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Pachter: Now Xbox One Will Equal The Sales Of PlayStation 4

Originally, Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter said the PlayStation 4 would outsell the Xbox One.

But after Microsoft backpedaled and rescinded their most offensive policies (used games will now be fully supported and the "24-hour online check-in" is gone), Pachter has altered his prediction. You knew he would.

According to VideoGamer , Pachter now believes Microsoft's console will equal the sales of the PS4:

"As far as today's announcement, we think that gamers will rejoice, and the focus will shift from Microsoft's onerous policies to the price differential between the Xbox One (at $499) and the PS4 (at $399)."

Pachter doesn't believe the price difference will stop the Xbox One from drawing even with Sony's next-gen machine. He believes Microsoft will "fully level the playing field" but if that doesn't happen, he added that we can expect a price cut for the Xbox One in 2014. Whether or not Microsoft will consider that remains to be seen. But this sounds about right; there's almost no doubt now that the Xbox One and the PS4 will be neck-and-neck.

In this country, don't be surprised if Microsoft once again emerges victorious. …lotsa sheep out there.

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11 years ago

He must be talking about in the US, there's no chance it will happen worldwide.

11 years ago

Yeah, because Xbox One is only available in 21 countries…unless this has now changed after recent change in MS policies.

11 years ago

From what I've been reading on other sites in the comments and polls, yes some are happy about the change but a lot are still unsatisfied. They still hate the forced SpyCam and $500 price tag. But Ben's right, the sheep will likely go crawl back to MS bosom.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/20/2013 10:56:06 PM

11 years ago

Also, is it just me, or are they still implying you need to verify your game when you first get it? They say you don't need 24 hour check ins… but… I dunno. There's still something there with the first play… and I still wonder how it works with people who are always connected.

11 years ago

Yeah apparently there is a one time check that I think you have to do when you get the xbox one? As well as you have to patch it first since supposedly the system is already set and ready to go so they're not going to have it patched htat way when you get it. so i've read.

11 years ago

if you hate the spy cam than why not turn the features off?
or if you cant get that tin foil hat off your head than why not put some masking tape over the camera and mic thus making it impossible for it to spy on you?
oh thats right, sorry i forgot people prefer to bitch about things rather than find a simple solution!

11 years ago

It's a required feature you dingbat. And there's no tinfoil hat to be worn when the US government and MS have admitted to spying everyone, including forigners through PRISM. Time to throw your rose colored glasses in the trash and start living in reality.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/21/2013 12:53:50 PM

11 years ago

Well I for one am not the type of person that spends an extra $100 on a gaming system just to cover it with tape!

11 years ago


11 years ago

The sheep will but, not all 360 gamers are sheep. 😉

11 years ago

"Well I for one am not the type of person that spends an extra $100 on a gaming system just to cover it with tape!"

LOL exactly.

11 years ago

"oh thats right, sorry i forgot people prefer to bitch about things rather than find a simple solution!"

…says the crank who does nothing but complain in every comment he makes.

11 years ago

Worldwide I think the PS4 will easily outsell the Xbox One. Even in the US I think sales will be about even between the two systems.

11 years ago

Right guys. I hope he's talking about the US. If they will be neck and neck in the US, then that's basically a win for Sony.

There's a bunch of sheep for sure. Some of them treat it like pre-ordering the PS4 was a mistake. Like, seriously? Some goes as far as into thinking the PS4 now is the definite, inferior console. smh

11 years ago

The idea that people who were mad about MS's attempt to jam down bad restrictionist policies but are back on the bandwagon is boggling to me. Why support a company that would even attempt to do this to their fan base? They will try this again.

11 years ago

Those people must love getting screwed, and beaten when they are down. Microsoft is like that super clingy controlling girlfriend and all their fans are spineless cowards who like being controlled or brainwashed by something.

11 years ago

I read that preorders for One are passing the numbers for PS4 since MS's 180.

Last edited by pillz81 on 6/21/2013 12:51:30 PM

11 years ago

Doubtful until I see some numbers. Over 50% of IGN's readership still wasn't satisfied even after their flip flop.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/21/2013 12:58:56 PM

11 years ago

Now I remember where it came from. It was a Gamespot article, and it was talking about Amazon UK. How stupid of me.

Last edited by pillz81 on 6/21/2013 1:09:25 PM

11 years ago

I see now that the One is now #1 on the chart of Amazon proper.

11 years ago

But those numbers are deceiving. There's 4 different PS4 bundles and only two Xbox bundles. Nynja explained this in a past thread.

Here's his post:

"Somewhat off subject:

I keep reading about how the Xbox One is now ahead of the PS4 on the preorders at Amazon. Do people reporting this news realize that within the top 10, there are 4 different PS4 purchase options? Of the top 10, Xbox One holds the #1 spot, while PS4 bundles hold spots #3,4,5,8.

