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Why Doom Is The Only FPS I’m Looking Forward To In 2016

Newsflash: I love first-person shooters. I always have.

Okay, let me clarify: I love campaign-driven shooters. After the multiplayer explosion essentially put all single-player adventures on the back burner, I started to lose interest fast.

It's why I really haven't played many FPSs in the past few years. As good as the multiplayer is in games like Call of Duty: Black Ops III , for example, I'm really not interested in playing a ton of hours online and I love great shooter campaigns. That's why some of my favorite games include the likes of Wolfenstein: The New Order , Singularity and RAGE , and why I recall a lot of PS2 shooters like Medal of Honor: Frontline and Black with a particular fondness. Oh, and Insomniac, please bring back Resistance !

Anyway, as the single-player-driven FPS has basically died off, I sort of gave up on the genre. Then, I started to learn a bit more about the anticipated Doom reboot and I gotta say, I'm loving what I'm hearing. I'm sure multiplayer will once again be a focal point, but I have faith that id Software will deliver a great single-player experience. I know they ditched the co-op but that's okay, provided the campaign really delivers on all counts. And the atmosphere sounds perfect; they're saying that rock 'n roll and He-Man were big influences, so it kinda reminds me of a first-person Brutal Legend (almost).

At any rate, this is why the new Doom tops my most-anticipated FPS list for 2016.