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Report: Assassin’s Creed Skips 2016, Goes To Egypt In 2017

As good as these games are, we've often said we wouldn't mind if Ubisoft took a break.

Ever since Assassin's Creed II launched back in 2009, we've received a new AC adventure every year. But according to recent reports, the acclaimed series will skip 2016.

The news first showed up on 4chan (as spotted by a NeoGAF member ), where a developer – or someone claiming to be a developer – said the new adventure would basically be a reboot. He called it "a complete revamp of the series" and the new effort will boast "a Witcher feel, with player progression" and a "freeform combat system." Since that leak, Kotaku confirmed some of these details:

Firstly, it seems the new adventure will be set in ancient Egypt and it's currently called "Assassin's Creed Empire." Supposedly, it's set for late 2017, not later this year, would could suggest a new bi-annual release schedule for the IP. Secondly, the hole left in the holiday season for Ubisoft will evidently be filled by Watch Dogs 2 , which ought to be very interesting.

Ubisoft has refused to issue an official comment, saying they don't respond to rumor or speculation, but we're bound to hear more in due time. I still want a medieval Europe King Arthur-type setting but Egypt could be really cool, and I certainly don't mind a longer development schedule.

Last year's Assassin's Creed Syndicate was one of our favorite titles of 2015 and ended up being nominated for numerous Game of the Year Awards. It won for Best Artistry/Art Direction .

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8 years ago

I've been pining for an Ancient Egypt AC for years. That might be worth catching up for. I haven't played any since AC3.

8 years ago

If the next AC is indeed going to be set in Egypt,
I wonder if they'll use "The Bangles" great hit from 1986(noted below)…

"Walk like a Egyptian"

8 years ago

classic song

8 years ago

Well, I can see we have one youngster with a dislike for "The Bangles".

Don't hate, young Grasshopper!

8 years ago

Nice. This will give me more time to stay on top of the franchise. I'd like to play Syndicate I just have no idea when that can happen. I'm so swamped with games to play.

8 years ago

Syndicate is pretty cool but it can wait until a lull. I'm back busy working so it's gonna take me til doomsday to play most of it.

8 years ago

I can't help but mentally translate this into "That stuff is popular right now, we need some more time to see what we can do about poorly copying it into our next game." There's something wrong with me, usually I'm more positive than that.

8 years ago

lol you'll be fine, it's the holiday blues. Do you mean Egypt is popular now?

8 years ago

"A Witcher feel" This sounds very exciting! As long as they keep the stealth mechanics also I'm looking very forward to this as i love the ancient Egyptian era 🙂

8 years ago

As long as they dont add back multiplayer im good with whatever they do and lets not for get theirs enough Assassins Creed stuff this year. Between the last two AC side scrollers being released this year and the Assassins Creed Movie in December and whatever that assassins creed collection website is for.

8 years ago

I like Syndicate and I'm like an amateur Egyptologist so count me in. Just wish I could make them all female assassins.

This break is long in the needing.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/5/2016 9:41:16 AM

8 years ago

Egypt would be cool, but I'm still hoping/wishing for an Ancient Japan or China AC. They could easily turn China's Romance of the Three Kingdoms history into 3+ games, and at least 2 or 3 games from the Feudal Japan era.

8 years ago

They gave China the small digital game treatment so I wouldn't hold out any hope.

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