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PSXE Poll Update: Let’s Call It, PS4 Has Won The Console War

As far as most of you are concerned, it's over.

We wanted to know if you thought Sony's PlayStation 4 had already won the current console generation, despite the fact that it's a long way from over. Could Microsoft or Nintendo stage a comeback at some point?

Well, the answer was clear: Nope. According to the results our latest poll, the overwhelming majority said "it's all sewn up." Some could argue that with the flagging Wii U and terrible reputation Microsoft earned after the Xbox One unveiling, Sony already had won the race before it began. Well, maybe they were right. After selling 5.7 million units during the holiday season and hitting 36 million overall, we learned PS4 was also the best-selling game system for all of 2015 . And given the slew of PS4 exclusives headed our way in 2016 and beyond, it does indeed look like Sony will win this one going away.

But what about PlayStation VR? Will that contribute to Sony's overall lead? We want to know if you plan on purchasing Sony's ambitious virtual reality device this year, or if you're not sure. Getting it immediately? Going to wait? Don't care at all that it has the edge in games and don't ever plan to try it? Let us know.

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8 years ago

Getting PSVR when Gran Turismo and Ace Combat comes out!

8 years ago

If the PSVR is as good as it *seems*, I am sold on for those to games too.

8 years ago

I'm all in, but as for when I can get it just hinges on when I can afford it's pricing.

8 years ago

VR is just gonna be a gimmick only a few people buy, so after the initial batch of games for it, developers will start dropping development for it when it looks like it's not really going anywhere (like Move and 3-D TV).

8 years ago

Let us hope you are wrong, since those other things were less playground and more window dressing.

8 years ago

I greatly fear all this VR stuff will be more 3DTV or worse yet, another Virtual Boy. Don't know what that is? Exactly. (Nintendo's ancient foray into VR)

8 years ago

yeah we know what it was.

8 years ago

I'll get VR gear – that's for sure. But for what platform I am not yet sure. I am in the luxury position of having three competing VR sets to choose from, so I'll go for the one that best suits me.

8 years ago

There are three competing sets? What's the third?

I don't see me getting VR anytime soon, I don't see PSVR taking off, and I'm not seeing the support it should have at this point from Sony either…

8 years ago

crab, it has all the support a new console could possibly get. What more do you want?

8 years ago

@Crabba: Oculus Rift, Sony's VR and HTC & Valve's Vive (SteamVR).

The latter is very likely the most expensive one, but features both a camera (enabling augmented reality), motion sensors and laser sensors that reads your surroundings and tracks your positioning. SteamVR is completely integrated into the Unreal 4 engine. Elite Dangerous has already released a beta patch for using this set.
So yeah, Vive is most definitely a valid third contender for the crown.

Colour me interested in ALL of them. 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/18/2016 5:50:07 PM

8 years ago

Ok thanks for the info beamboom, hadn't heard of Valve/Steam getting into this as well… seems a little odd though that there would be two competing devices for essentially the same market, unless it really takes off of course…

World, well to me the playstation experience demo was horrible, in line with or possibly even worse than their Move "tech demos", with nothing really advanced or interesting shown…

And without any big triple-A game support, I'd hardly say it has "all the support a new console could possibly get".. from my pov it looks like they're marketing it pretty much exactly like the Move… all tech demos & indie/lesser known games & no REAL support, first or third party.

8 years ago

That's the world of PC, Crabba. There's not a single segment with just one supplier of a product.
If VR takes off there'll be plenty more jumping on that wagon, pushing prices down and performance up.

8 years ago

Beamboom, Yeah I know that's typically the case with PC tech, I've actually been a PC guy gaming and otherwise since 1990 so I know a thing or two about it 😉 but with a specialty product like this that hasn't even come to market yet I didn't expect multiple products already…

8 years ago

That's what I thought, so I thought it was a bit strange you were surprised 🙂

Personally I don't see VR to be that much niche/speciality, really. I see it as the next big step in gaming. No less. It's early, yes, but some time down the road I expect a VR set to be second only to a monitor to a gaming rig.

8 years ago

I'm more at the "intrigued" phase at this point, but I'm still skeptical, if for nothing else just look at the history of gaming, we're still using basically the same gamepad controller or kb/mouse game controllers we've been using since the… 80's, in fact there were almost more options then than there are now (lots of different joysticks, gamepads etc). And same thing with 3D, Move… all cool tech in theory, but just never took off…

As usual, it's basically up to all the developers out there to add support & make those killer apps that could make these expensive toys sell…

8 years ago

If this so called console war is over then videogaming as we know it is dead. And No, Im never getting VR

8 years ago

I'm all in for VR. Never got to do it with my Jaguar, so heeeeeeeere we goooooo!

Will it be a flash in the pan? It doesn't matter, it will be a new and amazing fun thing I can do at home that one wouldn't even have dreamed possible at an arcade back when I was a kid.

We are all too spoiled and should embrace technological advancements that enhance gameplay. No it can't ever replace normal gaming but that's not the point.

8 years ago

Hate to say it, but it wasn't much of a war this gen lol.

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