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Capcom Says Street Fighter V Should Be Running Better Now

It didn't enjoy the smoothest roll-out but thankfully, the majority of the issues should be fixed.

Street Fighter V had some online and connectivity problems when it launched earlier this week, but Capcom was on top of it.

Speaking on the SFV Server Twitter page , producer Yoshinori Ono apologized for the issues and said the flaws have been addressed, so PlayStation 4 and PC users should now have a much better experience.

Matchmaking problems should be gone now as well, but feel free to let Capcom know if you experience connectivity issues of any kind. For updates on the PC version, be sure to check the game's Steam thread . It's a good thing Capcom ran all those "stress tests" after the original beta flopped hardcore; otherwise, these issues probably would've been a lot worse.

Street Fighter V has received solid critical acclaim , though the scores aren't quite as high as some would've hoped. What do you think of it so far?

Related Game(s): Street Fighter V

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8 years ago

Have the game, capcom just did it again if I was Sony I would be extremely pissed, this guys didn't even include Arcade mode and the Story mode it's one of the worse (only two battles of one round, yes I'm not kidding!), they charged 60 bucks for a beta.

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Character individual stories. Story Mode comes with the big update.

I know you missed it. They announced these missing features.

8 years ago

My friend got this at HOME. I told him I wanted to swing by and play 2 player mode with him and he said it Doesn't have that option. What Gives…

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Yeah it does haha. Versus

8 years ago

Guess he lied to me and don't want me to go there and play =(

Banky A
Banky A
8 years ago

Yes that's so sad!

BTW versus mode is the sole reason the game was released – so that it was ready for the EVO Tournament 2016.

Can't believe your friend lied to you.

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