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Play as a Fish in the Exploration Game Koi

What a bright and colorful world!. Koi reminds me of some of the unique games I've played and throroughly enjoyed on playstation such as Flower or Flow. Those games were almost zen like and I always enjoyed sitting down and getting into those kinds of games. The basic premise of Koi is actually very zen like.

In Koi you play as a fish whose pond has suddenly become dark and dangerous. What used to be friendly fishy friends in the pond are suddenly attacking on sight. As this fish you have to help cleanse the pond by solving puzzles and exploring. The developer, Oasis Games, is trying to take an almost zen like approach with the gameplay. As the player, you shoud reach a state of calmness by purifying the pond.

Oasis Games is also the first Chinese company to develop for the PS4 in the western part of the world. I'm looking forward to seeing their take on game development. All in all, judging from the video below, this game looks to be very pleasing on the eyes and ears and possibly even the soul. Koi could be a great way to relax after a long day, what do you think?