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Latest Fallout 4 Patch Comes To Consoles Later This Week

Yes, PC players get it first but console gamers don't have long to wait.

Bethesda confirmed that a new Fallout 4 patch is available for PC and it's scheduled to land on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later this week.

Update 1.3 adds lots of PC-specific features, and also offers fixes and improvements to just about every facet of the experience. There are changes to the Workshop Mode, for example, and general memory and stability improvements. There are also a ton of Quest-based fixes as well, along with gameplay repairs that will make the game that much more fluid and reliable. You can check out the full patch notes here if you're interested.

Fallout 4 was hardly glitch-free when it first came out and some gamers stumbled across some seriously bizarre issues . But it's a very ambitious title; last year, the developers said the game would "never work" on last-gen consoles .

Related Game(s): Fallout 4

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8 years ago

As long as I don't run into issues that hinder the game experience or stop me from playing I can get past most bugs. But I'm still opposed to releasing games that have the issues many top games today have or had at release.

As of right now my playtime with Fallout has been what I would consider great. Nothing "bizarre" by any means.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 2/1/2016 10:14:23 PM

8 years ago

Yeah the hieght of bizarre for me is the occasional world item having a seizure or a dead guy going into default development mode (standing with arms out).

8 years ago

Thankfully I've encountered only a handful of minor bugs in my time with the game. I actually expected more problems out of the gate from a Bethesda game.

8 years ago

Hmmmm, I think Bethesda should make a game out of all it's bugs, with you being the protagonist who has to fix them all before time runs out when the game reaches it's "gold" stage.

And they could call it, "The Exterminator"

Last edited by BikerSaint on 2/2/2016 4:19:33 AM

8 years ago

I just hope i can finally get a settlement to 100 happiness, i've been having major issues with that. I even went online and followed a step by step process and when i assign the last person everybody becomes unassigned and cannot be reassigned afterwards. It is very annoying and it is pretty much the last trophy i need(i need one other one but have no issues with it).

8 years ago

I've noticed when I play my happiness is constantly going up. But when I turn it off, it somehow resets or something haha. Fo instance I played Sunday and was at 78 and going up. Turned it on last night and it was at 41 and going up. Quite frankly aside from the trophy I'm just letting it go as long as everything is in the green.

8 years ago

Try putting Juke boxes up in populated areas, people seem to like music.

8 years ago

I've had my normal settlements upto 91 happiness but it never goes any higher. I've tried the online walkthroughs and as i said it glitches out to where people can't be assigned. I only have a handful of settlements left(without restarting) that i can use to get this trophy. It sucks because it is the only glitch that i've encountered and it happens to be tied in with a trophy, otherwise i've been glitch free and even bug free for the most part.

8 years ago

I just hope it doesn't fix the Honest Dan glitch, that's where I get most of my money since the missions and sales don't pay enough to have enough ammo to stay alive or get exciting new guns.

So far the glitches are minor and the frame rate mainly only dips when a Vertibird flies in and starts a war.

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