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The Biggest Disappointment Of 2015: Star Wars: Battlefront?

It really depends on your definition of "disappointing."

Obviously, that definition depends entirely on your expectations concerning a particular game. So, if we measure overall hype against the final product, could we argue that Star Wars: Battlefront is the most disappointing title of 2015?

It's hard to say. Maybe a lot of people weren't expecting a critical smash, so they won't be surprised at the merely average Metascore . On the other hand, I think many were anticipating a more robust and rewarding game out of the gate. I'm not saying everyone feels the way Benjamin Burnley does but I've spoken to lots of shooter and "Star Wars" fans and even those who like it sort of have a "meh" attitude. "It's fun but it's nothing special" is really the summation I'm hearing these days.

Otherwise, I think a lot of the hotly anticipated 2015 games did exceedingly well. Bloodborne is considered by many to be a legitimate Game of the Year contender, Call of Duty: Black Ops III was a generally well-received, rock solid shooter, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt definitely had a troublesome launch but the game itself is a gem, everyone seems to love Fallout 4 , and there's no denying the greatness of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (even if some fans still say it doesn't feel like MGS). Even Assassin's Creed Syndicate turned out great, which was probably a surprise to some.

So I guess it really is Battlefront , although I imagine many will vote for The Order: 1886 , which I don't agree with even remotely but I won't rehash that argument.

Related Game(s): Star Wars: Battlefront

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8 years ago

I think MGS5 was an okay game but I couldn't get into it. Something felt very off about it. It might be because the games I played before it were Bloodborne and then I went right into The Witcher 3.

Both of those games are my game of the year contenders, and honestly MGS5 felt really solid no pun intended in some areas and really half A$$ed in others.

I think MGS5 was my biggest let down, it is the only MGS game that I have not finished the campaign in, and it makes me sad.

8 years ago

Not sure why MGSV didn't do it for you, but that was hands down the best game this year for me. Story was whatever in some areas, but the presentation was top notch. And the gameplay was magnificent.

I personally found Witcher 3 quite boring with extended play mainly redeemed by its overall scope and brilliant storytelling. Witcher 3 felt like past MGS's for me where I forced myself through the game to unlock more of the story. Gameplay didn't suck by any means, but it sure was dry. Bloodborne was for the most part a fresh new experience that was definitely great. Playing Old Hunter as I type this.

8 years ago

The Witcher 3 kinda feel more of a MGS game to me than Phantom Pain for Gerald chatty personality and his voice (that sounds so much like Hayter), Venom Snake it's way too much of a introvert person for a Metal Gear game.

Sucks that no matter how I force myself the combat on Witcher 3 was not fun at all for me.

Last edited by Oxvial on 12/3/2015 11:10:43 PM

8 years ago

Yep…Geralt was a better character than "one line every 30 mins" Snake. It was quite weird. Made you question the hiring of Hollywood talent to voice pretty much the commercials lol

W3 is definitely a mixed bag. That gameplay…wuh that gameplay. The magic/item wheel was the worse idea ever. And I despise the inventory set up.

8 years ago

I feel the same. Yeah great graphics and sound. No hlitches rubs very smoothly etc. It's the way it's made episodic for me. I've stopped playing it.

Huge major let down. I wasn't a fan of peace walker and this reminds me of that.

8 years ago

Same mgs5 was the biggest disappointment for me, not that it was a bad game in its own right but just that it didnt feel like an mgs game to me.
The other is star wars bf, the game just doesnt make you want to keep playing as it lacks the replayablity that bf4 has.

8 years ago

The main thing I didn't like was how MGS5 like tlpn99 said was that it was episodic, it made the gameplay feel disjointed and the over all game felt like a handheld experience. Everything was in bite sized chunks.

Also nothing felt as finely crafted as things did in MGS3, which is my personal favourite in the franchise. There weren't as many stealth puzzles, it felt too open to do what you wanted that the strategy of stealth was very loose and you could tackle it to many ways.

I like when patrols are set up in a way that make you have to study the patrol pattern for a while and then you have a small window to execute. I never felt anything like this in MGS5.

I love elements of the game, but I honestly would have taken a game half the size with more emphasis on the story. I feel like there was to much filler and recycled stuff.

Also on that note anyone see how Kojima was banned from the video game awards? Konami wouldn't let him get the award for MGS5….makes me wonder a lot of things about the game, and how much he actually had in its developement. I hope once his contract is up he can tell everyone what the heck happened.

8 years ago

I actually think save the last mission of chapter 2 that got cut, Konami didn't have much to do with how designed the game was, Venom Snake being not talkative has a reason (a stupid one imo but you need to finish the game to understand) of why he changed to the point of almost behave like Link of the Zelda games.

Being episodic, the lack of bosses and boring tapes instead of the traditional CODEC was something he did on MGS Peacewalker too this game was so similar.

I fear Kojima now thinks that's the perfect formula of a MGS game D:

Still great game and that stuff about the awards was crazy, it gonna be extremely interesting when after hes done with his contract on Konami the interviews Kojima gonna do.

Last edited by Oxvial on 12/4/2015 6:00:36 PM

8 years ago

No disappointments for me this year! I even liked Order 1886.

8 years ago

Order 1886 wasn't a disappointment at all. Just not worth $60. This year was a great year for gaming. My collection grew very fast.

8 years ago

It truly was an incredible year for PS.

