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Let’s All Try To Interpret This Fresh Batch Of FFVII Remake Info

How is the Final Fantasy VII Remake shaping up?

Well, if you want to pick through a particularly wonky translation of a recent Japanese interview with Square Enix bosses Nomura and Kitase (which will debut in this week's Famitsu issue), go right ahead.

Well, let's see: It appears Square Enix wants to add some depth and dimension to various parts of the game, as we already knew. They've said that given the sheer size and scope of this project, they've adopted a "multi-part" series concept. According to this new info, that includes fleshing out the infamous Shinra trio of Rude, Reno and Elena, and it also involves a greatly expanded Midgar section. There should also be a bigger emphasis on Cloud's early allies; Biggs, Wedge and Jessie.

As for tech, we know they're using Unreal Engine 4 for the production, and now they say they're working with the Kingdom Hearts team as well. Considering the type of gameplay they're using, that's no surprise. It's also no surprise to hear that we'll be able to switch between our three party members during combat. Speaking of which, here's the screwy translation concerning the fighting:

"Battle system action closer. Crisis Core and will be different at all. AC version of the DFF and KH as action color also not · ATB system strongly. However, it is not intended that the attack in order Once the gauge is accumulated, it can not be said to be, details change the name of the · ATB that is a system that leads to action resistance, but there is that ATB gauge is red, in the fact that attention"

So, what do you make of it?

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy VII Remake

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8 years ago

The only conclusion I can draw is that google translate is still terrible at translating Japanese. There's gotta be someone out there who can give us a proper translation.

8 years ago

Yeah , wtf . I expected something coherent .

8 years ago

Actually it looks like Midgar as we know it it's already complete and now they are filling it with extras lol.

''Square isn't saying how many volumes are planned yet, nor are they sharing info on online features, but the "main scenario" for the first part is currently completed. Also, they're getting help from the Kingdom Hearts team, the voice cast is expected to be the same as Advent Children, and Cloud's hallucinations will be more "meaningful" this time around.''

Last edited by Oxvial on 12/15/2015 10:44:59 PM

8 years ago

That translation seems pretty accurate considering the direction SE has gone.

8 years ago

All I got was a filled gauge no longer indicates order. First with a full gauge won't necessarily be the first to attack next.

8 years ago

I haven't posted in forever, but I thought I'd give this translation for you guys.


Interview with Nomura and Kitase about the FF7 Remake

Below are the interesting parts of the interview with some things old and the new things in bold. [I cannot put words in bold on here. I'm sorry. I will just include a parenthetical statement like this instead]

-They originally planned to give it a subtitle, but decided that they would rather avoid giving the impression that it were a side story or sequel
-It's being released in parts because it would not be possible to put everything into one product. It would be pointless if we cut out a lot and made a "Digest" version of it.
-Of course we'll have to cut some things from the original, but we plan to make the product bigger overall

-You can explore all over Midgar
-[NEW]They are discussing how the depth and profoundness of the game world's scenarios be strengthened.
-[NEW]They want to dig down into the story of Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie

-[NEW]They already have an image of how many games there will be in the end, but it's too early to announce
-[NEW]They have nothing they can say about online components to the game
-[NEW]The first game's main scenario is already built up through to the end [The Japanese here was not very precise, as it tends to be a vague language, so I could be misunderstanding it]

-CyberConnect2 [] along with several other development companies are helping develop
-We are using Unreal Engine 4 [NEW]The Kingdom Hearts team has already offered to help, so we expect to be working together soon.
-[NEW]The recent promotional video was entirely rendered in real time.

-The cross-dressing scene is going to be included, but it is not yet designed
-Cloud's auditory hallucinations in the originally game will be given more meaning

-[NEW]We're planning to leave the Advent Children cast as they were, and not put them in, but
-[NEW]Red XIII was just a cameo, so it's very likely we'll change that. [This part was not clear at all. I didn't think Red XIII was a cameo]

-The battle system is now action style, but it is completely different from Crisis Core. It is not quite as strong as the Advent Children edition of Dissidia Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts [I don't know much about those games, so I don't know if that's true or if my translation makes sense]
-It still has the ATB system. However, it's not that when the gauge is filled, the character acts; instead, it's more action-y. [I don't get the point of the ATB if it doesn't decide when you attack]
-The name ATB will likely change
-I can't give details, but the ATB gauge will turn red. Keep an eye on that.
-[NEW]This is separate from Limit Breaks. It is a different special system. I can't show you yet, but it's a system that depends on each player's [yes, player, not character] different fighting style.
-[NEW]We have not made a decision about guarding yet.

-You can freely change your three party members
-We want to make the battle's tempo about like that of the Advent Children version of Dissidia Final Fantasy

8 years ago

Thank you so much!! I appreciate the effort you've put in 🙂

8 years ago

You rock, man. Thanks.

8 years ago

No problem! Glad to help. I hope we get an official translation soon to clear up the parts I wasn't clear on.

8 years ago

SquareEnix sucks!!

8 years ago

Here is my translation:

"The battle system is action oriented. It differs completely from Crisis Core. The flavour of action is not as strong as Kingdom hearts or Final Fantasy Dissidia. There is an ATB system with a gauge too. However it is not the kind where one takes turns in succession because the system is intrinsically action oriented. The name ATB may perhaps be changed. We cannot reveal all the details, but the ATB gauge can turn red. This is not the same as limit break…"

My Japanese is far from perfect. I may have missed some nuances in meaning, although I do think to have captured the jist.

Last edited by kokoro on 12/16/2015 9:18:05 AM

8 years ago

That's what I read too! Plus there won't be a wait for a ready gauge. But there's going to have to be something or you can have everyone attacking at once. Maybe a no distance or no opening status while circling the enemy. Unless they intend to let you attack forever, which is kinda way too much to even work with Crisis Core.

8 years ago

Is it weird that I actually completely understood what that said? Not kidding.

So this is good, and what I was hoping for but there's one more thing I want to make a finer point about and I think I should do it in an article if people want to read anything else about FF from me on here.

8 years ago

Well then get typing! I'd like to see the article

8 years ago

Lemme finish this weeks work first. Then I get a winter break.

8 years ago

Screw it. I'm gonna wait until they tell us in English. lol

8 years ago

If its like Crisis core but a little more fluid I will be happy with the combat system.

If it is like KH I will be happy as well. In my opinion it doesn't have to be turn based, it just have to have good depth to it so when I put it on hard mode I have to use all the gameplay systems they develop.

8 years ago

what they said is, you whined and cried for a remake for over a decade, well we will do one and screw it so dam bad that you wont ask us for a remake of another one of our great classics ever again.

This remake will be a unmitigated disaster, will sell worst than FFXIII-3

8 years ago

I think it'll sell better than that even if it is a worse game. On namesake.

8 years ago

I think so too but only if we consider the first part we will get. If it s not good , the rest wil sell poorly and they will make a lot less money then if they sold it as a whole for 60$-70$ .Unless they ask that for the first part lol .

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