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Are You Man Enough For Ultra-Nightmare Mode In Doom?

Oh, this is all sorts of encouraging, isn't it?

If you're all about conquering a stiff challenge and you're a big-time shooter fan, you'll have to try the upcoming Doom on its highest difficulty setting.

But be warned: Executive producer Marty Stratton and creative director Hugo Martin told IGN that nobody at developer id Software has managed to beat the game on that max difficulty setting. Yeah, nobody. Nobody on the team of people who made the damn game . And when Stratton and Martin joined GameSpot for a single-player livestream event, the guys said Ultra-Nightmare is just ridiculous.

As in, totally ridiculous. It combines the second-highest difficulty – just Nightmare – with freakin' permadeath. So if you die once, you restart at the beginning of the entire game. Stratton seems to think friends will want to compete to see who gets farther:

"When you die, it drops a helmet, a Doom marine helmet, in the world and your friends will see those and you'll see them. So you can always try and get a little bit further than where you see that collection of helmets early in the game."

In the original Doom , we'd find space marine corpses throughout the game, though of course they weren't indicative of actual player bodies. Think you can handle Ultra-Nightmare? You need some masochist blood in you, that's for sure.

Doom will be ready to go for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on May 13. By the way, the campaign – watch the trailer below – should come in at about 13 hours , which I say is just about right.

Related Game(s): Doom

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8 years ago

Back in the day (so very many years ago now)…I played Doom/Doom II on PC and played with Nightmare mode, then I realized it was more fun playing speed runs in "Hurt me plenty" mode.

8 years ago

Back in the day (so very many years ago now)…I played Doom/Doom II on PC and played with Nightmare mode, then I realized it was more fun playing speed runs in "Hurt me plenty" mode.

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