2016 is looking hot.
Deus Ex
Uncharted 4
Mass Effect (my most anticipated)
Tekken 7
Gurilla Games' game
Dark Souls 3
And probably a lot of other games I can't think of at the moment, it's gonna be great.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/3/2015 11:12:17 PM

8 years ago

Yep…Deus Ex, UC4, DS3, "that Guerilla game" lol and Mass Effect. Good god!!! I hope Mass Effect is great because I truly loved the first trilogy even the ME3 ending and revised ending. I'm upset I sold those games. Hopefully they release a remaster of the first trilogy. I would love to have those just because.

8 years ago

Yea, prolly fair to call star wars the biggest flop of the year, it was multiplat so it reached everyone, it's a huge dev/publisher, big franchise, looks beautiful, but it sadly ended up being a very very shallow experience and lacks a lot of content to be a fully priced game. To add insult to injury they are charging $50 for the DLC! the price of another new game…. madness.

But I guess that's what you get from EA, disappointment.

8 years ago

They knew their target audience and I believe most Star Wars fans are gonna think it's enjoyable, as I have. And really, the game scored quite well in comparison to the average movie licensed game. I think I can count on one hand the number of licensed games that hit it big with critics. And I'm pretty sure the first two Battlefronts aren't on that hand. Expectations could only have been real high to a gamer oblivious to core gaming culture.

The biggest platform-wide upset was Order 1886 this year. Easily, in fact. It was Sony's huge AAA Ps4 showcase title that had so many amped up for "greatness."

Sure, this audience liked it, including myself, but I think most were hoping and expecting a 9 range game with a fledging start to a great new franchise, loaded with bragging rights. or at least something that offered more replay value. Instead it ended up being the target of flaming criticisms.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/4/2015 1:37:38 AM

8 years ago

If I'm not mistaken it's $50 for a literal "season" pass there will be multiple passes with this one only good until either the beginning or end of Spring 2016 when the next pass will be released.

8 years ago

Nah, anyone who doubted the game would be lacking in content simply didn't do any research and just oohed and awed at the ads we had several game data leaks well before launch and EA and Dice didn't even try to hide how much was cut compared to Battlefront 2.

I wasn't hyped for the Order, I was curious but not hyped. I still stand by that it is a total disappointment as a game however as an interactive movie it's not bad, think charging $60 for it was an utter joke though. However those freaking graphics, damn!

Biggest disappointment for many are likely all the Holiday games that got pushed back to 2016.

8 years ago

Interesting how the two best looking games this year offered up the least amount of content.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/4/2015 2:22:54 AM

8 years ago

So everyone was perfectly happy with Tony Hawk this year? There's a franchise with some GotY's under its belt. And here, for its triumphant current gen return, it takes an epic face plant like none other.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/4/2015 1:58:52 AM

8 years ago

Hard to be disappointed with Tony Hawk when it was already disappointing since its reveal lol. Last I checked, the PS2 has already been discontinued? Haha

8 years ago

LOL. i think you just nailed it

battlefront & the order >>> tony hawk

but then again, tony hawk wasnt as hyped up compared to those two

8 years ago

Order 1886 for me. I rented it and played it at a friend's house. It could've been so much more than just a pretty game, but it wasn't much of a game to begin with, tbh.

8 years ago

Also got need for speed from black Friday. Disappointed by it as well. NFSU2 is still king. I miss the thrill of drag racing and overall the deep customization that's not so limiting. The free roam is not much. Midnight Club is still king in this regard. I hope this is just the beginning. When they took a year off, I was expecting more content and quality, but it still feels like a yearly release.

8 years ago

Probably no reason to ask me.

8 years ago

Was it Witcher 3?

8 years ago

Witcher 3 is game of the year hehe…

8 years ago

I started writing a comment and it turned into a 5 paragraph rant. I wont subject you to that. Suffice it to say that yes, Star Wars Battlefront is my biggest video game disappointment of the year. It's just not made for gamers like me, and it makes me sad.

8 years ago

battlefront was the biggest disappoint for me. as beautiful as the game looks….it just feels hollow.

now i dont mind that there wasnt an sp mode, i honestly wasnt expecting one to begin with ever since i heard of the game.

could it be that weve all been conditioned to mp games such as cod and battlefield that we expected so much from battlefront? as in, those 2 games give some sort of excitement when leveling up and unlocking items, whereas battlefront its all kind of right there, you just have to earn $ and buy it at the appropriate level

8 years ago

I guess I wasn't expecting much out of SW:Battlefront from the get go, and this is why I do not consider it a disappointment at all. In fact, one of the best fun I've had this year 😀

The Order is magnificent technological feat, and that alone, makes it a top contender in my playlist…

I don't seem to have a 'big disappointment', other than news bits like stress-inducing FF VII announcements, or first-party delays, etc.

8 years ago

we all know the order 1886 was garbage.. but i'm surprisingly liking AC syndicate.. and considering what garbage AC 3, ac unity, ac brotherhood and ac revolution were.. this really surprises me.. could care less about bloodborn, star wars battlefront or mgs5 though.. haven't really been a lot of good games this year. the only good ones i've played this year are Batman Arkham Knight, AC Syndicate, DOA5 last round, Onechanbara Z2 Chaos and i kind of enjoyed Mortal Kombat X a little too

8 years ago

I think some just nit pick to much with games today and expect way too much in a game,what ever happened to just playing the game because you just like it ?? I dont think theres anything wrong with battlefront it looks fantastic .id like to see most people that pick at and complain about games do better.I have the utmost respect for game writters-programmers,i cant do it so who am i to complain about a game…Heres a thought just enjoy the game for what it is and not expect to much of what or how much better it could be…☺

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