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FFVII Remake: “Fully Voiced,” Unsure If It’ll Be Open-World

Well, of course it's going to feature voice performances.

Final Fantasy VII Remake director Tetsuya Nomura and producer Yoshinori Kitase recently spoke to Japanese publication Dengeki PlayStation (as translated by Gematsu ), and the two offered a few juicy new details on the hotly anticipated project.

First and foremost, Nomura confirmed that it will be "fully voiced." He added that they haven't settled on the voices of the characters "that weren't in 'Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children," which certainly implies that those particular voice actors will reprise their roles in the Remake . Secondly, Kitase responded to a question about the dating events being voiced:

"It would be impossible not to. [Laughs.] However, since it's different from that time and social situation, we need [to] implement the reproduction of original events carefully."

Then there came the all-important question of structure; i.e., will this be open-world/sandbox like just about every other major new project in existence? Well, Kitase wouldn't confirm one way or the other and instead said they're more focused on the iconic backdrop:

"We can't say anything yet, but we don't plan on fussing about whether it's a so-called open-world or sandbox. But since Nomura is more focused on the creation of the scenery, we want to express an environment [where] character actions affect the scenery."

Lastly, the duo said they plan to include the mini-games from FFVII that "remain favorable among fans," although we do question how they determine which mini-games are actually the most popular. Me, I want snowboarding back.

As for the rest of it, I have no comment. The PSXE community is almost split on the matter, with the slight majority believing the FFVII Remake will end up being an "absolute masterpiece." …even if not everyone is the biggest fan of the episodic treatment and the possibility of paying $180 for the entire game.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy VII Remake

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8 years ago

Here's hoping it turns out great!

8 years ago

I'm gonna be hopeful after we saw the early scenes.

8 years ago

My personal rule since FFXIII it's when SE talk so cryptic I always expect for the worse so yes; they gonna tame the mature themes a lot and obviously the format gonna be of corridors.

Last edited by Oxvial on 12/21/2015 9:46:35 PM

8 years ago

An open world map is s must.

And please, for the love of all that is Holy give us the option to play with Japanese audio and subtitles. The voice actors Square chooses, particularly for Advent Children are terrible.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/21/2015 11:56:44 PM

8 years ago

Good call. I agree.

8 years ago

I disagree, I like the english cast as well. I know the actors and they are how I imagined them sounding when I was a teenager.

8 years ago

You disagree we should have the option?

8 years ago

I think he disagrees that they're terrible.

Sorry World, the voice actors in Advent Children are just not that good. Not the worst but pretty terrible. The stiffness is pretty consistent with what is expected when English actors are cast for anime. Now maybe because the bar is so low that when compared to English anime as a whole it doesn't seem so bad? Even Cloud's line in the gameplay trailer "Not interested" was delivered poorly. My wife laughed, "really?" she snakled. Haha

Now a lot of it could have to do with Square's writers but when compared to say David Hayter and the cast from the original Metal Gear, or any Metal Gear really, and the original English cast from the Pioneer release of Dragonball Z the Worlds Strongest and Tree of Might, no game developed by Square with an English voice cast even compares.

Just my opinion though. Our standard for voice acting quality is subjective.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/22/2015 2:26:35 PM

8 years ago

basically, they are supposed to be acting that way to match the tone of the Japanese.

8 years ago

I knew it would not be open world. How can you have an open world in an episodic game? If SquareEnix screws this up I am betting it will be the beginning of the end for them.

8 years ago

they already screwed up up with the combat system and episodic (idiotic) system, those who say they like what S-E is doing to this legend of a title are 1> not FFVII fans ( even if you say you are)
2. should be GREATLY ashamed of themselves
3. should be force to hand over all copies and meterial related to FFVII and be banned from playing it ever again

8 years ago

^step away from the edge, Dyne.

FFVII isn't really the best game to get all "Hardcore only or nothing" about. One of the reasons it was so popular was because of how incredibly accessible it was to people. There are a lot of people whose only jRPGs they've ever played and liked were FFVII and Pokemon.

Really… of all the RPG's out there, FFVII is probably one of the easiest in gaming history to have become a fan of.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/22/2015 10:08:58 AM

8 years ago

You could have a certain section of the open world open in each, and then all of it later on sorta like the discs.

8 years ago

No more caffeine for Athrin.

8 years ago

So we need it to be episodic because we want to stay true to the authenticity of the original and keep as much content in as possible. Its just going to be too large of a game to keep down to one installment.

………..we don't know if we will have a world map….

8 years ago

I'm sorry. "Open world".

8 years ago

Kinda grasping at straws if you're advertising voice acting in this day an age… Isn't it sort of an assumed feature now? Last time I got excited about voice acting was Tales of Destiny 2 for PS1…

And ok ok… I was excited to see it in FFX.

But that was 15 years ago…

8 years ago

For me digitized voice excitement began with Konami's Blades of Steel on NES.

If you were PC gaming back in the day Return to Zork had full voice work, shipping on like a whopping 12 floppy discs or something.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/22/2015 11:08:11 AM

8 years ago

Lol that's a lot of floppies. Back then I was more into things like Duke Nukem, Quake, or Commander Keen on PC. I think I played a lot of Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego for some reason, too. (Also had voice acting)

I used to own Blades of Steel on NES. I don't think I ever gave the voice parts any thought, for some reason.

Civilization 2 had voice acting, well, actual actors really, when you talked to your advisors. It was already CD-Rom by that point though.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/22/2015 12:13:48 PM

8 years ago

The original was open world, but we have to remember it wasn't stupid open world like we have today. The plot took your everywhere and it was up to you to explore if you wanted. That was in fact the only way to get Yuffie.

8 years ago

And Vincent.

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