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7 Games In 3 Months For Those Seeking Quality And Variety

I'm a big fan of quality and variety in my entertainment, which is why I'm really looking forward to the next three months.

Normally, this isn't a period of time where a bunch of amazing titles hit store shelves, but it has shaped up that way in 2016.

And the best part is we've got a handful of hugely anticipated games that are very different from one another. There's the uber-challenging, super dark action/RPG Dark Souls III , which is slated to drop on April 12 and is bound to drain many, many hours from your schedule (well, provided you're a fan). At the same time, you've got the beautiful Ratchet and Clank remake for PlayStation 4, which might be a polar opposite when compared to DSIII. Insomnaic's colorful, accessible game is a third-person action/platformer with a completely different feel.

But that's really just a teaser for May, when we get the recently delayed Uncharted 4: A Thief's End , which doesn't compare to either of the two aforementioned titles. Nor does it really compare to Mirror's Edge Catalyst , the unique adventure that combines parkour acrobatics, platforming, combat, and even puzzle-solving. Oh, and let's not forget the outrageous, over-the-top Doom reboot , which is the only FPS on this list and is a throwback to the good ol' days of unbridled, unrealistic shooter craziness.

And if you really think about it, one of the lead-ins to all of this is yet another very different game, Tom Clancy's The Division , a tactical, multiplayer-oriented third-person shooter. I mean, even if you don't like all of these games and genres, you have to at least appreciate the sheer variety on display, don't you? Even sports fans get a nod when MLB 16: The Show drops at the end of this month. It's just awesome, plain and simple. Check out the vast array of interactive goodness on tap for the next few months: