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Want A Brutal Legend Sequel? Help Fund Psychonauts 2

Hey, remember Brutal Legend ?

It was a great game that now has a fiercely loyal following (much like most of Tim Schafer's productions) and those fans have been pining for a sequel ever since 2009.

Well, those fans had better help Psychonauts 2 get off the ground. Developer Double Fine is currently running a crowdfunding campaign for the long-awaited sequel and as Schafer said, it needs to do well if Brutal Legend 2 wants to have a chance (via Videogamer ):

"We've always said that we wanted to make sequels to both Psychonauts and Brutal Legend. We can't make any promises, but if Psychonauts is a success for us, then perhaps Brutal Legend 2 will be more possible?"

The Psychonauts 2 campaign is going along quite well; it's already closing in on $2 million and the project only needs $3.3 million. However, Brutal Legend cost around $25 million to develop so a full-fledged sequel could be tough. Don't forget that Electronic Arts backed the first title.

But if you want any shot at all, you gotta help make Psychonauts 2 a reality. And I can't wait to play it.

Related Game(s): Brutal Legend

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8 years ago

Damn, wish I had some money left over from Black Friday to add something to DF's kitty, but I'm completely tapped out.

8 years ago

Given how badly DoubleFine mismanages their kickstarters, how much they over promise and under deliver, I'm passing. I was super excited for Psychonauts 2 until I heard it was going to be crowdfunded.

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