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Just Cause 3: The Perfect Stress Reliever For The Holidays

No doubt about it, the holidays are tough.

There's a reason it goes down as one of the most depressing times of the year for so many, despite all the good intentions. That's why it's important to have a reliable escape. An outlet.

I think you'll find it in the freshly released Just Cause 3 , the over-the-top, ridiculously intense open-world action extravaganza from developer Avalanche Software. Even the awesome CG trailer and a behind-the-scenes look at the game's technical prowess don't hold a candle to the experience of actually playing it. I know a lot of people called Saints Row a "poor man's Grand Theft Auto but Just Cause 3 is a different beast.

This really is all about a massive and endlessly entertaining playground, with missions that no human would ever survive after the first five minutes. That's what makes it so exhilarating. Doesn't it sound like the perfect stress reliever? And you know, while previous entries in the series didn't exactly score off the charts, the latest effort is definitely faring better . That's because this one is tighter and boasts higher production values than ever, which is a big highlight.

So, if the holiday blues are encroaching, you should really load up only one game: Just Cause 3 . And hang the hell on.

Related Game(s): Just Cause 3

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8 years ago

Sorry Just Cause you're just gonna have to wait because I'm swamped with incredible games to play right now.

Seems worth checking out at some point though.

8 years ago

Just think about the variety of make believe worlds we have to play in this year.
Crazy explosive dude in the Mediterranean.
Caped super hero in a repressed rainy city at night.
Stealth action sim hero in Afghanstan and Africa.
Nuclear fallout survivor in Boston.
Magical swordsman sim in a dark fantasy land.
A tough pair of assassin brawlers in horse carriage England.
If we're including Wii U then there's a mecha fantasy world as well.

They basically all rpg's too!

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/1/2015 10:29:25 PM

8 years ago

The RPG has won the genre wars and completely lost its core.

8 years ago

Add Mad Max in please. fun game.

8 years ago

The 1 hour I played of Just Cause 2 impressed me so I'll put this on my xmas list along with Syndicate. The rules are that I will get 1, but it will be a surprise since I don't know which one.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/1/2015 11:11:11 PM

8 years ago

Syndicate? Gonna give the franchise another shot?

8 years ago

F*ck, I don't want to but I love that era of London. Of course I loved most era's the series did, so I'm hoping they have updated the combat from down syndrome kids with sticks to grown ups with sticks.

8 years ago

Heh don't hold your breath. Maybe shoot for a deluxe edition of just cause 3 and a standard edition. This way you win either way!

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/2/2015 9:58:01 AM

8 years ago

Damn, I want this bad, but I already blew my budget & food money on my crazed PS4 buying spree this week.

Oh well, I'll be spooning down Ramen noodles for the next 2 months but I'll still be a happy camper holding sweet blue PS4 controller in my other hand.

8 years ago

As a student I can relate. Enjoy your games!!

8 years ago

I can relate too, I'm on shredded wheat and turkey sandwiches. At least there's eyeball candy!

8 years ago

The turkey sounds good, all I've got is about 7 one pound packages of ham & I've eaten so much of it the last 2 weeks that I'm starting to make grunting & squealing noises
Ugh on the shredded wheat though, rather have my Malt-O-Meal cinnamon and/or blueberry Toasters cereal.

8 years ago

I want this game. But I will get it down the road. It is on top of my next to buy games list (because I already own Fallout 4 and WItcher 3….so this is next).

Last edited by TheOldOne on 12/2/2015 6:04:00 PM

8 years ago

I might just pick this up

8 years ago

Pretty much a matter of course for me, given how much I loved the previous two. Can't wait to put that flippin' flight suit to the test!

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