Awesomeness! 🙁
If the PS3 has sold more than the 360 with a horrible start, late start, and not having lots of double buy from broken consoles, it looks pretty clear the PS4 will win easily with all the praise it's getting from everyone.
I say both consoles will be close in US but everywhere else I think the PS4 will be leading.