As for intent on purchasing next-gen systems, if you look at the most wished for item, it works out like this:

1. PS4 Launch Day
2. PS4 Standard
3. Xbox One (Day One)

18. Xbox One Standard

I think some people are missing the whole picture.
Last edited by Nynja on 6/20/2013 12:11:26 PM"

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/21/2013 2:26:11 PM

11 years ago

To add to that, Amazon best selling video game product of 2013 list…PS4 = #2 spot. X180 = #7 spot.

I think that should clear things up a bit.

11 years ago

One thing to consider is that Microsoft will not have the same advantages as this gen for the next gen. The year head start, multiplatform edge and even cross game voice chat. It'll be about the games more than ever. With its first party devs, Sony is in a good position.

Last edited by Xombito on 6/20/2013 11:21:27 PM

11 years ago

That's where they are hoping that dropping a ton of cash on early exclusives, timed exclusives, and DLC at the beginning will win them the edge. That's what happened with 360.

11 years ago

pachter-smachter. I don't see how. In the past lower cost + higher power + equal or better games usually equals a sales advantage right?
So my ticket is on Sony having the advantage for time and all eternity.

11 years ago

I wonder if MS paid Pachter to say that.

11 years ago

MS just hooks him up with goodies and spiffs and camera time product placement on his Gametrailers show.
The dude gets way too much attention for what he is.

11 years ago

I don't know how many people will have this misunderstanding, but one of my co-workers was under the impression that only XboxOne supported pc, tablets, and mobile device connectivity. He thought if they had a MS OS on the device, they couldn't link to the PS4 for multiplayer gaming.

11 years ago

Funny, clicked on the source and browsed. Now they're whining DRM is gone. Unbelievable. I understand the concern of developers with used games but I don't believe used games are the same as other software. When you buy Adobe products or other software like it there's a real concern that that disc can be passed around and installed on multiple computers distributed to multiple users from a single disc. That just isn't the case with games. The software is permanently tied to the disc. Only one user can use it at a time. It's not like people burn copies of games(perhaps hackers can but there a small group) using a single disc then distribute it that way. Used games to me are no different than loaning a friend a bluray movie, DVD etc. if the movie industry can strive with places like Red Box and in the past, BlockBuster, there should be no reason gaming couldn't adjust with a used market.

Last edited by Jawknee on 6/20/2013 11:59:04 PM

11 years ago

MS managed to change the way I feel about used games. Now that I know you can't make a distinction between used games and friends loaning and trading games, I no longer have a negative view of used game sales.

11 years ago

I've gone back and forth but I've come to the conclusion that used games aren't any different than renting or barrowing a movie. If they were as easy to burn as music CDs or as easy to crack as computer software I might feel differently but until then the industry needs to figure out a way to adjust like Hollywood did. License restrictions makes sense for computer OS's or general software because the data is taken off the disc and installed. All of you. Once installed you no longer need the disc. Not so with games.

11 years ago

I mean…*all of it*. Not all of you.

11 years ago

I still wish there was a way for the industry to get a portion of the insane used sales net profits of gamestop. Even 1-2% of the used game net sales of that company alone is enough to produce 1 AAA title per year. I know some of it goes into new games, but that's an extremely small piece of the pie.

11 years ago

There should be royalty payments from the retailers for every used game sold.

11 years ago

Jawknee, there is no reason why MS (or Sony for that matter) can't have a "Family Share" programme for downloaded games purchased through PSN/XBLIVE.

For the record I do prefer to purchase disc-based games when possible, especially when there is no incentive to buy digitally. Five dollars savings on the PSN store with a PS+ subscription is not incentive enough for me, when I have to worry about ridiculous monthly download caps from ISP's and games like Uncharted 3, come in at 40 GB.

Underdog, there is a way that publishers could profit from Gamestop: purchase shares in the company!

11 years ago

That's a terrible idea for them to buy shares, in my opinion, of course. Investing in technology heavily enough to reap big rewards is too risky. Technology is ok to make a small portion of a portfolio in a higher risk fund, but it's a bad idea.

Even in years when their net gain is massive, they've sometimes given shareholders very little in dividends (one year only 10% of profit share) and kept most to stimulate growth. As you know, in some overseas countries, the expansion didn't work, and many shut down. So even though they raked in profits for their CEO's to have, the shareholders saw very little growth and dividends, and in some cases, losses.

Even gamestop hasn't posted a year over year consistent payout of dividends to their shareholders, and the last couple years indicate a potential slow down. Add in the fact there is a business risk with the eventual movement to more DLC based buying, the future is too unpredictable.

Also, when you buy shares, that money is locked up until you sell those shares, and you're suggesting holding as a part owner. And like I said, they keep changing the distribution of dividends each year. (Companies always withhold some profit to help stimulate growth. The rest is paid out to shareholders.) They've done 50%, 10%, no pay out, a couple years of stock value loss due to expansion outweighing overall profits…

In other words… that's not the answer. Of course, I'm only a rookie investor myself and it could turn out that I'm wrong, but there's no way of knowing until after the fact… and with an inconsistent history and unpredictable future with no indication of likelihood of significant growth… I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole, personally. :p

Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/21/2013 10:47:16 PM

11 years ago

I want this man's job. If tomorrow MS claimed they were selling Xbox one's for $1 pachter would the following day post,

"I predict the xbox one will outsell the ps4."

