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Destiny’s Big April Update Fully Revealed

Last week, Bungie announced the release date for its huge anticipated update, aptly named the "April Update."

Now, after a live Twitch stream, the team has updated its website with all the new info .

It begins with a setting description:

"The battered remnants of the Reef are mopping up the lingering Taken forces throughout the system. The worst have been captured by the Awoken and await judgment in the Prison of Elders, but a pretender to Oryx’s vacant throne has escaped Variks’ vengeful grasp. Hunt the dark beast down before he grows too powerful and reap the rewards that await you. The April Update is available on 4.12.2016 for all Destiny: The Taken King players."

Difficulty and Rewards have both been increased in the Prison of Elders, Court of Oryx, Heroic Strikes, Nightfall Strikes, and in the King's Fall Raid, along with the Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris. For the very first time, you can face down the Taken and no fewer than eight updated bosses in a Lv. 41 version of Elders; you can even check out a brand new mode called Challenge of the Elders.

A new Elders' Sigil is up for grabs from Variks each week in The Reef, and you can put your Fireteam to the ultimate test by squaring off against three consecutive boss waves. There's lot more to expect, too, so click through the link above and check out the new update in action right here: