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BioWare: New Mass Effect Will Appeal To Fans And Newcomers

It's a balancing act, and BioWare does not want to fall.

We know the Mass Effect trilogy with protagonist Commander Shepard is complete, but we also know that the developer is currently working on a new franchise story arc.

It won't be called "Mass Effect 4" but the bottom line is that a new ME installment is definitely on the way. And in posting on Twitter (via VG24/7 ), BioWare Montreal studio director Yanick Roy said simply-

"…we'll be sure to be friendly both to old fans and to newcomers."

This was in response to the question as to whether or not the Genesis system would return in the new game. In regards to retaining the open-ended nature of the series, Roy said "there is no reason to believe otherwise at this point." Well, of course not. Linearity is dying fast; developers are going in the other direction.

We still don't know a lot about the new ME, but we know it'll use the new Frostbite 3 engine, and we know the team has "borrowed" some concepts from the Dragon Age: Inquisition team to speed things up. Personally, I want Inquisition more, but that's only 'cuz I prefer the fantasy setting. Don't care much about sci-fi.

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11 years ago

So hopefully this means it wont change much from the heavy TPS gameplay it has – anything else it I probably wont cater to longtime fans. It would have been nice to hear the series would go back to its roots.

11 years ago

I believe *every* big ME fan would want them to add more RPG to the formula (ergo back to the roots).

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/16/2013 2:56:00 PM

11 years ago

Thats the truth.

Edit: after reading my comment as well as yours I should clarify on what I meant in the first sentence: The series has gotten heavier in its TPS focus since ME1, if it started focusing more on that rather than the elusive RPG elements, which long time fans wouldnt appreciate that much. So I hope at least they dont stray too far from ME3, but a return to its roots would have been a more appealing statement.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 7/16/2013 4:29:20 PM

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
11 years ago

I always get a little anxious when I see developers talking about "broadening the appeal" of their game. It's not a death sentence, but it has often heralded the homogenization effect, where what was once a unique series tries to chase some mystical COD-like formula for "success."

That said, the thing that would get me most psyched about a new Mass Effect game is some gameplay where I actually get to fly my ship. You know, in combat, not just around the solar system map. Normandy herself was sadly underused in the game… she only got to shine in cutscenes, which is no fun at all.

Also, I would love to see them take a Suikoden-like approach to the evolution of your ship. As you pick up more equipment and crew, the environment changes and becomes more rich and interesting.

11 years ago

I facking LOVE that aspect of Suikoden, who else lets you build an epic base and staff it with all of the world's unique characters?

11 years ago

I never played the first so I won't die if they keep moving further toward action, but as a professional RPG worrier I sympathize with fans.

I'm glad they are getting off the Unreal engine, it's never been stable in this franchise. I'm also looking forward to Inquisition more but ME is still pretty solid sci fi, I just can't get the hype in my heart rolling again to finish ME3 yet. Maybe this winter. The best thing about it for me is the opportunity to craft a strong female lead character.

11 years ago

The first game can be yours for the low price of $14.99 off of the PlayStation Store, and I highly recommend it based off of the amount I have played of it so far.

I have started the game twice now, once on PC, and once on PS3, and I keep kicking myself for setting it aside to play new games and not finishing it.

The more in-depth RPG elements are sweet, and it is a bit disappointing that Bioware felt the need to dumb down those elements to gain more "mass appeal" for ME2 and ME3.

Not that those games are bad, because they're not, it just didn't feel like you had nearly as much control over how unique your Commander Shepard was through upgrades and other customization elements when compared to everyone else that played the game.

11 years ago

Oh man am I in the mood for a new Mass Effect! That would hit right in my wheel house at this moment.

11 years ago

You and me both.

I kinda hope *some* of the characters from the first trilogy makes a reappearance, though. There's so many memorable ones amongst the staffs!

11 years ago

This doesn't surprise me. It has EA written all over it.

11 years ago

Such statements worry me, but I cling to my faith in BioWare. They have created such masterpieces in the past. Their productions has always been of high value. Yes, even DA2.

11 years ago

If they can move closer to what made ME1 great while keeping the tight combat that ME2 had then we might be on to something.

Put random loot back in the game just make the inventory system better, put the Mako back in it but um I dunno make it control better(I personally never had trouble with it), add back all that exploration that was lacking from ME2 and ME3.

ME1s Citadel was four or five times as big as the citadel in ME2. There were planets to explore, skill trees that really mattered, and a fun weapons mod system.

I will only get interested in the next ME game if they seriously go back to their roots and put in a lot more RPG elements and exploration.

11 years ago

Nothing new, they have been changing it since the first sequel.

11 years ago

haha We get it, Sci fi isn't your thing. I hope they don't go and streamline the game more like they did with Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect 2 was perfect. ME3 was too streamlined in my opinion and it lacked the multitude of conversation choices that appeared in ME2. Looking at how games are getting dumber and more straight forward(excluding Rockstar and Naughty Dog), I have a feeling Mass Effect 4 or whatever it is called will be a disappointment.

Remember when Assassin Creed felt fresh and innovative while also providing depth and quality. Boy have times changed. Downfall started Revelations and then AC3. Mass Effect…you may be next with this installment. Hopefully Dragon Age delivers on its promise.

11 years ago

what exactly was dumbed down in AC: Revelations?

Okay, I miss horsies too.
But fresh it wasn't. Fresh is no longer the taste of this and the coming console generations. Top tier production largely means milking long running franchises now year after year, or bi-year after bi-year.

11 years ago

so is Bioware delivering on multiplay for Dragon Age too? It's part of gaming culture these days.

11 years ago

I think they said no MP for Dragon Age Inquy

11 years ago

Revelations just lacked everything that made AC1 mysterious, AC2 an adventure and Brotherhood an alot out assault on its format. Revelation felt contrived and AC3 felt outdated.

Its okay to milk a franchise, but lets not Call of Duty/AC it companies. I don't mind annual releases because then I won't outgrow a franchise overtime (Metal Gear), but as long as they can keep the quality up…I'm happy. Hopefully this can happen next gen, if not…well it's not the end of the world.

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