Really!?!?!?! Holy cow, this guy's amazing!

11 years ago

Ditto. I've made some predictions in the past myself and have been accurate just as many times as Pachter, if not more. …Maybe I should consider a career change.

Last edited by Nynja on 6/21/2013 2:17:08 PM

11 years ago

But Nynja, first u need a side view picture of a constipated, goggled rat…
Oh, wait, that IS Pachter?!

11 years ago

Don't get me wrong, I like to hear what he has to say. Sometimes he states the obvious, but not everyone sees the obvious. I'm fond of playing devil's advocate, so hearing all facts and opinions matter.

Still, I want his job 🙂

11 years ago

Okay, someone tell me if I am incorrect or not…. the whole DRM thing and used games issue… still really is not resolved. Well not entirely. Did not Sony say that it was up to developers whether they locked out the reusablity or selling/trading of their games? And if that is so, did not MS say the same thing?

So if devs start whining… then they are whining about that THEY have to come out from hiding behind the console Bosses and stick it to the gamer… or not. Its been left up to them. So really we are still in the same situation, only maybe less so, cuz the devs know what everyone thinks and they will have to come back with some plan, Online Passes, to counter it. Or something even worse… high pricing or more costly DLC.

Who knows. The devs may decide to only release games digital now to counter whats happened. If they do, they would be smart to do it slowly and surely so the SHOCK won't be as noticeable. But I think it still will be since gamers have shown, to some degree, how smart and aware they can be.

And yes, like I have said in other posts, Xbox gamers will go back to Xbox. Now rather than later I think. Of course same could be said for us Sony gamers, but I think we have a better understanding of what we are getting, possibly, for the money we would spend on the purchase of the PS4 and the game library.

I think Sony has the better exclusives thus far myself, The Order having intrigued me amongst others. All I am seeing from the MS camp is the same old same type of exclusive. I think MS battle will be with DLC and extra first day purchase content.

God knows. All this has just gotten me to thinking there are other forms of entertainment out there and fiasco with MS is just frigging juvenile.

Might be getting close to retire. 🙂

Keep Playing!

PS – Pachter go back to sleep.

Last edited by PC_Max on 6/21/2013 12:28:50 AM

11 years ago

I don't think most devs will risk alienating physical format buyers simply because MS caved on DRM. Consumers still aren't at the point of all downloads, all the time. I don't buy full digital games unless I have to. Just makes less sense to me especially given that my 500gb HDD is already full just with the stuff I've gotten from PS+ for free. I added Uncharted 3 to my download list for later on if I decide I want to play it while I'm traveling and don't want to hull a bunch of games around. But I would have never bought that wopper of a 40gb file.

11 years ago

Kinect is still a requirement. Kinect also needs online to function. So… They didn't lie technically… But they sure mastered the art.

11 years ago

Well if Pachter says it will happen then you can bet your ass it won't happen at all. The guy is wrong all the time.

11 years ago

He did predict that MS would drop these DRM policies before they actually did, so perhaps not "all" the time.

11 years ago

He's gotta be talking about the US. PS3 released a year later than 360 and was still able to sell around the same amount (if not more) consoles. And that was with Sony having frick ups with a much higher price tag etc.

The Playstation brand is a bigger (more worldwide) brand than Xbox. They'll release around the same time this gen, so no year head start for Xbox like last time. And the PS4 is $100 cheaper and the more powerful console.

Gamers around the world will eat that up.

Last edited by dolabla on 6/21/2013 4:47:16 AM

11 years ago

As of May, the PS3 has pulled ahead of the 360 in total lifetime global sales.

11 years ago

Oh come on, this is just too obvious to bother stating. With the two platforms being significantly more similar, the market shares will also to a greater extent reflect the current market shares.
This is just *too* obvious.

11 years ago

yea i dont see why not.
the platforms are going to be allot more standardized this time, and it looks like M$ are FINALLY investing in some first party studios so we can finally start seeing more exclusives.
all the things that separated the companies this gen, are now gone.

11 years ago

I find it very unprofessional & unfair when someone tries to belittle others opinions choices by calling them sheep. That could easily be said about either side. I won't discuss Microsoft previous policies since their no longer accurate but lets just say I agreed with some and disagreed with some.

Now on to the topic point sales. I for one have already reserved my Xbox one that's my console of choice and will probably get a PS4 in 2014 sometime when Naughty Dog comes out with another game lol. Anyways I believe PS4 will outsell it worldwide for sure it's simply 100$ less and that will make a lot of peoples choices easier for them. However I think even if they were the same price I think ps4 would still slightly edge it out worldwide that's just my opinion. Does that mean Ps4 is better? No of course not; more popular? Yes but as long as their both successful that's good enough for me.

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